More Care Bears
Late on more Care Bears were added. These bears were...
Champ Bear
Champ Bear is the biggest sports star in all of Care-a-Lot. He’s great at every game you can think of. He knows that the real prizes of sports are fun, fitness, friends and learning to do and be your best - win or lose!
Grams Bear
Grams is the “grandmother” to all the bears. She likes to tell stories and helps to take care of Hugs and Tugs.
Hugs & Tugs
These two are Care Bear cubs. Hugs is sweet and loving and gives hugs to everyone. She often gets into mischief because of her curious way. Her favorite saying is “Oh, goodie goodie gosh.” Tugs, on the other hand, is a rough and tumble little boy. He is a happy cub and imitates the older Care Bears in all they do. He just can’t wait to be a grown up Care Bear.
Secret Bear
She’s trustworthy, loyal, friendly and easy to confide in. This makes her the perfect bear to share your innermost thoughts with. You can always count on her to guard your secret because she’d never accidentally reveal a secret.
Share Bear
Share Bear helps others learn about sharing the good things they have. She is unselfish and giving. If she could she would even share the symbol right off of her tummy.
I would like to think Sarah, fromThe Kingdom of Caring for select graphics and information on this page.
Certain graphics from this page were taken from