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Cabrillo Marine Museum Field Trip



Attach your entrance ticket and map of the museum here:



Cabrillo Marine Museum Study Questions:


When facing the museum after entering, bear to the left and go in the doors with the information booth being on your right. The doors are to the left. The questions are organized from this side of the museum to the other; the whales are on the opposite end.


The underlined captions are the main headings you will see in the museum.


Marine Habits of Southern Calif. (display)


  1. What are they? (4 main ones)






Where Cold and Warm Water Meet----very productive water


  1. What is the significance of upwelling?



  1. Which of our local species are predominately northern in their distribution?



  1. Which are predominately southern?




Living in the Surf- (turn left)


  1. Name two problems with living in a tide pool.



  1. What is zonation?



  1. Name 3 adaptations of how animals adapt to tide pool life.



  1. How are sea anemones distributed in relation to mussels?



  1. How are starfish distributed in relation to mussels?




Masters of Masonry


  1. To what phylum does this worm belong?




  1. Of what is it’s tube constructed?





Seashore Vegetarians


  1. Name 3 examples of this type of organism and tell what adaptations they have for obtaining their food.



  1. Which of the grazers is territorial?



  1. What is the survival value of territoriality?




Animals That Look Like Plants


  1. Name 3 animals that look like plants.



  1. How do the following organisms feed: (the back wall has the answers)














Hunters of the Rocky Shore----Diets of the Starfish


  1. Admire the seastars, urchins, and crustaceans. What is the dietary speciality of the:


Ochre Star



Short Spined Star



Sunflower Star



  1. On what does the mantis shrimp feed? How does it kill? (look on the wall)




Territorial Fish Tank


  1. About how far apart are the blue-banded gobys spaced?



  1. Which part of the aquarium do they seem to prefer?



  1. Do you think color is important in their behavior? How?



4.     Why don’t you see a lot of fighting?



Egg Cases Tank


  1. Can you imagine a purpose for the spiral phlange on the horned shark egg case?






  1. Observe breathing movements of siphons and mantle. Is the flow of water one way? How do you know? (hint- look at the picture on the wall)






Kelp Forest Tank


  1. Do the fish have preferred regions in the tank?



  1. Where do each of the following fish prefer to be?





Morey Eel



Opal Eye



Scorpian fish



Black sea Bass




Sandy Beach Wave Tank


  1. How are animals adapted to the life if they lead in this habitat?



  1. Is there a pattern to how the fish orient themselves in relation to the waves? How?



  1. How do wave patterns differ in Southern Calif. In summer and winter?






Offshore Oil---Environmental Issues


  1. What fractions of crude oil are most toxic? ( Read carefully)



  1. What is the principle effect of oil on sea birds, sea otters, and surface plankton?




Sea Otter’s Display


  1. Why is good grooming important to sea otters?



  1. What do otters eat?



  1. Do seals and sea lions swim the same way? Explain




Bioluminescence Display


  1. What are 3 functions of Bioluminescence?



  1. What is the function of luciferase?




Form and Feeding in Fish


  1. Name 5 special adaptations the tuna has for high speed cruising.







  1. Draw the tail profile of a fish whose swimming speed is:


















The Pennipeds


  1. What is a penniped?



  1. How does a Harbor seal and sea lion use there front and back flippers differently in their locomotion?


Front Flipper                                    Back Flipper           









Harbor seal


  1. Which one is a true seal? Why?




Sea Bird adaptations


  1. How are the shapes of the following birds bills adapted for specific foods?



  1. Draw the bill of each and the food it is adapted too:




















Whale Adaptations


  1. Baleen whales have an least 3 feeding strategies. Compare Right Whales, Rorquals and Gray Whales with regard to feeding strategy and its effect on head shape, baleen length, and type of food.   

Head Shape                        Baleen Length                        Type of Food











Right Whales                           










Gray Whale                             





  1. Look on the wall and describe the migration pattern of the Gray Whale.







  1. Look at the whale skeleton on the roof. Why do you suppose it has hip bones?

Hint- look at the pictures of the porpoise/ whale or dolphin embryo development.





  1. Which way would the whale be migrating at this time of year?  Explain how you came up with your answer.













OVERALL: Conclusion

          End the project by (1) stating the main points of the project, (2) discussing what you liked and disliked about completing this project, and (3) suggesting improvements to this project