The Great Women of the American Revolution Pewter Medallions
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In the two years preceding our nation's Bicentennial, the Franklin Mint issued a series of medallions commemorating the great women of the Revolutionary War era. Each one of the large, exquisitely-engraved, pewter medallions depicts one of 36 special women who played an important role in our fight against Royalist forces. The series of medallions was commissioned by the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) and subscribers to the series were solicited by the Franklin Mint. Mintages were limited to less than 1000 specimens, and as a result they can be difficult to locate today, some 40+ years later.
Through diligent searching, I have been fortunate enough to obtain some 3 or 4 examples of each of the medallions and can offer each one for sale for $29.95 postpaid. Each medallion is made of fine pewter and measures 45mm in diameter (almost 2 inches). The edge of each medallion is marked with the year of striking, the mintmark of the Franklin Mint, and the composition. A photograph and a short description of each medallion appear below, as well as ordering instructions.
If you have any questions, you can contact me at the following email address: .
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- Item 1 - Pewter Medallion of ABIGAIL SMITH ADAMS.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, ABIGAIL SMITH ADAMS, A gifted letter writer, she had a great influence on her era. Her correspondence eloquently urged others to continue the fight for American independence."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 2 - Pewter Medallion of HANNAH WHITE ARNETT.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, HANNAH WHITE ARNETT, With her eloquent and moving appeal in defense of independence, she convinced her fellow colonists to continue resisting British oppression."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 3 - Pewter Medallion of PENELOPE PAGETT BARKER.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, PENELOPE PAGETT BARKER, She led the first known political protest by women against British oppression in the colonies. Her patriotic action inspired women in the fight for independence."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 4 - Pewter Medallion of MELISCENT BARRETT.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, MELISCENT BARRETT, Although she was only 15, she supervised a group of women and young girls who made all the cartridges used by patriots at the battle of Concord."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 5- Pewter Medallion of MARGARET CATHERINE MOORE BARRY.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, MARGARET CATHERINE MOORE BARRY, She became the heroine of the Battle of Cowpens by volunteering as a scout for the patriots of South Carolina. Her mission assured an important American victory."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 6 - Pewter Medallion of HANNAH OGDEN CALDWELL.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, HANNAH OGDEN CALDWELL, A martyr to American liberty, she was killed in her home by a British soldier. Her tragic death aroused patriotic fervor among the colonists."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 7 - Pewter Medallion of MARGARET COCHRAN CORBIN.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, MARGARET COCHRAN CORBIN, She was the first woman known to be wounded in action as a soldier in the Revolution. Her bravery earned 'Captain Molly' her country's gratitude and admiration."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 8 - Pewter Medallion of LYDIA BARRINGTON DARRAGH.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, LYDIA BARRINGTON DARRAGH, Though she was opposed to war, this gentle Quakeress was an ardent patriot. She risked her life to warn Washington of secret British plans for a surprise attack."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 9 - Pewter Medallion of MARY ALDIS DRAPER.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, MARY ALDIS DRAPER, She prepared food, made uniforms, and molded bullets from pewter for patriot soldiers on their way to battle. Her generosity aided the cause of freedom."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 10 - Pewter Medallion of SUSANNAH SMITH ELLIOTT.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, SUSANNAH SMITH ELLIOTT, The handsome military banners which she presented to the Second South Carolina Regiment were carried proudly throughout most of the War of Independence."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 11 - Pewter Medallion of EMILY GEIGER.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, EMILY GEIGER, This young girl volunteered to deliver a vital military message through territory patrolled by the British. Her mission led to a significant patriot victory."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 12 - Pewter Medallion of CATHARINE LITTLEFIELD GREENE.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, CATHARINE LITTLEFIELD GREENE, Wife of a great patriot general, she opened her home as a hospital to treat victims of smallpox. Her spirit inspired others during the war's darkest days."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 13 - Pewter Medallion of NANCY HANSON.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, NANCY HANSON, While the enemy occupied her town, she helped her patriot brothers-in-law escape. Her daring action under fire saved their lives."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 14 - Pewter Medallion of NANCY MORGAN HART.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, NANCY MORGAN HART, This Georgia frontierswoman courageously fought and captured a band of pillaging Tories. Her legendary act earned her the nickname 'Warwoman'."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 15 - Pewter Medallion of MARY LUDWIG HAYS.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, MARY LUDWIG HAYS, Known as 'Molly Pitcher,' she was the legendary heroine who contributed to the American victory at Monmouth by firing her wounded husbands' cannon."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 16 - Pewter Medallion of HANNAH HUNTER HENDEE.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, HANNAH HUNTER HENDEE, When her son and eight other children were captured by hostile Indians led by the British, she demanded their release, risking her life to rescue them."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 17 - Pewter Medallion of MARY WORRELL KNIGHT.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, MARY WORRELL KNIGHT, She made her way many times through the British lines with food, clothing and medicine to relieve the suffering of the patriot troops at Valley Forge."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 18 - Pewter Medallion of DICEY LANGSTON.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, DICEY LANGSTON, In a southern frontier region surrounded by Tories, she acted as a spy for the patriots. Her courage thwarted an attempt to raid a patriot settlement."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 19 - Pewter Medallion of ELIZABETH ANNESLEY LEWIS.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, ELIZABETH ANNESLEY LEWIS, Wife of a New York Signer of the Declaration, she was a target of British retaliation. After her home was plundered, she was imprisoned for three months."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 20 - Pewter Medallion of SYBIL LUDINGTON.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, SYBIL LUDINGTON, She volunteered to ride alone through the New York countryside to muster her father's regiment. Her mission was crucial to the patriot victory at Danbury."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 21 - Pewter Medallion of REBECCA BREWTON MOTTE.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, REBECCA BREWTON MOTTE, After the British seized her South Carolina plantation home for use as a garrison, she willingly set fire to the mansion to help the patriots rout the enemy."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 22 - Pewter Medallion of MARY LINDLEY MURRAY.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, MARY LINDLEY MURRAY, After the British had captured Manhattan Island, she delayed the enemy officers at her home. Her clever diversion permitted American troops to escape."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 23 - Pewter Medallion of ELIZA LUCAS PINCKNEY.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, ELIZA LUCAS PINCKNEY, She cultivated new crops and supervised seven plantations in South Carolina. Later, her two sons served with great distinction during the revolution."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 24 - Pewter Medallion of ELIZABETH CAIRNES POE.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, ELIZABETH CAIRNES POE, Working under her supervision, the women and girls of Baltimore made uniforms for Lafayette's troops. Their effort supported his campaign in the South."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 25 - Pewter Medallion of DEBORAH SAMPSON.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, DEBORAH SAMPSON, Resolved to take an active part in the fight for independence, she became the first woman to enlist as a soldier, serving in the army for over a year with honor."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 26 - Pewter Medallion of CATHARINE VAN RENSSELAER SCHUYLER.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, CATHARINE VAN RENSSELAER SCHUYLER, To prevent the harvest from falling into enemy hands, she burned her extensive wheat fields. Her example was an inspiration to other patriots."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 27 - Pewter Medallion of ELIZABETH PAGE STARK.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, ELIZABETH PAGE STARK, During the British evacuation of Boston, she was a sentry while patriot troops, unsure that the British had evacuated the city, made a final reconnaissance."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 28 - Pewter Medallion of ELIZABETH MAXWELL STEELE.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, ELIZABETH MAXWELL STEELE, Sacrificing her savings, she gave a generous sum to General Nathaniel Greene. Her noble gesture bolstered the patriots' campaign in the South."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 29 - Pewter Medallion of CAROLINE CLOSE STUART.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, CAROLINE CLOSE STUART, Following the brief but furious Battle of Guilford Courthouse, she worked tirelessly, nursing the scores of wounded patriots with homemade bandages and herbs."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 30 - Pewter Medallion of FAITH ROBINSON TRUMBULL.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, FAITH ROBINSON TRUMBULL, A prominent woman of colonial Connecticut, she aided suffering patriot troops with generous contributions and inspired other women to join the war effort."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 31 - Pewter Medallion of MARY VIDEAU.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, MARY VIDEAU, After being held as a rebel spy aboard a British prison ship in Charleston harbor, she planned and executed a daring escape with several other patriots."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 32 - Pewter Medallion of MERCY OTIS WARREN.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, MERCY OTIS WARREN, A remarkable woman of powerful intellect, her patriot writings inspired revolutionary leaders. She was probably the most influential woman of her era."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 33 - Pewter Medallion of MARTHA CUSTIS WASHINGTON.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, MARTHA CUSTIS WASHINGTON, Wife of the commander in chief, she accompanied her husband whenever possible. She helped care for the troops throughout the grim winter at Valley Forge."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 34 - Pewter Medallion of MARY BALL WASHINGTON.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, MARY BALL WASHINGTON, On the way to his inauguration, George Washington paid a special visit to his mother, whose virtue and courage had been a lifelong inspiration to him."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 35 - Pewter Medallion of MARY CLAP WOOSTER.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, MARY CLAP WOOSTER, During the raid on New Haven in 1779, she was a target of British hostility. Nevertheless, she refused to leave her home and gallantly faced the enemy troops."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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- Item 36 - Pewter Medallion of ELIZABETH ZANE.
- Reverse has the logo of the DAR and the inscription: "GREAT WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, ELIZABETH ZANE, During an attack on her frontier settlement, she braved Indian gunfire and dashed to the fort with desperately needed powder in a tablecloth tied at her waist."
- This exquisitely-engraved, fine pewter medallion is round, measures 45mm in diameter, and is priced at $29.95 postpaid.
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How To Order
- To order any of the above medallions, please email me at or use the email link at the bottom of this web page. Let me know which items you wish to purchase and I will respond with mailing instructions and total amount due.
- Order with confidence, I have over 20 years experience in dealing with tokens and medals. All items guaranteed genuine.
- 7 day return privilege in unopened original holders only.
- I will accept personal checks or money orders made payable to: Tony Chibbaro. I also accept PayPal. Personal checks take 7-10 days to clear, money orders get immediate shipment.
- Buyer to pay for shipping and insurance. South Carolina residents must add 7% sales tax.
- All medallions are subject to prior sale. It is best to check with me by email for availability before sending payment.
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