Cell Structure and
I. The cell is the
basic unit of life
A. Cells are all alike...
1. Plasma membrane
2. DNA-containing region
3. Cytoplasm
B. But there are two different types
1. Eukaryotic
2. Prokaryotic
C. Most cells are quite small
1. Cell Theory
a. Hooke
b. van Leeuwenhoek
c. Schleiden
d. Schwann
2. Surface-to-volume ratio (S/V)
II. Typical Organelles in Plant and Animal Cells
A. Nucleus
1. Nuclear Envelope
2. Nucleolus
3. Chromosomes
B. Cytomembrane system
1. Endoplasmic Reticulum: Rough ER
and Smooth ER
2. Golgi Bodies
3. Vesicles
a. Lysosomes
b. Peroxisomes
C. Mitochondria (“powerhouse of the
OM, IM, cristae, matrix
1. Chloroplasts: stroma, grana,
2. Chromoplasts
3. Amyloplasts
E. Vacuole
F. Cytoskeleton
1. Microtubule: tubulin +/-, MTOC (centriole, kinetochore), 25 nm
2. Microfilament: actin, 5-7 nm
3. Intermediate filaments:
specific animal tissues
III. Cell Motility
A. Mechanisms
1. controlled assembly or
2. parallel arrays actively slide
3. shunt organelles
B. Flagellum
C. Cilia
IV. Physical
Connections between Animal Cells
A. Adhering Junctions
B. Tight Junctions
C. Gap Junctions