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I dedicate this page to my oldest sister

Denise. She is the 1st child of the family, &

we had our fights, but we made it through

that & we are 2 lovely ladies with

wonderful families. She loves Unicorns, &

has collected them 4-ever.

Have you hugged your brother or sister today? I wish I could!



The Clipart or Graphics on this page

was NOT creadted by Denise nor myself.

We have tried to give credit where credit is due,

& have also provided a links page to many

other great sites. If we don't have your

permission to use these, then email us at

& they will be removed.

A Few Things About Denise

Denise's Favorite Links

Denise's Great Unicorn Links

Awardz Denise Has won

Denise's Favorite Pictures

More of Denise's Favorite Pictures

Page 3 of Denise's Favorite Pictures

Unicorn Castle

Adopted Unicorn Pasture

Family & Friends Links

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Take this gift with you

Sign My Spiritbook Guestbook by The Site Fights View My Spiritbook

Wouldn't Want To Miss Any Visitors, So I Have 2 GB's

Sign Guestbook View Guestbook

Unicorn Lovers Have Visited

I got this from my sister(Clarissa)

I Got This For Signing The GuestBook

I got this memory from Lady Celtasia

I got this gift from Drackling

I got this gift from the Unicorn Castle

Adopt your own Unicorn Hatchling,

Please don't take mine.

Some of the Clipart came from Clipart

Some of the Clipart came from Pure Illusion