I would like to introduce everyone to my new diet, the Fruitarian Cannibal Diet. Unfortunately, my main link on this page no longer exists, but it was about this Japanese doctor lady who advocates the eating of fetuses for protein...this is no joke. I guess she got shut down. Well, I just saw that page and got the idea, and then the F in fetus reminded me of fruit, so I decided to become a frutarian cannibal. Since fetuses are hard to come by in Harris Teeter and because I am not a Murderer Frutarian Cannibal (though I am sure there MUST be one or two out there somewhere...please e-mail me if you are one, because you would be a valuable friend), I have not yet been able to become a true Frutarian Cannibal. However, I do eat only fruits and I do eat the skin around my fingernails on throughout the day. Technically, then, I am a Frutarian Self-Cannibalizer. This is a healthy, non-red meat diet, destined to become very popular! Please visit my links to learn more.
My Favorite Web Sites About Food
What is a Fruitarian?
Cool sounding movies that can may have cannibalism tips
Gimme MORE tasty treats
Not Hungry Anymore
I just want to go back to your comforting arms