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Phylum Chordata


A. Features:  DHNC, notochord, pharyngeal gill slits,

segmentation (myotomes), endoskeleton, postanal tail.

B. Tunicates

C. Lancelets

D. Vertebrates (Subphylum Vertebrata)

       1. Characteristics: vertebral column, skull, groove

       2. Classes: Agnatha, Chondrichthyes, Osteichthyes,                Amphibia, Reptilia, Mammalia

       3. C. Agnatha

              a. Characteristics: ntc, cartilage, parasitic

              b. ex. lampreys, hagfish

              c. larval form resembles lancelets

       4. Compare to jawed fish/ developmental origins of the jaw

       5. C. Chondrichthyes

              a. Characteristics: feeding/ cartilage/ fins/                                 denticles

              b. Specializations: sinuous/ pectoral fins/                                  respiration

       6. C. Osteichthyes

              a. Characteristics: bone, swim bladder, scales,                         lateral line.

       7. C. Amphibia

              a. first land vertebrates

              b. diversity: salamanders/ frogs/ caecilians

              c. specialized physiology: resp/ repro

       8. C. Reptilia

              a. diversity: crocodiles/ turtles/ squamata

              b. adaptations

              c. development of the amniotic egg

E. Temperature control in land animals

       1. Reptiles, amphibians, & fish: ectotherm

       2. Birds & mammals: endotherms

       3. C. Aves

              a. adaptations: wngs, feathers, hollow bones,                           efficient lungs

              b. Archaeopteryx

       4. C. Mammalia

              a. Natural history: 65 mya

              b. Characteristics: hair, 4-chambered heart, milk                       leg position, specialized teeth

              c. Diversity

                     1. Monotremes

                     2. Marsupials      

                     3. Placentals

                           a. placenta develops first

                           b. prebirth development

                           c. diversity: Insectivora, Primates,                                              Rodentia, Carnivora, Proboscidea,                                     Cetacea, Sirenia, Lagomorpha