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UV dominant optical emission newly detected from radioisotopes and XRF sources

Brazilian Journal of Physics, vol. 40, no. 1, March, 2010

The following Brief explains what are these Six Fundamental Physics Discoveries. The readers are requested to critically examine the paper whether the paper really accounts Six Fundamental Physics Discoveries.  


Key words

Dark radiation, Bharat radiation, Radiation dose data, Nuclear Medicine patients, radiopharmaceuticals,  99mTc, 131I, 201Tl, diagnostic X-ray tubes, skin erythema, Teletherapy treatment, Dark matter, fission fragments, solar flare, Uranium fission in Sun, activation products,  56Co, and 24Na in solar flare , Solar EUV emission, γ-, X-, β, UV, VIS, and NIR radiation emissions, radioisotopes,  XRF sources, solar flares, solar γ-, X-, or β radiations, solar EUV, room temperature, new atomic phenomenon, atomic spectroscopy, UV, VIS, NIR radiations, sheet polarizers, narrow band optical filters, AMC 2084, Thorn/ EMI 9635 QB, gamma ray spectrometer, electromagnetic spectrum, core electron, core excitation, valence excitation, core coulomb  space, fluorescent emission,  luminescence, incandescence.



  1. The first experimental discovery is the UV dominant optical emission from radioisotopes present as radiochemicals.
  2. The second experimental discovery is the UV dominant optical emission from XRF present as salts.
  3. The third experimental discovery is the UV dominant optical emission from metals at room temperature when present as radioisotopes or XRF sources.
  4. The Fourth Discovery is the predicted Bharat radiation.
  5. The Fifth Discovery is the Bharat radiation causing a new class of Atomic Spectra of solids (solid radioisotopes and XRF sources) at room temperature.
  6. The Sixth Discovery is the previously unknown atomic phenomenon explaining how the generation of Bharat radiation takes place,


  1. the predicted Bharat radiation
  2. UV dominant optical emission





Dr.M. A. Padmanabha Rao

Ph.D (A.I.I.M.S)


Professor of Medical Physics,  

Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences, Jolly Grant (2001)

Head, Radiation Safety Group& Deputy Director,

Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur,Rajasthan (1983-‘97)

Lecturer in Medical Physics, Department of Nuclear Medicine

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi (1964-1983).; Delhi Ph: (Mobile) 91- 011- 9871257864


Rare International Honors

World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, Tokyo, 1974 invited the author as Assembly Member to lead Indian team of scientists and doctors at the age of 37.  

And also presided an Instrumentation session during First World Congress in Nuclear Medicine held at the same time wherein presented a paper on "scatter photon imaging techniques"- newly developed by Dr. Rao, while working at AIIMS, New Delhi.  



In 1997, the scientist, Dr. M.A. Padmanabha Rao first reported the discovery of a New Atomic Phenomenon causing light emission from sources of ionizing radiation in the Official Technical Report of the Defence Laboratory under DRDO, Ministry of Defence at Jodhpur in Rajathan (DLJ/TC/IL/97/7).


 ( The official Technical Report of the Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India claimed the discovery of New Atomic Phenomenon in 1997. The research work was first released as an Official Technical Report of the Laboratory, after formal approval by the then Director in 1997, who also has been an Expert in Internal Dosimetry on Radiopharmaceuticals of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria.  )



    The current work represents previously unexplored area of sub-atomic research using radioisotopes and XRF sources.  The  paper published in Brazil in March 2010 accounts for six fundamental physics discoveries in X-ray, nuclear, atomic, solid state, radiation physics, and atomic spectra are in fact six sub-atomic discoveries.  

    Radioisotopes and X-ray fluorescent (XRF) sources come under the common category of ionizing radiation sources, yet their production process differs much from each other. Secondly, the phenomena causing gamma, beta, and alpha radiation emissions from radioisotopes differ entirely from that of continuous X-rays from X-ray tubes or characteristic X-rays from XRF sources. On a macroscopic scale, the newly detected optical radiation from artificially produced radioisotopes can be a fundamental physics discovery since their optical emission was not known previously ever since the discovery of artificially produced radioisotopes, nearly a century ago. Likewise, on a macroscopic scale, the newly detected optical radiation from XRF sources was not known previously ever since the discovery of characteristic X-rays by C.G.Barkla. For that matter optical emission was also not known previously from X-ray tubes seen in hospitals, ever since the discovery of continuous X-rays by W.C. Roentgen, nearly a century ago. Initially, it became most difficult to understand, why ultraviolet radiation was detected from both radioisotopes and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) sources present as metals. However, on a microscopic scale, it is understood that ionizing radiations are responsible for commonly observed optical radiation from both the type of sources.


The experimental set up is a simple Gamma ray Spectrometer from Electronics Corporation of India, Hyderabad, India. This photograph is not illustrated in the published paper in March 2010.

The paper accounts three experimental discoveries:

(1) The first experimental discovery is the UV dominant optical emission from radioisotopes present as radiochemicals. This comes under the category of 'fundamental physics discovery' since light emission from artificially produced radioisotopes was never reported by previous scientists ever since their discovery  nearly a century ago. The insight is significant to nuclear physics as important as the discoveries of gamma, X-ray, or beta radiation.


(2) The second experimental discovery is the UV dominant optical emission from XRF present as salts. The Variable Energy XRF source AMC 2084 obtained from Nuclear Enterprises (U.K.) of the size of a lemon led to two discoveries. This is the second 'fundamental physics discovery' since light emission was never reported by previous scientists either from X-ray equipment used in Hospitals or  from any XRF source used for experimental purposes ever since the discovery of continuous X-rays or characteristic X-rays nearly a century ago. However, the author has detected UV dominant optical emission from Rb, Ba, and Tb XRF sources present as Rb, Ba, and Tb salts in AMC 2084,U.K.


Two experimental physics discoveries were made from the British made handy Variable Energy X-ray source (AMC 2084): UV dominant optical emission' was newly detected from (1) Rb, ba, and Tb XRF sources present as salts, and (2) Cu, Ag, and Mo XRF sources present as metals (notably at room temperature) emerging  through the hole shown above, coaxed with X-ray beam.. 

The XRF source (AMC 2084):was kept directly kept on the quartz window of bare photo multiplier tube (9635QB THORN EMI). What is new here? On slightly raising voltage to the PMT than what is required normally to a scintillation detector, it has newly detected UV dominant optical radiation from radioisotopes and XRF sources. These two photographs are not illustrated in the published paper in March 2010.


(3) The third experimental discovery is the UV dominant optical emission from metals at room temperature when present as radioisotopes or XRF sources

Metals emitting light at room temperature could be the most revolutionary experimental finding unprecedented in the history of science. Optical  emission was detected from Cobalt metal when present as 57Co (Amersham International, U.K.); 60Co used in cancer treatment; and also from Cu, Mo, and Ag  metals present as Cu, Mo, and Ag XRF sources of AMC 2084,U.K.


Where  do we find these discoveries in the published paper?

Conventionally, all leading journals discourage authors using of the word 'discovery'. Alternatively, 'first and definite experimental evidence' is used in the current paper.


The Abstract on page 38 mentioned:  

The current paper reports first and definite experimental evidence for γ-, X-, or β radiation causing UV dominant optical radiation from radiochemicals such as 131I; XRF sources such as Rb XRF source present as salts; and metal sources such as 57Co, and Cu XRF sources”.

In the above sentence, optical radiation from radiochemicals such as 131I comes under first experimental discovery, from XRF sources such as Rb XRF source present as salts comes under second experimental discovery, and from metal sources such as 57Co, and Cu XRF sources comes under third experimental discovery.


Metal sources provided the clue that that the newly detected optical radiation is nothing but an optical emission from within excited atoms of radioisotopes and XRF sources.

Please peruse Introduction on page 38 of the published paper:

'A further clue has come from metal 57Co spectrum at room temperature. The insight pinpointed that ionizing radiation might be causing atomic emission spectrum from the parent excited 57Co atom  by a previously unknown phenomenon'.



Three more fundamental physics discoveries resulted while explaining the three experimental discoveries:


The Fourth Discovery (the predicted Bharat radiation): In order to explain optical emission, it was predicted that ionizing radiation first produce electromagnetic radiation with energy slightly higher than that of the detected UV radiation from within an excited atom. The commercially available detectors cannot efficiently detect it. These wavelengths shown to exist in between X-ray and optical spectra of electromagnetic spectrum can not be called as X-rays or light say from Rb XRF source. That is why these wavelengths are termed as 'Bharat radiation'.


Shown location of Bharat wavelengths in Electromagnetic Spectrum

Also peruse Fig.5 on page 43

For example, Rb X-rays may generate wavelengths 12.87 to 47.488 nm lying in between X-ray and optical spectra. Since these wavelengths do not belong to  either X-rays or light, they were termed temporarily as Bharat Radiation for convenience in Refs. [3, 6].

Two more emissions from radioisotopes and XRF sources : “In nut shell, the current study describes ionizing radiations successively generate two low energy electromagnetic radiation emissions at eV level: Bharat (predicted) and optical emissions from within excited atoms of radioisotopes, and XRF sources”.

The Fifth Discovery: While the basic atomic spectra of a salt is produced on heating it from an external thermal source, Bharat energies generated internally within excited atom causing new class of ‘Atomic Spectra of solids at room temperature’ never known since the inception of atomic spectroscopy could be fifth breakthrough in physics.  The published paper has demonstrated that metallic 57cobalt source emit atomic spectrum at room temperature following gamma emission from one and the same excited cobalt atoms.  


Please peruse Introduction on page 38

'Unlike the basic atomic spectra caused by thermal energy from an external source, the current spectra are caused by energy higher than that of UV internally produced by ionizing radiation within excited atom itself. For this reason, UV dominant atomic spectra of ionizing radiation sources widely differed from basic atomic spectra'.

 'Analysis of spectral  data pinpointed that the nature of atomic spectrum of any source depends purely upon its ionizing radiation energy regardless of the type of radiation, atomic number Z, and nature of source medium whether salt or metal'.


The sixth Discovery: New atomic phenomenon explaining how the generation of Bharat radiation takes place by ionizing radiation within an excited atom can be the sixth discovery.

please peruse Page 44:


New Atomic State of Solids

As the excited atoms in radioisotopes and XRF sources remain temporarily as free atoms, new Atomic State of Solids is shown to exists in radioisotopes and XRF sources at room temperature itself.

Please peruse Introduction on Page 38

“Understandably, environment of excited atoms in solid radioisotopes and XRF sources that cause UV dominant optical spectra differs much from that of thermally excited atoms in gaseous phase causing the basic atomic spectra. However, atomic spectra of solid radioisotopes and XRF sources can really happen when excited atoms become free from surrounding unexcited atoms. It seems, formation of free atoms occurs due to valence excitation by Bharat radiation. All those free atoms constituting a temporary atomic state of solids seemed to be responsible for the room temperature atomic emission spectra of solid radioisotopes and XRF sources [Reference 3]”. Also refer “Atomic state of solid sources” page 43.

The new atomic phenomenon cause UV dominant optical emission from radioisotopes and XRF sources  having atleast two filled orbits. Since tritium has only filled orbit, optical emission failed to be detected from it. Tritium is described as an unique source of Bharat radiation.


Application of the current research to explain Sun light

Based on these experimental findings, the abundant UV from Sun is described to be originated from radioisotopes formed by Uranium fission, against the familiar theory of fusion. The paper also pinpoints that fission fragments could be the 'Dark Matter', while the Bharat radiation from radioisotopes is nothing but the 'Dark Radiation'.

Application of  experimental data to Solar UV emission (page 45)

“There is a similarity in the γ-, X-, β, UV, VIS, and NIR radiation emissions from radioisotopes,  XRF sources, and solar flares [14-19]. Therefore, the author  has preliminarily reported [ Refer 3] that solar γ-, X-, or β radiations cause EUV regardless of temperature by the atomic phenomenon described here”.


New Atomic Phenomenon explains Solar EUV ( Page 45)

“An overall view of published reports suggesting presence of 235U, 238U, and radioisotopes in solar flare indicate that the phenomenon described here could be the most likely cause for Solar EUV emission”.


Sun light may be due to Uranium fission

“Moreover, presence of activation products  such as 56Co, and 24Na in solar flare [ References 29-32] and presence of 7Be in open air after a strong solar wind [ Reference 33] need to be  critically examined to see whether any possibility exists for Uranium fission in Sun”.


The puzzling Dark matter is precisely defined in the following:

Page 45:

If fission truly happens, the fission fragments left over at the site of fission might constitute dark matter [Reference  3].


The puzzling Dark radiation is precisely defined as the Bharat radiation.

In the context of solar flare, the predicted Bharat radiation causing UV dominant optical radiation from radioisotopes and XRF sources by valence excitation seemed to be the familiar dark radiation from cosmic sources [Reference 3].

Page 45:

“As in the case of the current study, the γ-, X-, or β radiation emissions from radioisotopes formed by fission reaction in Sun cause two more generation of emissions: the predicted dark radiation, which is the same as Bharat radiation followed by EUV”.


Application of experimental findings on UV dominant optical emission from radioisotopes and X-ray sources to hospital patients

Page 45:

Radiation dose data may need entry of UV as one more component, besides ionizing radiations in giving radiation dose to Nuclear Medicine patients administered with radiopharmaceuticals  such as 99mTc, 131I, and 201Tl for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes [6]. Since UV follows X-rays according  to the current study, UV from diagnostic X-ray tubes may subject the patients to higher skin dose than previously  thought. UV emission from metal 60Co may also contribute for the skin erythema noticed in cancer patients during 60Co Teletherapy treatment
