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THE REC ROOMS GOT IT ( links for everyone)

my Windows World

****Use this to go to some other sites****

links are in in THE REC ROOM (link above)

Hey how`s it going this is the shack. Just a place to come for a couple links and a few downloads. Please SIGN THE GUESTBOOK while you are here. Hopefully this page will stay around for awhile.visit my other site, which is a forum site "my Windows World". There is some cool links in the REC ROOM to if you want to check it out, and now there`s a DOWNLOAD page called the GARAGE. There is a LINK at the bottom of this page to go to sympatico(check it out for downloads).There are more links to come so please bare with me k Thanx.(the download page has been revamped a bit and there are more downloads now

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******any problems with the links e-mail me k******

This link will take you to sympatico for some good downloads

*******(good links)*******

*******check this out*******

get this gear!