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Channel Islands National Park Field Trip


As proof of your visit, please stamp your paper with the official Channel Islands National Park passport stamp here:










Channel Islands National Park Study Questions:


After entering the visitor center from the breezeway, bear to the left and pass the rangers’ station.  Begin after the double doors that exit to the outdoor amphitheater. The questions are organized from this side of the museum, clockwise, to the other; the bookstore is on the opposite end.


The underlined captions are the main headings you will see in the museum.


On the Path to Extinction?

1)      How much smaller than the mainland gray fox is the island fox?  ________

2)      When do naturalists think that the gray fox reached the Channel Islands? _________________________

3)      How did they get there? ________________________________________________________________


A Serious Decline

4)      How many island foxes were on San Miguel island at these times:  1994 = _____, 1997 = _____, now = _____.

5)      What are three possible reasons for this decline?

a.       ______________________________________________

b.      ______________________________________________

c.       ______________________________________________


Fox Facts

6)      How many of the eight islands support island foxes? _____

7)      How tall and heavy are island foxes? _______________________________________________

8)      When are island foxes active?  _______________  Are they nocturnal or diurnal? (Circle)

9)      Describe the typical island fox diet.




Life on the Islands

10)  Why might there be fewer species of organisms on the islands compared to the mainland?




11)  What are three possible ways that species made it over to the islands?

a.       ______________________________________________

b.      ______________________________________________

c.       ______________________________________________

12)  Name three birds, two plants, and one reptile that can be found on the Channel Islands.

a.       ______________________________________________

b.      ______________________________________________

c.       ______________________________________________

a.       ______________________________________________

b.      ______________________________________________

a.       ______________________________________________


Island Communities

13)  Why might it be that island species are smaller in size compared to their mainland counterparts?



14)  How does their small size increase the survival of the species?



15)  Give an example of an island species that is LARGER than the mainland species.



Man and the Islands

16)                          When did the Indians first arrive on the Islands? ________________ years ago

17)                          How did the Chumash get to the Islands? ___________________________________________

18)                          What archaeological evidence do we have that the Chumash were on the Islands? __________

19)                          What does this tell us about the Chumash? _________________________________________


Geologic Activity

20)  Describe how cheliche is formed.






21)  Why do you think the castings are called a ghost forest?




Great Concentration of Seabirds

22)                          How many species of pinnipeds call the islands home? ____________________

23)                          Name five types of seabirds that live in the Channel Islands?

a. ______________________________________________


c. ______________________________________________


e. ______________________________________________



24)  Check off these animals as you observe them in the tidepool exhibit.  With the help of a field guide or a ranger, also give us the species’ common AND scientific names.

o       Lobster: ___________________________________________

o       Garibaldi: _________________________________________

o       Sea Urchin: ________________________________________

o       Sea star1: __________________________________________

o       Sea star2: __________________________________________

o       Sea star3: __________________________________________

o       Sea anemone: _______________________________________

o       Mussel: ____________________________________________

o       Shore crab: _________________________________________

o       Limpet: ____________________________________________


After exiting the visitor center into the breezeway, examine the three-dimensional models of the islands.

25)  How many Channel Islands are there? _______ 

26)  How many of the islands are part of Channel Islands National Park? ______

27)  What is the name of the smallest Channel Island? _________________________________ the largest? _______________________________


Go up the stairs to the observation deck.

28)  Which of the two islands is it possible to see from this location? ___________________ and ____________________.  Were you able to see them today? _______


Examine the plants in the garden.  Choose one of the two self-guided tour pamphlets.

29)  What is the title of your plant booklet? ____________________________________________

30)  What plants did your booklet have you examine?

a.       ___________________________               e. ___________________________________

b.      ___________________________               f. ___________________________________

c.       ___________________________               g. ___________________________________

d.      ___________________________               h. ___________________________________

OVERALL: Conclusion

          End the project by (1) stating the main points of the project, (2) discussing what you liked and disliked about completing this project, and (3) suggesting improvements to this project.