Emergency! Emergency!

To All Moms, Relatives, Coworkers, And People With No Sense of Humor:

This page was my first webpage, made on April Fools Day for my friends. It's made to look biographical and to share crazy pages I have found. I do not condone everything I show a link to. Some is really gagnasty (i.e.Anorexic Rec Room, which I have even considered removing, but I leave it on just for the gross/shock factor). Thank me for taking off Church of Euthanasia site. I just decided I was embarassed to even have it on the page as a joke. If you do not have a sense of humor, if you are highly intolerant of anything or if you only like to watch girly bonding movies (i.e. Julia Roberts or any movies Oprah or Martha Stewart may make), then just skip to another part of my page. Just use your common sense to know what on here is true and what is not. For an easy reference at your fingertips, see below!
What's On This Page?
~ One: Ode to Bobbi Night (drag queens and techno)
~ Two: Things I Enjoy Studying (Serial killers and Cults)
~Three:Things to Disgust and Amaze (I promise, not disgusto gor pictures...I hate those)

This page is long and full of links. Make sure to click all the links towards the ends of the lists to see all of my personal commentaries or go to the next section. Don't wuss out and quit!

Finally, this page will not be added to. it's a finished masterpiece! Any further cool pages I choose to show you will be placed in a new area.
sg View Demented Links
Ok, mom, go back to the start page