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I.   Introduction

A.   Lab Safety

B.   Sciences

C.   Measurement

D.   Scientific Method

II. Conservation Of Matter And Stoichiometry:  Molarity And Molar Mass

III. The Gas Laws and Kinetic Molecular Theory

A. Pressure

B. Diffusion Of Gases

C. Gas Laws and STP

D. Temperature Scales: F, C, K

IV. Acids and Bases

V. Solutions: Concentration of a Solute (g/L, M, ppm, and % Composition)

VI. Reaction Rates

A. Rate of Reaction Is Related to Concentration

B. Affected by Concentration, Temperature, and Pressure

C. Catalyst

VII. Chemical Equilibrium

A. LeChatelier's Principle

B. Steady State

VIII. Cell Structure & Functions

A. Enzymes

B. Photosynthesis

C. Cellular Respiration

IX. Genetics

A. Fertilization: Mutation and Sexual Reproduction (Mitosis)

B. DNA Sequence = Sequence of Amino Acids in a Protein

i.                    Structure of DNA and DNA Replication

ii.                  Transcription

iii.                Translation

C. Mutations

D. Gene Expression Causes Specialization of Cells

E. Protein Structure: primary, secondary, and tertiary

F. DNA Technology

X. Evolution

A. Natural Selection

B. Lethal Genes in Heterozygotes

C. Mutations

D. Variation within a Species

E. Genetic Drift

F. Reproductive or Geographic Isolation

XI. Motion And Forces

A. Newton's Laws & Circular Motion

B. Conservation Of Energy And Momentum: Unbalanced Force, Elastic And Inelastic Collisions

XII. Electric And Magnetic Phenomena

          A. Electric Currents

          B. Direction of a Magnetic Field

XIII. Energy in the Earth System: Greenhouse Effect

XIV. Structure and Composition of the Atmosphere

          A. Composition of the Atmosphere

          B. Evolution of the Atmosphere over Geologic Time

          C. Ozone Layer