What's new on VoodoodollyIII?
082401Must get my behind off of my Live Journal and get onto here again. Making an effort still! Starting today! Note changes on music page and more pictures to be added to it soon. Just got a scanner, so better pictures to come soon on photo page.
073001Been neglecting this whole page because I have been obsessiving over my new Live Journal. Must make an effort to play on the page again. I finally put up a new daily picture!
062001 New links added to Abominations page. Also known as "featured links"...made an easy-to-understand and more complete list of all the sections of my page and added it to the main page and the journal page.
061501Don't panic! I know you have come here for help. Yes, I switched the positions of the journal (which used to be named "escuchame", but people were reporting problems with being illiterate in spanish and unable to understand my page) and graffiti (the guestbook). Shhh, shhhh, it will all be ok (I am cradling you and soothing your hair...)shh, shhhh...don't cry! it's ok!
Also, I added some links to my "See Through Me" page...the page about me, myself, and me.
060201Added Abominations link to main page. Will consist of the weirdest links I come across.
052101Wow! I FINALLY added all my CDs and tapes to the music page. Allen will be happy to see the floor clear of tape madness! Added my Wish List to the music page. So, if you want to buy me some music, you know what to get! Ha!
Very rough picture page is up.
Thinking of strewing litter around downtown from my car window with web address on it so more people will see my site! But then the police would be able to find me and fine me.
Added half of my tapes to my music page. Updated the whole page. Some more journal entries are up, and FINALLY a new picture of the day. I've been a little lazy lately, but that is changing! I have to get more visitors to my site! I'm crazed!!!! AAAAAG! Picture page is still coming. I'm excited cause Mike made my main page pictures more compressed and sent them to me, so soon as I redo them, it should come up faster. I know it is sloooooooow.
Back from Pennsylvania! Hoping people will still look at my site and haven't forgotten about it! Eating boiled eggs.
Wrote review of 96 Wave Fest (Birthday Bash, whatever) in journal. Enjoy my negativity. Don't complain.
Make sure to check out daily picture...Silence of the French Fries. Trying to put a movie of "my" car racing an RX-7 on mi coche page.
050301Please see my Moi page and submit a question to be added to it!
Also, music has been updated.
What's new? The Moi page is underway. On it you can find pages about my car and libros that I like. New picture of the day. I will start putting the picture of the day on around 7:30 in the morning, while I get ready for work.
I have pink streaks in my hair. Great. Yes, this belongs in the journal part, but I like having it here so there is a reason for this pink background. The past two times that I dyed my hair have left it looking very boring, so I decided to try some teeny strawberry blonde highlights. But since my hair is so bleached and sucked dry of the ability to accept color, red+(practically) white=pink. Well, I give it a week, and if they are still strawberry shortcake I will just have to do it all my normal color again.
As for my new main page, half of the links on it it haven't even been made, or else they are very basic. I just wanted to put it up. The whole thing is really still being made. I don't believe in releasing a nice, completed product. I'm too impatient. Give me a couple days and I'll get my stuff straight.
I have added a couple more people to my beast fiends links. Mehitobel Wilson is not technically a friend of mine, but I really like her page. Just so you know. Marty and Freddie know her, though, so it is ok!
I added my first official picture of the day, though it will end up being a picture of every few days or every whenever I feel like it day.
Sill need to add my cassettes to my music page! Check back for a big laugh at them.
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