The Nature of Science
· What is known about the
· The method of finding
something out
· Observations using senses
Scientific fact - many can agree using
Equipment used to extend the range of
Temperature - thermometer
Radiation - Geiger counter
Small objects - microscope
ex. Air
Indirect evidence
· Applies to physical problems
ex. God
Does not fall under natural law:
Not testable using senses
Dostoyevsky: some things are not
meant to be understood
Objective faith: faith based on
· Everyone has some type of
Naturalism: All things can be figured out according to natural law.
Creation-science is not science because “it fails to display the most basic
characteristic of science: reliance upon naturalistic explanations.” --National Academy of Sciences
Secular humanism: Humans can control mankind’s destiny; PMA
Intelligent Design: The complexity of
nature is evidence of creation.
The Religion of Evolution
· Anti-theistic conclusions
universe was not designed and has no purpose.
are the product of blind natural processes that care nothing
about us.
· The evident zeal of Darwinist to evangelize the world.
Dawkins (The Blind Watchmaker): “if you meet
somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, the person is ignorant, stupid
or insane.”
· Colin Patterson, senior paleontologist at the British Natural
History Museum: “Can you tell me anything you know about evolution, any one
thing...that is true?...eventually one person said “I do know one thing--it
ought not to be taught in high school.”
· Irving Kristol: That
Darwinian evolution can gradually transform one kind of creature into another
is merely a biological hypothesis, not a fact.
“(E)volution, as generally taught, has an unwarranted anti-religious
edge to it.”
· Stephen Jay Gould, Harvard
Professor: neo-Darwinian synthesis, “as a general proposition, is effectively
dead, despite its persistence as textbook orthodoxy.”
Natural Selection
· The Theory:
pre-exists due to random mutations.
organisms are produced than can survive.
environment selects against nonadaptive organisms.
Those that
are more fit leave more offspring.
· Example: Artificial
selection in breeding
· Pierre Grasse: “In spite of
the intense pressure generated by artificial selection...over whole millennia,
no new species are born....selection gives tangible form to and gathers
together all the varieties a genome is capable of producing, but does not
constitute an innovative evolutionary process.
· Tautology: a way of saying
the same thing twice.
· The theory predicts that the
fittest organisms will produce the most offspring, and it defines the fittest
organisms as the ones which produce the most offspring.
· Karl Popper, science
philosopher: “those organisms that leave most offspring leave most offspring.”
· Example: Industrial melanism
and Biston betularia
· Grasse: “‘evolution in
action’ simply the observation of demographic facts, local fluctuations of
genotypes, geographical distributions...Fluctuations as a result of
circumstances...does not imply evolution.”
· Natural selection is the
best of the remaining alternatives.
· NAS is opposed to
“supernatural means inaccessible to human understanding,” including God and any
non-material vital force that drives evolution in the direction of greater
complexity, consciousness, or whatever.
· “When you have eliminated
what cannot be, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, is what must
be.” --Sherlock Holmes
Arguments against evolution
Fossil Record
· David Raup, curator: “We are
now about 120 years after Darwin and the knowledge of the fossil record has
been greatly expanded. We now have a
quarter of a million fossil species, but the situation hasn’t changed much...We
have even fewer examples of evolutionary transition than we had in Darwin’s
same sediments as birds
it flew.
from scales?
equilibrium: Steven Jay Gould
erectus: 1891, skull, 3 teeth, femur...& 2 skulls in between
man: ape jaw stained, organgutan teeth filed down
Peking man:
based on a tooth, and photos of bashed skulls
Eye and egg
One protein
from scratch
The alternative
Design Theory
· Science gives us the
data. It is up to us to apply the
Moral decisions can be aided by
scientific information.
applied science