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Long Lost Cousins

Some cousins were neither USA nor U.K., they were kind of just made. I know there is a better explanation, I'm just not totally sure. These cousins were...

Take Care Bear

Take Care Bear appeared only in a coloring book that came with cough syrup in the 1980’s. His job was to make sure that everyone took care of themselves and stay healthy.

Treat Heart Pig
Can you guess which Care Bear Cousin wears an ice cream cone on his tummy? If you said Treat Heart Pig, your right! This guy knows how to turn any occasion into a holiday. Treat Heart Pig loves to treat others even more than he loves to treat himself. All his friends agree that he’s a real sweetheart. His favorite things are good friends, good friends, and a good old fashioned get-together. He’s been known to overeat on occasions, but he usually takes things in moderation. Treat Heart Pig gets along very well with the other Care Bear Cousins. That’s because he’s always surprising them with little gifts and treats. More than anything, his ice cream cone symbolizes his wholehearted devotion to helping others live life to the fullest.

Perfect and Polite Panda
Perfect and Polite Panda only appeared in one Care Bear episode entitled “The Long Lost Care Bears”. They always spoke in rhyme and finished one another’s sentences. Perfect was in love with Good Luck Bear.


I would like to think Sarah, fromThe Kingdom of Caring for select graphics and information on this page.

Certain graphics from this page were taken from