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To: Parents and guardians

RE: Subject Content and Grading System



            Especially in today’s technologically advanced society, science is a part of everyone’s everyday experience. The goal of my science curriculum is straightforward. The primary purpose is to produce scientifically literate students who can succeed in the 21st Century by using their natural curiosity toward living things to develop their science process skills. What the learn in my science class at Chatsworth High School will serve as a foundation for future learning.



q       Think in logical way, using organization and the scientific method.

q       Gather, tabulate, and organize pertinent information or data.

q       Relate structure of plants and animals to function.

q       Develop mathematical methods in analyzing scientific investigations, including statistical analyses.

q       Interrelate organisms as to their effect on nature and on each other.

q       Prepare for further education.



            Emphasis will be placed on: organized thinking, personal responsibility and self-control; neatness and clarity of work; the proper use of English; using math to solve scientific problems; manipulative hand-eye skills; and respect for one’s self and for others.



            Each unit of study will include: laboratory experiences, homework assignments, lectures, class discussions, reading, and testing. Films, slides, current events, projects, and student innovation will supplement class activities.



To: Mr. Vallejo, Science Teacher, Chatsworth HS


I have read the Subject Content and Grading Policy memo and am now aware of the your expectations of the students in your science classes.





_________________________                           ______________________          ______

Parent’s Signature                                                Student’s Signature                       Date


Home Phone Number: (     ) ____________       ______________________          ______




            With few exceptions, homework will be assigned Monday through Thursday. Special projects, science fair experiments, and independent study for examinations may require weekend and holiday work. Parents should encourage their children to complete all assignments.



            A point system will be used. Each activity will be assigned a maximum point value. Points accumulated by the student will be compared to the maximum points possible to obtain percentage. Students with the highest percentage will receive the highest grades. The grading scale is dependant on the average percentage, but the grade thresholds will not drop below an established minimum level of achievement.



            Late work will be accepted until the end of the current grading period  (i.e. at the end of every five week period). These assignments will earn 50% of the original value. Make-up work will be accepted for full credit if accompanied by a yellow Permit to Re-enter class. The student has many days to turn in work for full credit as the student was absent. After this point, this late work policy will be enforced.


Please return the Tear-off to me, but keep the remainder handy for reference. Perhaps the best place to store this is in your student’s notebook and under “Logistics” in the Science section. Our goal should be to increase student achievement. Please understand that this is a team effort. There are many ways in which parents can provide the proper guidance, motivation, assistance, and nurturing home environment for your child’s success and learning in science. Together, we can maximize your child’s chance for success.


Please do not hesitate to contact me at Chatsworth High School. You are welcomed to visit me at any time







Ben Vallejo