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Plant Tissues


I. Plant tissues

     A. Tissue Systems

      1. ground

            a. Parenchyma

            b. Collenchyma

            c. Sclerenchyma

      2. vascular: xylem & phloem

      3. dermal: epidermis, stomata

     B. Meristem

      1. apical vs. lateral/ primary vs. secondary              growth

      2. annuals vs. perennials/ herbaceous vs.               woody

II. Roots

     A. Primary root

      1. Taproot

      2. Lateral roots/ Fibrous roots

     B. Root Structure

      1. Root tip:  Cap, apical meristem

      2. Primary Growth

            a. Root hairs

            b. Cortex, Endodermis & Casparian Strip

            c. Vascular cylinder: Pericycle

      3. Secondary Growth: vascular cambium

     C. Function of Roots

      1. Absorption of water & inorganic nutrients

      2. Storage of food

III. Shoots

     A. Stem structure

      1. Primary Growth

            a. pith

            b. vascular bundles

      2. Secondary Growth--Vascular cambium

            a. Springwood/ summerwood

            b. Heartwood/ sapwood

            c. Dendrochronology

      3. Bark

     B. Function of Stems

      1. Transportation of food: source-to-sink

      2. Transportation of water & minerals:

           Transpiration-cohesion theory

      3. Storage

IV. Leaves

     A. Leaf structure

      1. Adaptations to environments

      2. Simple/ Compound

      3. Venation/ Bundle sheath

      4. Mesophyll

            a. Palisade parenchyma

            b. Spongy parenchyma

     B. Leaf function

      1. Capturing light/ transpiration

      2. Gas exchange:

            Guard Cells/ Stomata/ Turgor (K)