Me and My Cults

You may be pleased to know that I am also an active member of many a cult. Oh yes, they fulfil my life and I have many cheritable deeds I do every day. I cannot tell you the details, because the leaders would come for me or give me instant death by their brain waves, they say. My arch enemy cult is the scientologist church. They are all freaks...especially travolta and cruise.I spit and curse at them! I can tell you that I am the High Priestess of Boy George's Church of the Poison Mind. Oh yes, we wear colorful cloth weaves in our hair and big baggy tent clothes...and don't forget the makeup...what fun we have sailing on boats down the river and singing Hare Krishna songs! We while away the hours, tripping the light fantastic with our tambourines. He is so pure! Oh, bretheren, what a gleeful day it will be when we shed our husk bodies, when we lose our ooze containers and become one with the great AAAAOOOOO~Oi. Yes, it is a hard life, going from commune to commune, ceremony to ceremony. But that is ok. I have all the time in the world, because my mastermind mind is endless and spacious, vast and universal. I can travel through the galaxy at warp (or, as we say in one unnamed cult, i mean church, vozplllunk) speed! Here are links to my other cults that I am in.

My Cults (I mean, Churches)

I am in all of these cults in the cult section of this page (the only living member of some). List may be too extensive for weak minds.
Yes, I fell through the cracks (famous for the Peter Pan guy)..Look at this one if nothing else, esp. picture pages.
My Potato Cult (Or, as my leader spells it, POTATOE mote it be)
Did you know Charles Manson is culting it up in jail? Oh yeah. I'm there!
Finally, a resourceful list of my other cults and all things useful to cult-minded people
Teach Me More Great Guru
Lead me back to your commune
Must cleanse myself
