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Ecology= the study of relationships of organisms with one another. Organisms grouped in progressively more inclusive levels of organizations

Population= individuals of a given spp. That occur in one place at one time characteristics= size, density, dispersion, niche


Population size and dispersion

A.     Indirectly relates to the ability of a given population to survive

B.     Population density

Random/Variable: TRF ; evenly spaced: creosote ; clumped: frequent


Population Growth

A.     Capacity to grow: usually constant

B.     Biotic potential

C.     Carrying capacity= size at which a population stabilizes in a particular location

D.     Density-dependant effects

E.      Density-indipendant effects

F.      r strategists

G.     K strategists

H.     Human populations

Mortality and Survivorship

A.     Intrinsic rate of increase depends on age and reproductive performance

B.     Survivorship curves express characteristics of populations

1. Survivorship= % of original pop that survives to give age

2. Mortality= rate of death

3. Types of survivorship curves

a.       Type ll/ type lll

Demography = statistical study of populations

            Population pyramids: a comparison


Gause’ Law of Competitive Exclusion = win, move, or die