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South Carolina Trade Tokens for Sale - Page 1

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Here is the first part of a list of South Carolina Trade Tokens that I have for sale. For the second part of this list, please click on South Carolina Trade Tokens for Sale - Page 2 or the link at the bottom of this page. If you are interested in purchasing any tokens, please follow the "How To Order" instructions at the bottom of this page or email me at . Thanks.

This page was updated on January 29, 2015.

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South Carolina Trade Tokens for Sale - Page 1


Alcolu, S.C. - D.W. Alderman & Sons Company / Good For 1.00 In Merchandise Only - round, bimetallic, 39mm, vf. A nice bimetallic lumber token, rated R9 in the new lumber book. Obverse - Reverse $95.00

Alcolu, S.C. - D.W. Alderman & Sons Company / Good For 25 In Merchandise Only - round, bimetallic, vg, scarce lumber token. $60.00

Alcolu, S.C. - D.W. Alderman & Sons Company / Good For 10 In Merchandise Only - round, bimetallic, g, worn, rare lumber token. $45.00

Alcolu, S.C. - D.W. Alderman & Sons Company / Good For 1.00 In Merchandise Only - round, brass, xf, lumber token. $50.00

Alcolu, S.C. - D.W. Alderman & Sons Company / Good For 50 In Merchandise Only - round, brass, xf, lumber token. $48.00

Alcolu, S.C. - D.W. Alderman & Sons Company / Good For 25 In Merchandise Only - round, brass, xf, lumber token. $48.00

Alcolu, S.C. - D.W. Alderman & Sons Company / Good For 10 In Merchandise Only - round, brass, vg, lumber token. $36.00

Alcolu, S.C. - D.W. Alderman & Sons Company / Good For 5 In Merchandise Only - round, brass, xf, lumber token. $36.00

Alcolu, S.C. - D.W. Alderman & Sons Company / Good For 1 In Merchandise Only - round, oval, vf, lumber token. $36.00

Anderson, S.C. - Aiken Stores, Inc., 1.00 / Orco type IV reverse, dated 1939 - round, nickel, 32mm, xf. Aiken Stores operated as the company store for Gluck Mills and Orr Mills. $8.50

Anderson, S.C. - Aiken Stores, Inc., 50 / Orco type IV reverse, dated 1939 - round, copper, 26mm, xf. $7.50

Anderson, S.C. - Aiken Stores, Inc., 25 / Orco type IV reverse, dated 1939 - round, nickel, 26mm, xf. $7.50

Anderson, S.C. - Aiken Stores, Inc., 10 / Orco type IV reverse, dated 1939 - round, brass, 23mm, xf. $7.50

Anderson, S.C. - Aiken Stores, Inc., 5 / Orco type IV reverse, dated 1939 - round, nickel, 20mm, xf. $7.50

Anderson, S.C. - Anderson Chemical & Mercantile Co., 1.00 / Orco type IV reverse, dated 1941 - round, nickel, 32mm, vf. Company store for Anderson Cotton Mills during the 1940s and 1950s. $8.50

Anderson, S.C. - Anderson Chemical & Mercantile Co., 50 / Orco type IV reverse, dated 1941 - round, nickel, 29mm, vf. $8.00

Anderson, S.C. - Anderson Chemical & Mercantile Co., 25 / Orco type IV reverse, dated 1941 - round, nickel, 26mm, vf. $7.50

Anderson, S.C. - Anderson Chemical & Mercantile Co., 10 / Orco type IV reverse, dated 1941 - round, nickel, 23mm, vf. $7.50

Anderson, S.C. - Anderson Chemical & Mercantile Co., 5 / Orco type IV reverse, dated 1941 - round, nickel, 20mm, vf. $7.50

Anderson, S.C. - Anderson Chemical & Mercantile Co., 1 / Orco type IV reverse, dated 1941 - round, nickel, 17mm, vf. $12.50

Anderson, S.C. - Anderson Chemical & Mercantile Co., 1 / Orco type IV reverse, dated 1944 - round, red fiber, 17mm, g. $15.00

(Anderson, S.C.) - Anderson Cotton Mill Store, 1.00 / Orco type II reverse - round, nickel, 32mm, f. Obverse - Reverse $9.50

(Anderson, S.C.) - Anderson Cotton Mill Store, 50 / Orco type II reverse - round, nickel, 27mm, f. $9.50

(Anderson, S.C.) - Anderson Cotton Mill Store, 25 / Orco type II reverse - round, nickel, 27mm, f. $9.50

(Anderson, S.C.) - Anderson Cotton Mill Store, 10 / Orco type II reverse - round, nickel, 21mm, vg. $7.50

(Anderson, S.C.) - Anderson Cotton Mill Store, 5 / Orco type II reverse - round, nickel, 19mm, f. $7.50

(Anderson, S.C.) - Anderson Cotton Mill Store, 1 / Orco type II reverse - round, nickel, 18mm, f. $7.50

(Anderson, S.C.) - Anderson Cotton Mill Store, 1 / Orco type II reverse - round, nickel, 18mm, f. Error- cut-out reads "MA" as seen from reverse, which is backwards from the above set. $12.00

(Anderson, S.C.) - Anderson Cotton Mill Store, 1 / Orco type III reverse - round, nickel, 17mm, f. Slightly smaller than above two tokens, also "+" cut-out instead of "AM". $7.00

(Anderson, S.C.) - Anderson Cotton Mill Store, 1 / Orco type II reverse - octagonal, brass, 21mm, "+" cutout, f, some staining. $16.00

Anderson, S.C. - Anderson Mills Store, 5.00 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, copper, 35mm, unc. Obverse - Reverse $28.00

Anderson, S.C. - Anderson Mills Store, 1.00 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, nickel plated brass, vf, rare denomination. $28.00

Anderson, S.C. - Anderson Mills Store, 25 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, nickel plated brass, vf, some staining. $16.00

Anderson, S.C. - Anderson Mills Store, 10 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, nickel, unc. $18.00

Anderson, S.C. - Anderson Mills Store, 5 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, nickel, vf. $15.00

Anderson, S.C. - Anderson Mills Store, 1 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, brass, xf. $15.00

Anderson, S.C. - Anderson Mills Store, 1.00 / Good For 1.00 In Merchandise - round, brass, 31mm, vf. $20.00

Anderson, S.C. - Anderson Mills Store, 50 / Good For 25¢ In Merchandise - round, brass, 26mm, vf, some staining. Scarce. $25.00

Anderson, S.C. - Anderson Mills Store, 25 / Good For 25¢ In Merchandise - round, brass, 26mm, vf, some staining. Scarce. $18.00

Anderson, S.C. - Anderson Mills Store, 10 / Good For 10¢ In Trade - round, brass, 23mm, vf. Scarce. $18.00

Anderson, S.C. - Anderson Mills Store, 5 / Good For 5¢ In Trade - round, brass, 21mm, vf. Scarce. $18.00

(Anderson, S.C.) - Anderson Mills Store, 1¢ / Good For 1¢ In Merchandise - octagonal, brass, vf, scarc type. $18.00

Anderson, S.C. - Appleton Mill Store, 1.00 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, nickel, 35mm, xf. $9.50

Anderson, S.C. - Appleton Mill Store, 50 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, nickel, 30mm, xf. $9.00

Anderson, S.C. - Appleton Mill Store, 25 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, nickel, 24mm, vf. $8.50

Anderson, S.C. - Appleton Mill Store, 10 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, nickel, 21mm, vf. $7.50

Anderson, S.C. - Appleton Mill Store, 5 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, nickel, 19mm, vf. $7.50

Anderson, S.C. - Appleton Mill Store, 1 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, brass, 18mm, xf. $7.50

Anderson, S.C. - Appleton Mill Store, 1.00 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, red fiber, struck during World War II, 35mm, xf. Obverse - Reverse $15.00

Anderson, S.C. - Appleton Mill Store, 1 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, red fiber, struck during World War II, 18mm, vf. $15.00

Anderson, S.C. - Appleton Mill Store, 1.00 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, zinc, struck during World War II, 35mm, vf. $15.00

Anderson, S.C. - Appleton Mill Store, 5 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, zinc, struck during World War II, 19mm, vf. $15.00

(Anderson, S.C.???) - At Bob & Joe's / Good For 5¢ In Trade - round, aluminum, 22mm, xf. Obverse - Reverse $3.50

(Anderson, S.C.) - Brogon Mills Store / Good For 10 In Merchandise - octagonal, aluminum, 26mm, f. Obverse - Reverse $15.00

(Anderson, S.C.) - Brogon Mills Store / Good For 5 In Merchandise - octagonal, aluminum, 22mm, f. $15.00

Anderson, S.C. - Carolina Shoe Shop, 416 S. Main St. / blank reverse - round, aluminum, small 16mm size, f. $28.00

(Anderson, S.C.) - Good For 10¢, Check with Chick / blank reverse - round, aluminum, 26mm, very scarce token, issued by Chick Evans. $24.00

Anderson, S.C. - Gluck Mill Store, 1 In Mdse. / Master Metal Scrip reverse - scalloped, brass, f. $56.00

Anderson, S.C. - Gluck Mill Store, 1 In Mdse. / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, nickel, "G" cutout, vf. $45.00

Anderson, S.C. - Jones Billiard Parlor & Cafe, 25 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, brass, "J" cutout, vf. $36.00

Anderson, S.C. - Jones Billiard Parlor & Cafe, 5 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, brass, "J" cutout, vf. $28.00

Anderson, S.C. - Orr Cotton Mills Store, Good For 1 In Mdse. / Master Metal Scrip reverse - scalloped, brass, vf, rare. $40.00

Anderson, S.C. - Orr Gray & Co. / Good For 5¢ Soda Water - round, aluminum, vf. $25.00

Anderson, S.C. - Orr Gray & Co. / Good For One 5¢ Cigar - round, aluminum, 19mm, unc. $25.00

(Anderson, S.C.) - Shoppers Fair, Good In Trade, 6 Bottle Carton / blank reverse - octagonal, brass, all lettering incuse, xf, scarce. $48.00

(Anderson, S.C.) - Suburban Transit Lines Inc. / Good For One Fare - round, brass, 17mm, xf. $15.00

Anderson, S.C. - Toxaway Mill Store / Good For 100 In Merchandise - round, aluminum, 35mm, vf. Attractive older token. Obverse - Reverse $10.00

Anderson, S.C. - Toxaway Mill Store / Good For 50 In Merchandise - round, aluminum, 32mm, vg. $15.00

Anderson, S.C. - Toxaway Mill Store, 25 / Good For 25¢ In Merchandise - round, brass, 26mm, vf. Obverse - Reverse $20.00

Anderson, S.C. - Toxaway Mill Store, 10 / Good For 10¢ In Merchandise - round, brass, 23mm, vf. $20.00

Anderson, S.C. - Toxaway Mill Store, 5 / Good For 5¢ In Merchandise - round, brass, 20mm, vf. $20.00

Anderson, S.C. - Toxaway Mill Store, 1.00 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, nickel, 35mm, xf. $9.50

Anderson, S.C. - Toxaway Mill Store, 50 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, brass, 30mm, xf. $8.00

Anderson, S.C. - Toxaway Mill Store, 25 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, copper, 24mm, xf. $7.50

Anderson, S.C. - Toxaway Mill Store, 10 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, nickel, 21mm, xf. $6.50

Anderson, S.C. - Toxaway Mill Store, 5 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, brass, 19mm, xf. $7.50

Anderson, S.C. - Toxaway Mill Store, 1 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, copper, 18mm, xf. $7.50

Anderson, S.C. - 1960 Silver Jubilee Year, WAIM, ABC-CBS / Good For $1.00 on Purchase of 1 Minute Spot During 1960........ - round, aluminum, vf, some corrosion. $10.00

Anderson, S.C. - Downtown Anderson / Shop Downtown, 1 Hr., Parking Token - round, bimetallic, uncirculated. $3.00

(Arcadia, S.C.) - Arcadia Mills, 2.00 / Good For 2.00 In Mdse. Only at the Store of - round, aluminum, 38mm, vf. $36.00

(Arcadia, S.C.) - Arcadia Mills, 1.00 / Good For 1.00 In Mdse. Only at the Store of - round, aluminum, 38mm, vf. $9.00

(Arcadia, S.C.) - Arcadia Mills, 50¢ / Good For 50¢ In Mdse. Only at the Store of - round, aluminum, 33mm, unc. $9.00

(Arcadia, S.C.) - Arcadia Mills, 25¢ / Good For 25¢ In Mdse. Only at the Store of - round, aluminum, 29mm, vf. $9.00

(Arcadia, S.C.) - Arcadia Mills, 10¢ / Good For 10¢ In Mdse. Only at the Store of - round, aluminum, 24mm, xf. $9.00

(Arcadia, S.C.) - Arcadia Mills, 5¢ / Good For 5¢ In Mdse. Only at the Store of - round, aluminum, 21mm, f. Obverse - Reverse $9.00

Arcadia, S.C. - Arcadia Mills Store / Good For 1.00 In Merchandise - round, brass, 35mm, f. Obverse - Reverse $11.00

Arcadia, S.C. - Arcadia Mills Store / Good For 50 In Merchandise - round, brass, 32mm, uncirculated. $10.00

Arcadia, S.C. - Arcadia Mills Store / Good For 25 In Merchandise - round, brass, 29mm, vf. $9.00

Arcadia, S.C. - Arcadia Mills Store / Good For 10 In Merchandise - round, brass, 24mm, f. $10.00

Arcadia, S.C. - Arcadia Mills Store / Good For 5¢ In Merchandise - round, brass, 18mm, f. $9.00

Arcadia, S.C. - Mayfair Mills Store, 1.00 / Orco type II reverse - round, nickel, 32mm, vf. $8.00

Arcadia, S.C. - Mayfair Mills Store, 50 / Orco type II reverse - round, copper, 27mm, vf. $8.00

Arcadia, S.C. - Mayfair Mills Store, 25 / Orco type II reverse - round, nickel, 24mm, vf. $10.00

Arcadia, S.C. - Mayfair Mills Store, 10 / Orco type II reverse - round, copper, 21mm, vf. $8.00

Arcadia, S.C. - Mayfair Mills Store, 5 / Orco type II reverse - round, nickel, 19mm, vf. $10.00

Arcadia, S.C. - Mayfair Mills Store, 1 / Orco type III reverse - round, brass, vf. Scarcer denomination. $16.00

NOTE: If you see a token that you want, but don't want to pay the listed price, I am always looking to trade for nice tokens. If you have anything to trade from South Carolina, or other Southern states, or even nice tokens from Western or Northern states, I am always looking to acquire new material. Also, if you have tokens that you want to sell, please let me know. You can email me at: or by using the email link at the bottom of this web page. Thanks.

Ashepoo, S.C. - Bradley Lumber & Mfg. Co. / Good For 5¢ In Trade - round, aluminum, vg, lots of corrosion from being dug. $4.50

Ashepoo, S.C. - Bradley Lumber & Mfg. Co. / Good For 1¢ In Trade - round, aluminum, au. $38.00

Bamberg, S.C. - F.W. Free Co. / Good For 5¢ In Trade - round, brass, vf, rare. $135.00

Batesburg, S.C. - Batesburg Drug Store / Good For 1 Glass Soda Water - round, aluminum, 24mm, vf, an attractive older soda token. $45.00

Bath + Langley + Clearwater, S.C. (used at Bath) - Aiken County Stores Inc., 5.00 / Orco type II reverse, "B" cutout - scalloped, brass, 32mm, f. $18.00

Bath + Langley + Clearwater, S.C. (used at Bath) - Aiken County Stores Inc., 1.00 / Orco type II reverse, "B" cutout - round, nickel, 32mm, f. $10.00

Bath + Langley + Clearwater, S.C. (used at Bath) - Aiken County Stores Inc., 50 / Orco type II reverse, "B" cutout - round, copper, 27mm, g. $9.00

Bath + Langley + Clearwater, S.C. (used at Bath) - Aiken County Stores Inc., 25 / Orco type II reverse, "B" cutout - round, nickel, 24mm, vg. $7.00

Bath + Langley + Clearwater, S.C. (used at Bath) - Aiken County Stores Inc., 10 / Orco type II reverse, "B" cutout - round, brass, 21mm, vg. $7.50

Bath + Langley + Clearwater, S.C. (used at Bath) - Aiken County Stores Inc., 5 / Orco type II reverse, "B" cutout - round, nickel, 19mm, vf. $7.50

Bath + Langley + Clearwater, S.C. (used at Bath) - Aiken County Stores Inc., 1 / Orco type II reverse, "B" cutout - round, brass, 18mm, vf. $18.00

Bath + Langley + Clearwater, S.C. (used at Bath) - Aiken County Stores Inc., 1, B / Orco type II reverse, no cutout - round, brass, 18mm, vf. $18.00

Bath, S.C. - Aiken Manufacturing Co's Store / Good For 100 In Merchandise - round, brass, 35mm, xf. $24.00

Bath, S.C. - Aiken Manufacturing Co's Store / Good For 50 In Merchandise - round, brass, 32mm, vf. $18.00

Bath, S.C. - Aiken Manufacturing Co's Store / Good For 10 In Merchandise - round, brass, 29mm, vf. $18.00

Bath, S.C. - Aiken Manufacturing Co's Store / Good For 10 In Merchandise - round, brass, 24mm, vf. $18.00

Bath, S.C. - Aiken Manufacturing Co's Store / Good For 5 In Merchandise - round, brass, 19mm, vf. An attractive little token. Obverse - Reverse $16.00

Bath, S.C. - Aiken Manufacturing Company Store / Good For One 5¢ Drink of Coca-Cola - round, brass, 25mm, xf. $24.00

Bath, S.C. - W.P. Stringfield / Good For 5¢ In Trade - round, aluminum, 25mm, vf. Stringfield operated the "Dope Wagon" in the mill in Bath and Clearwater. He pushed around a small cart and offered the workers sandwiches, soft drinks, and other snacks. $32.00

Beaufort, S.C. - Hunt Packing Co., Shucking Check / blank reverse - round, brass, all lettering incuse, vf, nice oyster cannery token, scarce. $95.00

(Beaufort, S.C.) - Marine Corps, Theatre, Air Station / blank reverse - round, brass, au. $16.00

(Beaufort, S.C.) - MCX, 5, Christmas Dollar / (Christmas tree) - round, wood with green lettering, 39mm, au, issued at the Marine Corps Exchange. $5.00

(Beaufort, S.C.) - MCX, 1, Christmas Dollar / (Christmas tree) - round, wood with red lettering, 39mm, au, issued at the Marine Corps Exchange. $5.00

(Beaufort, S.C.) - Fun Factory, (man in hat), Mossy Oaks / For Replay Only, No Cash Value - round, nickel, au. $4.00

Beaufort, S.C. - Joe Studebaker, Jr., 2614 Legare Street / United States Bicentennial, (indian head), 1776-1976 - round, copper, uncirculated. $3.50

Beaufort County, S.C. - Jean Ribaut at Port Royal, (bust, ship, island), Prologue to Freedom / No Fayrer or Fitter Place, (torch), 1562-1962, Hugenot Half Dollar, Redeemable at any Bank.............. - round, brass, uncirculated. $5.00

Beaufort County, S.C. - Jean Ribaut at Port Royal, (bust, ship, island), Prologue to Freedom / No Fayrer or Fitter Place, (torch), 1562-1962, Hugenot Half Dollar, Redeemable at any Bank.............. - round, silver, uncirculated. $30.00

Bennettsville, S.C. - King Street Grocery, BDM / 50¢, Food Stamp Credit, In Eligible Foods - round, pink plastic, uncirculated. $3.00

Bluffton, S.C. - Ulmer Bros. / 1 Gallon Oyster Check - round, aluminum, 24mm, f. An interesting token used to pay the workers in the oyster cannery. A worker was given one of these for "shucking" a gallon of oysters, and was paid at the end of the day by how many tokens he had accumulated. Obverse - Reverse $10.00

Bluffton, S.C. - Ulmer Bros. / 1 Gallon Oyster Check, (revalued at 2 Gallons by center hole) - round, aluminum, 24mm, f, holed as made. $10.00

Bluffton, S.C. - Ulmer Bros. / 1 Quart Oyster Check - octagonal, aluminum, 21mm, f. $15.00

Bluffton, S.C. - Ulmer Bros. / 1 Quart Oyster Check, (revalued at 2 Quarts by center hole and counterstamped "2") - octagonal, aluminum, 21mm, f, holed as made. $10.00

(Bucksville, S.C.) - 50, W L B & Co / blank reverse - round, brass, all incuse, vf, dark, recovered from Waccamaw River, unlisted lumber token from W.L. Buck & Co. $135.00

(Bucksville, S.C.) - 15, W L B & Co / blank reverse - round, brass, all incuse, vf, recovered from Waccamaw River, unlisted lumber token issued by W.L. Buck & Co. $110.00

(Buffalo, S.C.) - Buffalo Mills Store / Good For 50¢ In Merchandise - round, aluminum, uncirculated. $16.00

(Buffalo, S.C.) - Buffalo Mills Store / Good For 10¢ In Merchandise - round, aluminum, uncirculated. $16.00

(Buffalo, S.C.) - Buffalo Mills Store / Good For 5¢ In Merchandise - round, aluminum, xf. $16.00

Buffalo, S.C. - Union-Buffalo Mills Store, 1.00 / Orco reverse - round, nickel, uncirculated. $28.00

Buffalo, S.C. - Union-Buffalo Mills Store, 50 / Orco reverse - round, nickel, g. $10.00

Buffalo, S.C. - Union-Buffalo Mills Store, 10 / Orco reverse - round, nickel, uncirculated. $16.00

Buffalo, S.C. - Union-Buffalo Mills Store, 5 / Orco reverse - round, nickel, vf. $12.00

Buffalo, S.C. - Union-Buffalo Mills Store, 1 / Orco reverse - round, nickel, xf. $10.00

(Buffalo, S.C.) - B, U.B.M. Co., 419, Time Check / blank reverse - rectangular, aluminum, vg, dug, cleaned, some corrosion, used as a time check at Union-Buffalo Mills Co. in Buffalo, rare. $20.00

Burton, S.C. - Beaufort / Jasper R.T.A., 50¢ / reverse same - round, copper, uncirculated. $9.00

Burton, S.C. - Beaufort / Jasper R.T.A., 25¢ / reverse same - round, nickel, uncirculated. $9.00

Burton, S.C. - G.W. Trask & Sons / blank reverse - round, aluminum, 32mm, g, shows wear, but rare. $36.00

Burton, S.C. - Neil W. Trask / blank reverse - round, brass, 28mm, vg, dug and cleaned. $28.00

Calhoun Falls, S.C. - Aiken Stores, Inc., 5.00 / Orco type IV reverse, dated 1939 - scalloped, brass, 32mm, xf. $18.00

Calhoun Falls, S.C. - Aiken Stores, Inc., 1.00 / Orco type IV reverse, dated 1939 - round, nickel, 32mm, xf. $10.00

Calhoun Falls, S.C. - Aiken Stores, Inc., 50 / Orco type IV reverse, dated 1939 - round, copper, 29mm, vf, some staining. $10.00

Calhoun Falls, S.C. - Aiken Stores, Inc., 25 / Orco type IV reverse, dated 1939 - round, nickel, 26mm, f. $9.00

Calhoun Falls, S.C. - Aiken Stores, Inc., 10 / Orco type IV reverse, dated 1939 - round, brass, 23mm, f. $8.00

Calhoun Falls, S.C. - Aiken Stores, Inc., 5 / Orco type IV reverse, dated 1939 - round, nickel, 20mm, vf. $7.00

(Calhoun Falls, S.C.) - Calhoun Mills Store, 1.00 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, nickel, xf. $20.00

(Calhoun Falls, S.C.) - Calhoun Mills Store, 50 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, brass, vf. $20.00

(Calhoun Falls, S.C.) - Calhoun Mills Store, 25 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, copper, xf. $20.00

(Calhoun Falls, S.C.) - Calhoun Mills Store, 5 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, brass, xf. $15.00

(Camden, S.C.) - Good For 25 Cents, H. Baum / B.H.B., Agt. (signature on reverse) - round, purple cardboard, vf. $38.00

(Camden, S.C.) - Good For 15 Cents In Toll, H. Baum / Not Good Unless Countersigned by H. Baum - round, cardboard, g, very worn, rare. $28.00

Camden, (S.C.) - City Transit, 1949 / Good For One Fare - round, nickel, 17mm, vf. $12.00

Camden, S.C. - Erwin-Hermitage Co., Inc. , 5 / (Orco type IV reverse) - round, brass, “E” cutout, dark, probably dug, very rare cotton mill token. $110.00

Camden, S.C. - S.D. Hurst, General Merchandise / Good For 1.00 In Merchandise - round, brass, vf, very rare. $175.00

Camden, S.C. - S.D. Hurst, General Merchandise / Good For 10 In Merchandise - round, brass, vg, dug, corrosion, but rare. $38.00

Camden, S.C. - Palmetto Coin Exchange, Inc., 4th Anniversary ............ / United States Bicentennial, (Indian Head), 1776-1976 - round, copper, uncirculated. $3.00

Camden, S.C. - The Pines Dairy, Grade A Raw Milk, Tel. 2102 / blank reverse - round, cardboard, milk bottle cap, uncirculated. $4.50

Cashs Depot, S.C. - The Vosburg Co., ("S" counterstamp) / Good For 10 In Merchandise - round, bimetallic, some corrosion, f, lumber token. $48.00

(Cassatt, S.C.) - Hickman School / Good For Complete Lunch - octagonal, green plastic, xf. $12.00

Cateechee, S.C. - Norris Cotton Mills Store / Good For 1.00 In Merchandise - round, brass, 33mm, vg. Obverse - Reverse $20.00

Cateechee, S.C. - Norris Cotton Mills Store / Good For 50 In Merchandise - round, brass, f. $30.00

Cateechee, S.C. - Norris Cotton Mills Store / Good For 25 In Merchandise - round, brass, f. $30.00

Central, S.C. - The Community Store, 1.00 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, brass, 35mm, nice vf. The Community Store functioned as the company store for Isaqueena Mills in the 1930s and later for Central Mills. Obverse - Reverse $10.00

Central, S.C. - The Community Store, 50 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, brass, 30mm, vf. $9.00

Central, S.C. - The Community Store, 25 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, brass, 24mm, vf. $9.00

Central, S.C. - The Community Store, 10 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, brass, 21mm, vg. $8.00

Central, S.C. - The Community Store, 5 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, brass, 19mm, vg. $8.00

Central, S.C. - The Community Store, 1 / Master Metal Scrip reverse - round, brass, 18mm, vg. $15.00

Chas., S.C. - A.B.C. Cigar Store / Good For 25 In Trade - round, brass, dark, vf. $65.00

Chas., S.C. - A.B.C. Cigar Store / Good For 10 In Trade - round, brass, vf. $45.00

Chas., S.C. - A.B.C. Cigar Store / Good For 5 In Trade - round, brass, xf. $55.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - Good For Free Cup of Coffee at Alex's Restaurant / Wooden Nickel, (Indian Head) - round, tan plastic, vf. $2.75

Charleston, South Carolina - American Mutual, (encased 1957-d cent), Fire Insurance Company / Sure You're Fully Insured? - round, aluminum encasement of 1957-d cent, xf. $16.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - W.J.H. Brandt, 1 / Ingle System 1909 reverse - round, nickel-plated brass, dark, corrosion. $30.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - Not Valuable without This Monogram, C.S. & C. / Good For a 5¢ Cigar - round, brass, vf. $10.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - NCO, CAFB (Charleston Air Force Base), 1.00 / blank reverse - round, aluminum, 38mm, xf. $5.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - NCO, CAFB, 50 / blank reverse - round, aluminum, 28mm, xf. $5.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - NCO, CAFB, 25 / blank reverse - round, aluminum, 26mm, xf. $5.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - NCO, CAFB, 5 / blank reverse - round, aluminum, 22mm, xf. $5.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - NCO, CAFB, 1.00 / blank reverse - round, goldine aluminum, 38mm, xf. $5.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - NCO, CAFB, 50 / blank reverse - round, goldine aluminum, 26mm, vf. $5.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - NCO, CAFB, 25 / blank reverse - round, goldine aluminum, 26mm, xf. $5.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - NCO, CAFB, 5 / blank reverse - round, goldine aluminum, 22mm, xf. $5.00

Charleston, S.C. - NCO Open Mess, Chas. A.F.B., B-325 / Good For 25¢ In Trade - square, brass, xf. $18.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - Chas. Officers Club / $1.00 - round, red plastic, 39mm, xf. Poker chip style token, scarce. $10.00

Charleston, (S.C.) - Charleston C. Ry. & Lt. Co. / Good For One Fare - round, nickel, 17mm, vf. $6.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - Charleston Canning Company / (picture of tomatoes) - octagonal, brass, some staining, vf, this company also canned oysters. $45.00

Charleston, S.C. - Charleston Confederate Centennial Commemoration, (fort), Fort Sumter, Good For 50¢ In Cash or Trade.............. - round, brass, xf. $3.50

(Charleston, S.C.) - Charleston Hunting & Fishing Club / same on reverse - round, brass, xf. $30.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - The Citizens & Southern Bank of South Carolina, (building), June 29, 1929 / (state seal) - round, brass, uncirculated. $9.50

(Charleston, S.C.) - Cleremont Cafe, 228 King St. / Good For 5¢ In Trade - round, brass, vf. $36.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - Cosmopolitan Club, 186 Meeting Street / 5 - brass, round, 21mm, cleaned. Scarce token. $32.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - Dewey, 1 / Good For 5¢ In Trade, Dewey - round, brass, 21mm, vf. A slot machine token used in the old "one-armed bandits" in Charleston. $6.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - Dewey, 2 / Good For 5¢ In Trade, Dewey - round, brass, 21mm, vf, dark. $6.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - Dewey, 3 / Good For 5¢ In Trade, Dewey - round, brass, 21mm, vf, dark. $6.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - Dewey, 4 / Good For 5¢ In Trade, Dewey - round, brass, 21mm, vf, dark. $6.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - Dewey, 5 / Good For 5¢ In Trade, Dewey - round, brass, 21mm, vf. $6.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - Dewey, 6 / Good For 5¢ In Trade, Dewey - round, brass, 21mm, vf. $6.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - Dewey, 7 / Good For 5¢ In Trade, Dewey - round, brass, 21mm, vf. $6.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - Dewey, 8 / Good For 5¢ In Trade, Dewey - round, brass, 21mm, vf, dark. $6.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - Dewey, 9 / Good For 5¢ In Trade, Dewey - round, brass, 21mm, vf, dark. $6.00

Charleston, S.C. - Worth $1.00, Duval Brokerage Co., 286 King St., On First Money Transaction / Keep Me For Good Luck, (horseshoe, clover, & wishbone) - round, aluminum, vf. $45.00

Charleston, S.C. - The House of Service, Good For a Charge Account....., Federal Clothing Stores, 244 King Street......... / Good As $1.00 Cash............... During 1922 - round, brass, f, slightly rough surfaces. $18.00

Charleston, S.C. - First Federal Savings & Loan Assn. / Exit Token, Charleston, S.C. - round, brass, vf. $2.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - S.E.F. / Good For 5¢ In Trade - round, brass, vf, issued by S.E. Follin, cigar store owner. $20.00

Charleston, S.C. - Gray Line / Good For One Fare, Charleston, Sullivans Is. - round, nickel, center hole, xf. $10.00

Charleston, S.C. - Haviland, Stevenson & Co., Wholesale Druggists, Established 1825 / (eagle perched on mortar & pestel) - round, brass, xf, old pre-Civil War token. $295.00

Charleston, S.C. - Home Federal Savings and Loan Assoc., 39 Broad Street / Keep Me and You Will Have Good Luck - round, encased 1960-d cent, uncirculated. $5.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - In and Out Car Wash, 477 St. Andrews Blvd., 5502 Rivers Ave., Valuable Token / Save 7 Tokens for One Free Car Wash........... - round, white plastic, au. $4.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - Jno. J. Landers, 118 East Bay / Good for 5¢ In Trade - round, brass, xf. $70.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - Maritime Club / Good For 5¢ In Trade - round, brass, 21mm, vf. $48.00

Charleston, S.C. - Operator, 1941, 11575 (serial number) / blank reverse - round, nickel plated brass, xf, pre-World War II city-issued drivers license. $22.00

Charleston, S.C. - J.F. Pieper / Good For One 5¢ Cigar - round, brass, vf. $48.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - C.J.F. Rabens, Cor. King & Shepard Sts. / 5 - round, brass, f. $45.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - H.R. Rabins, N.E. Cor. Line & King Sts. / Good For 5¢ Cigar - round, brass, f. $50.00

Charleston, S.C. - Rephan's Sanitary Dairy / Good for 1 Quart Milk - round, aluminum, center hole, au. $40.00

Charleston, S.C. - Roper Hospital / blank reverse - round, brass, uncirculated. $9.50

(Charleston, S.C.) - S.C. Power Co. / Good For One Fare - round, brass, cutouts, xf. $4.50

Charleston, S.C. - Seaside Cannery, 1 / 1 - round, brass, f, dark, old oyster cannery token. $60.00

(Charleston, S.C.) - F.C.W. Suhrstedt, 5¢ / blank reverse - round, brass, 21mm, vf, slight staining. Real scarce dairy token. $75.00

Charleston, S.C. - West End Dairy / Good For 1 Quart Milk - round, zinc, 24mm, vg. $16.00

Charleston, S.C. - West End Dairy / Golden Guernsey, Good For 1 Quart Milk - round, zinc, 24mm, xf. $30.00

Charleston, S.C. - West End Dairy / Good For ½ Gal. Grade A Milk - octagonal, aluminum, dug, corrosion, very rare. $25.00

Charleston, S.C. - O.H. Wieters, 184-186 King St. / Good For 5¢ In Trade - round, brass, vg, dark. $38.00

NEWCharleston, S.C. - W.W. Wilbur, Auction and Commission Merchant, 1846, (picture of man holding a gavel) / Merchants & Manufacturers Agent, Collection Broker, Notary Public, (picture of palmetto tree) - round, copper, vf. Many of these tokens encountered in the marketplace are being advertised as "slave auctioneer" tokens, and, after doing a bit of research, I can say that this is true to some extent. While Wilbur was an auctioneer, and slaves were among the things that he auctioned, he was not exclusively a slave auctioneer. $135.00

Charleston, S.C. - Wonderland / blank reverse - round, brass, xf, old penny arcade token. $95.00

Chas. Heights, (S.C.) - Piggly Wiggly, (pig), Prince's, Fabian Plaza / Food Stamp Credit, 50¢, In Eligible Foods - round, pink plastic, uncirculated. $3.00

Cherokee Co., S.C. - Dog License, 1922, 1594 (serial number) / blank reverse - rectangular, brass, two holes, uncirculated. $18.00

(Cherry Grove, S.C.) - Good For One Free Day, Fishing One Rod, Cherry Grove Pier......... / Wooden Nickel, (Indian Head)....... - round, wood, xf. $2.50

Chesnee, S.C. - Chesnee Mills Store, 1.00 / Orco type I reverse - round, nickel, 32mm, vg. $7.50

Chesnee, S.C. - Chesnee Mills Store, 1.00 / Orco type II reverse - round, nickel, 32mm, f. $7.50

Chesnee, S.C. - Chesnee Mills Store, 50 / Orco type I reverse - round, brass, 27mm, vg. $7.00

Chesnee, S.C. - Chesnee Mills Store, 25 / Orco type I reverse - round, copper, 24mm, f. $7.00

Chesnee, S.C. - Chesnee Mills Store, 25 / Orco type II reverse - round, copper, 24mm, unc. Obverse - Reverse $7.00

Chesnee, S.C. - Chesnee Mills Store, 10 / Orco type I reverse - round, brass, 21mm, vg. $6.00

Chesnee, S.C. - Chesnee Mills Store, 10 / Orco type II reverse - round, brass, 21mm, unc. $6.00

Chesnee, S.C. - Chesnee Mills Store, 5 / Orco type I reverse - round, nickel, 19mm, f. $6.00

Chester, S.C. - Pure Guernsey Milk, Chester Milk Co............. / blank reverse - round, cardboard, uncirculated. $3.50

Bath + Langley + Clearwater, S.C. (used at Clearwater) - Aiken County Stores Inc., 5.00 / Orco type II reverse, "C" cutout - scalloped, brass, 32mm, vf. $18.00

Bath + Langley + Clearwater, S.C. (used at Clearwater) - Aiken County Stores Inc., 1.00 / Orco type II reverse, "C" cutout - round, nickel, 32mm, vf. $10.00

Bath + Langley + Clearwater, S.C. (used at Clearwater) - Aiken County Stores Inc., 50 / Orco type II reverse, "C" cutout - round, copper, 27mm, vg. $8.50

Bath + Langley + Clearwater, S.C. (used at Clearwater) - Aiken County Stores Inc., 25 / Orco type II reverse, "C" cutout - round, nickel, 24mm, vf. $8.00

Bath + Langley + Clearwater, S.C. (used at Clearwater) - Aiken County Stores Inc., 10 / Orco type II reverse, "C" cutout - round, brass, 21mm, f. $6.00

Bath + Langley + Clearwater, S.C. (used at Clearwater) - Aiken County Stores Inc., 5 / Orco type II reverse, "C" cutout - round, nickel, 19mm, vf. $6.00

Bath + Langley + Clearwater, S.C. (used at Clearwater) - Aiken County Stores Inc., 1 / Orco type II reverse, "C" cutout - round, copper, 18mm, vf. $18.00

Clearwater, S.C. - W.P. Stringfield / Good For 5¢ In Trade - round, aluminum, vf. Stringfield operated the "Dope Wagon" in the mills at Clearwater and Bath. He sold sandwiches, sodas, and snacks to the mill workers during their breaks. $32.00

Clemson College, S.C. - The Clemson Agricultural College / Good For 50 In Merchandise - round, aluminum, 29mm, xf. Obverse - Reverse $75.00

Clemson College, S.C. - The Clemson Agricultural College / Good For 25 In Merchandise - round, aluminum, 23mm, vf. $65.00

Clemson College, S.C. - The Clemson Agricultural College / Good For 10 In Merchandise - round, aluminum, 23mm, vf. $55.00

Clemson College, S.C. - The Clemson Agricultural College / Good For 5 In Merchandise - round, aluminum, 20mm, vf. $48.00

(Clemson, S.C.) - Tiger Token, 1992, (tiger paw) / Etc. Boutique, Hair South - round, brass, uncirculated. $3.50

Clemson, South Carolina - City of Clemson, (tiger paw) / Shop Clemson, 1 Hour, Parking Token - round, bimetallic, uncirculated. $3.00

(Clinton, S.C.) - Clinton Cotton Mill Store / Good For 100 In Trade - round, brass, 35mm, xf. Nice-looking token. Obverse - Reverse $10.00

(Clinton, S.C.) - Clinton Cotton Mill Store / Good For 50 In Trade - round, brass, 24mm, vf. $25.00

(Clinton, S.C.) - Clinton Cotton Mill Store / Good For 25 In Trade - round, brass, 24mm, vf. $15.00

(Clinton, S.C.) - Clinton Cotton Mill Store / Good For 10 In Trade - round, brass, 24mm, vf. $10.00

(Clinton, S.C.) - Clinton Cotton Mill Store / Good For 5 In Trade - round, brass, 24mm, vf. $12.00

Clinton, (S.C.) - P.O.P. Jubilee, Laurens County, May 17, 1984 / (juggler) - round, aluminum, au. $3.00

Columbia, S.C. - Capital Cabana Motor Inn / Good For 1 Free Drink in the Pirates Cove - round, brass, unc, more modern token, but scarce. $8.00

Columbia, S.C. - Carolina Transit Co., CT Co / Good For One Fare, CT Co - round, nickel, 22mm, xf. $6.00

Columbia, S.C. - City of Columbia, 1 Hour, Parking / City of Columbia, No Cash Value, Parking - round, bimetallic, uncirculated. $3.00

(Columbia, S.C.) - Columbia Dairies / Good For 1 Quart Milk - scalloped, aluminum, 21mm, vf. Obverse - Reverse $20.00

Columbia, S.C. - Edisto Farms Dairy / Good For 1 Qt. Milk - round, aluminum, center hole, au. $55.00'

(Columbia, S.C.) - R.P. Funderburk, 1 / Ingle System reverse, 1909 pat. date - round, brass, vf. $48.00

(Columbia, S.C.) - Haverty's Gold Star Club, Member, $10, Haverty Furniture Co........ / One Coin Good For $10............ - round, brass, vf. $5.00

(Columbia, S.C.) - Haverty's Gold Star Club, Member, $5, Haverty Furniture Co........ / One Coin Good For $10............ - round, brass, vf. $8.00

Columbia, S.C. - Hawaiian Stage Door / Good For 50¢ In Trade - octagonal, brass, xf. $40.00

Columbia, S.C. - Hawaiian Stage Door / Good For 25¢ In Trade - octagonal, brass, xf. $45.00

Columbia, S.C. - Hawaiian Stage Door / Good For 10¢ In Trade - octagonal, brass, xf. $30.00

(Columbia, S.C.) - Hyatt Park Elementary School, (panther) / No Cash Value - round, brass, xf. $4.00

Columbia, S.C. - C.M. Lide, Contractor / Good For 1 Load of Sand - round, brass, 21mm, vf. A nice older token for an unusual use Obverse - Reverse $10.00

Columbia, S.C. - Lyric Soda Parlor / Good For 5¢ In Trade - round, aluminum, vf. $75.00

Columbia, South Carolina - Municipal Parking Lot / blank reverse - round, nickel, xf. $1.50

Columbia, S.C. - New Cabana Club / Good For 10¢ In Trade - round, brass, xf. $45.00

Columbia, S.C. - P.B.G., 1329 Main St. / Good For 5 In Trade - round, brass, xf. $65.00

Columbia, S.C. - J.B. Riedlinger, Bakery and Confectionery / Good For One 5¢ Loaf of Bread - round, aluminum, xf. $90.00

(Columbia, S.C.) - S.C. Electric & Gas Co., Bus / Good For One Fare, Bus - round, nickel, 16mm, vf. $2.00

(Columbia, S.C.) - S.C. Electric & Gas Co., Bus / Good For One Fare, Bus - round, brass, 16mm, vf. $2.00

(Columbia, S.C.) - Geo. Sabbagha, 1424 Assembly / Good For 5 In Trade - round, brass, vf. $36.00

(Columbia, S.C.) - Geo. Sabbagha / Good For 5¢ In Trade - round, brass, center hole, xf. $36.00

(Columbia, S.C.) - S.A. Sabbagha, 1810 Main St. / Good For 5 In Trade - round, brass, vf. $36.00

(Columbia, S.C.) - South Carolina State Prison, $1.00 / $1.00 - round, green plastic, 36mm, vf. Interesting token used at the old C.C.I. prison in Columbia. Obverse - Reverse $4.00

(Columbia, S.C.) - South Carolina State Prison, 50¢ / 50¢ - round, yellow plastic, 29mm, vf. $3.50

(Columbia, S.C.) - South Carolina State Prison, 25¢ / 25¢ - round, green plastic, 26mm, vf. $3.50

(Columbia, S.C.) - South Carolina State Prison, 10¢ / 10¢ - round, yellow plastic, 23mm, vf. $3.50

(Columbia, S.C.) - South Carolina State Prison, 5¢ / 5¢ - round, green plastic, 20mm, vf. $3.00

(Columbia, S.C.) - South Carolina State Prison, 1¢ / 1¢ - round, yellow plastic, 16mm, vf. $3.00

(Columbia, S.C.) - South Carolina State Prison, 10¢ / 10¢ - round, yellow plastic, 23mm, unc. ERROR - 10¢ printed upside down on the obverse. Obverse - Reverse $6.00

(Columbia, S.C.) - Suburban Transit Co. / Good For One Fare - round, 23mm, “S” cutout, nickel, vf. $3.00

(Columbia, S.C.) - Suds of S.C., Inc. / same on reverse - round, brass, xf, laundromat token. $2.00

Columbia, S.C. - Good For 50¢ on a Purchase of $5.00 or More, Van Metre’s / Good For 50¢ In Trade - round, aluminum, dug, much corrosion, some bends, rare. $25.00

Columbia, S.C. - Columbia Chapter No. 5 R.A.M., One Penny / (Masonic symbols) - round, copper, vf. $18.00

(Columbia, S.C.) - N.J.X. / same on reverse - round, brass, vf, used by N.J. Xepapas, scarce. $12.00

(Conestee, S.C.) - Conestee Mills Store, 10 / Good For 10 In Merchandise - octagonal, aluminum, g, bumps and bends, barely readable but rare. $85.00

Conway, S.C. - Conway Lumber Company, Camp No. 1 / Good For 1.00 Not Transferable - round, aluminum, uncirculated, restrike. $8.00

Conway, S.C. - Conway Trading Company / Good For 50 Not Transferable - round, aluminum, uncirculated, restrike. $8.00

Conway, S.C. - The Jerry Cox Co., 50 / (Orco reverse) - round, nickel, vf, R7 lumber. $75.00

(Conway, S.C.) - Horry Transit Co., (bus) / Good For One Fare, (bus) - round, brass, 16mm, vf. $35.00

Cowpens, S.C. - Cowpens Drug Store, 5 / Good For 5¢ Drink or Cigar - round, brass, 21mm, cleaned, scarce drug store soda token. $48.00

(Cowpens, S.C.) - Cowpens Mills Store, 1932 / Good For $1.00 In Merchandise Only - round, brass, xf. $30.00

(Cowpens, S.C.) - Cowpens Mills Store, 1932 / Good For 50¢ In Merchandise Only - round, brass, xf. $30.00

(Cowpens, S.C.) - Cowpens Mills Store, 1932 / Good For 25¢ In Merchandise Only - round, brass, xf. $30.00

(Cowpens, S.C.) - Cowpens Mills Store, 1932 / Good For 10¢ In Merchandise Only - round, brass, xf. $30.00

(Cowpens, S.C.) - Cowpens Mills Store, 1932 / Good For 5¢ In Merchandise Only - round, brass, xf. $30.00

(Cowpens, S.C.) - Cowpens Mills Store, 1933 / Good For $1.00 In Merchandise Only - round, brass, xf. $30.00

(Cowpens, S.C.) - Cowpens Mills Store, 1933 / Good For 50¢ In Merchandise Only - round, brass, xf. $30.00

(Cowpens, S.C.) - Cowpens Mills Store, 1933 / Good For 25¢ In Merchandise Only - round, brass, xf. $30.00

(Cowpens, S.C.) - Cowpens Mills Store, 1933 / Good For 10¢ In Merchandise Only - round, brass, xf. $30.00

(Cowpens, S.C.) - Cowpens Mills Store, 1933 / Good For 5¢ In Merchandise Only - round, brass, xf. $30.00

(Cowpens, S.C.) - Cowpens Mills Store, 1933 / Good For 1¢ In Merchandise Only - round, brass, xf. $30.00

NOTE: If you see a token that you want, but don't want to pay the listed price, I am always looking to trade for nice tokens. If you have anything to trade from South Carolina, or other Southern states, or even nice tokens from Western or Northern states, I am always looking to acquire new material. Also, if you have tokens that you want to sell, please let me know. You can email me at: or by using the email link at the bottom of this web page. Thanks.

Crocketville, S.C. - Henry W. Lightsey / Good For 1.00 In Merchandise - round, aluminum, vg, lumber. $50.00

Crocketville, S.C. - Henry W. Lightsey / Good For 50 In Merchandise - round, aluminum, vf, lumber. $40.00

Crocketville, S.C. - Henry W. Lightsey / Good For 10¢ In Merchandise - round, aluminum, g, lumber. $28.00

Crocketville, S.C. - Henry W. Lightsey / Good For 1.00 In Merchandise - round, aluminum, g, lumber. $20.00

Crocketville, S.C. - W. Fred Lightsey, Not Transferable / Good For 50 In Merchandise - round, aluminum, vf, lumber. $50.00

Crocketville, S.C. - W. Fred Lightsey, Not Transferable / Good For 10 In Merchandise - round, aluminum, g, lumber. $28.00

Crocketville, S.C. - W. Fred Lightsey, Not Transferable / Good For 50 In Merchandise - round, aluminum, vg, large rim nicks, lumber. $24.00

Darlington, S.C. - Cedar Hill Dairy, Grade A Raw Milk - milk bottle cap, cardboard, uncirculated. $3.00

Darlington, S.C. - Darlington Mfg. Co., 5, DM Co. / Orco type IV reverse dated 1940 - round, nickel, cutout, vf, very rare. $145.00

Darlington, S.C. - Ideal Steam Bakery / Good For 5¢ Loaf of Bread - round, aluminum, vf, very rare. $195.00

Darlington, S.C. - Lafayette Chapter No. 10, Instituted April 5th 1825, One Penny / (Masonic Symbols) - round, copper, vf. $38.00

Denmark, S.C. - The Mayfield Co. / Good For 5¢ In Merchandise - round, brass, vf. $115.00

Denmark, S.C. - W.M. Motte, Bakery / Good For One Cream Loaf - scalloped, brass, xf, obverse staining, African-American baker. Very rare token. $165.00

Denmark, S.C. - Piggly Wiggly, (pig), #34 / Food Stamp Credit, 5¢, In Eligible Foods - round, green plastic, uncirculated. $3.00

(Dillon, S.C.) - Dillon High School Cafeteria / 25¢ In Trade - round, aluminum, 29mm, xf. $4.00

(Dillon, S.C.) - Dillon H.S. / 864 - round, blue plastic, xf. $3.00

(Dillon, S.C.) - J.V. Martin Jr. High School / Good For 25¢ In Trade - round, brass, vf, a little rough. $12.50

(Donora, S.C.) - Kendall Lumber Co., 50, Not Transferable / Orco reverse - round, nickel-plated brass, vf, this lumber company had sawmills in various states and had one on land which is now part of the Savannah River Site. $35.00

(Donora, S.C.) - Kendall Lumber Co., 25, Not Transferable / Orco reverse - round, brass, vf. $35.00

(Donora, S.C.) - Kendall Lumber Co., 10, Not Transferable / Orco reverse - round, nickel plated brass, vf. $35.00

(Donora, S.C.) - Kendall Lumber Co., 1, Not Transferable / Orco reverse - round, brass, vf. $36.00

Drayton, S.C. - Drayton Mills Store, 5 / Orco reverse - round,nickel, square cutout, vf, scarce. $85.00

Easley, South Carolina - (courthouse) / 100th Anniversary, (train), 1874-1974 - round, bronze, uncirculated. $8.00

Easley, S.C. - ECP / FWA, (baloon), 50¢ - round, blue plastic, uncirculated, issued at Freedom Weekend Aloft. $4.00

Easley, S.C. - Glenwood Cotton Mills, 25 Lbs. / Ice Check, 7½¢ - round, aluminum, vg, large hole, rare. $48.00

(Easley, S.C.) - J.C. Mundy & Co., Easley Mill No. 1 / Good For 50 In Merchandise Only - round, brass, vf. $38.00

(Easley, S.C.) - J.C. Mundy & Co., Easley Mill No. 1 / Good For 25 In Merchandise Only - round, brass, vf. $36.00

(Easley, S.C.) - J.C. Mundy & Co., Easley Mill No. 1 / Good For 10 In Merchandise Only - round, brass, vf. $32.00

Ellenton, S.C. - Ashley Co. / Good For 50¢ In Merchandise - round, brass, vf, R8 lumber. The entire town was moved in the 1950's when the Savannah River Nuclear Site was constructed. $75.00

Ferguson, S.C. - Santee Mercantile Co. / Good For 1.00 In Merchandise Only - round, bimetallic, 39mm, vf, some specimens may have some light chalky corrosion. An interesting bimetallic lumber token from a town which is now under the waters of Lake Marion. Obverse - Reverse $18.00

Ferguson, S.C. - Santee Mercantile Co. / Good For 50 In Merchandise Only - round, bimetallic, 32mm, vf, some specimens may have light corrosion, lumber $18.00

Ferguson, S.C. - Santee Mercantile Co. / Good For 25 In Merchandise Only - round, bimetallic, 28mm, vf, some light corrosion, lumber. $22.50

Ferguson, S.C. - Santee Mercantile Co. / Good For 10 In Merchandise Only - round, bimetallic, 24mm, vg, some light corrosion. $15.00

Ferguson, S.C. - Santee Mercantile Co. / Good For 5 In Merchandise Only - round, bimetallic, 20mm, g, some corrosion, lumber. $15.00

Ferguson, S.C. - Santee River Cypress Lumber Co. / Good For 100 In Merchandise - round, aluminum, 35mm, vf, some light corrosion. $12.00

(Ferguson, S.C.) - Santee River Cypress Lumber Co. / Good For 50¢ In Merchandise - octagonal, aluminum, 29mm, vf, light corrosion. $8.00

(Ferguson, S.C.) - Santee River Cypress Lumber Co. / Good For 25¢ In Merchandise - round, aluminum, 28mm, vf, light corrosion. $8.00

(Ferguson, S.C.) - Santee River Cypress Lumber Co. / Good For 10¢ In Merchandise - octagonal, aluminum, 22mm, vf, light corrosion. $7.50

(Ferguson, S.C.) - Santee River Cypress Lumber Co. / Good For 5¢ In Merchandise - round, aluminum, 22mm, f, light corrosion. $6.00

(Fingerville, S.C.) - Franklin Process Spinning Mills, Inc., 1930 / Good For $1.00 In Merchandise Only - round, brass, vf. $50.00

(Fingerville, S.C.) - Franklin Process Spinning Mills, Inc., 1930 / Good For 50¢ In Merchandise Only - round, brass, vf. $45.00

(Fingerville, S.C.) - Franklin Process Spinning Mills, Inc., 1930 / Good For 25¢ In Merchandise Only - round, brass, f. $40.00

(Fingerville, S.C.) - Franklin Process Spinning Mills, Inc., 1930 / Good For 10¢ In Merchandise Only - round, brass, f. $35.00

(Fingerville, S.C.) - Franklin Process Spinning Mills, Inc., 1930 / Good For 5¢ In Merchandise Only - round, brass, f. $35.00

Florence, S.C. - Campbell Chapter No. 31, Instituted March 5th, 1901 / One Penny, (Masonic Symbols) - round, copper, uncirculated. $24.00

(Florence, S.C.) - Florence Coach Co. / Good For One Fare - round, nickel, cutouts, vf. $6.00

(Florence, S.C.) - Florence Coach Co. / Good For One Fare - round, zinc, cutouts, vf. $5.00

Florence, S.C. - Florence V.F.W. Post #3181, All America City / Good For $1.00 In Trade - round, copper, xf, probably utilized in slot machines at the VFW post in the 1960s. $60.00

Florence, S.C. - Charles Ingram Store, Inc. / Good For $1.00 In Merchandise - round, aluminum, 31mm, xf. Used to pay workers at the Charles Ingram Lumber Company. $40.00

Florence, S.C. - Charles Ingram Store, Inc. / Good For 50¢ In Merchandise - round, aluminum, 26mm, f, lumber. $35.00

Florence, S.C. - Charles Ingram Store, Inc. / Good For 25¢ In Merchandise - round, aluminum, 26mm, xf, lumber. $35.00

Florence, S.C. - Selected Dairies, Inc. / Good For 1 Quart Homogenized Milk - round, aluminum, uncirculated. $36.00

Florence, S.C. - Selected Dairies, Inc. / Good For 1 Quart Pasteurized Milk - square, aluminum, uncirculated. $48.00

Florence, S.C. - (Turkey), Thanksgiving, 1914 / blank reverse - round, copper, looped at top, xf. $24.00

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For the continuation of this list, please click on South Carolina Trade Tokens for Sale - Page 2 or the link at the bottom of the page.

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If you are interested in South Carolina tokens or tokens issued by cotton mills, you may want to purchase my book, South Carolina Tokens and its two supplements. To read a description of these standard references, please click on this link: Books.

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How To Order

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