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During the game press enter and type:
black sheep wall
Reveals the entire and clears the Fog of War.
breathe deep
Adds 500 vespene gas.
food for thought
Supply units/ buildings are no longer required to build, but the supply limit still stands.
game over man
Instant Loss
there is no cow level
Instant Win
medieval man
For all units you are commanding, +1 upgrades.
modify the phase variance
Ability to build without the required buildings.
operation cwal
Much faster building times and instant upgrades.
power overwhelming
This makes all units instantly regain health. Only the human player can do damage.
show me the money
10,000 minerals and vespene!
something for nothing
All available upgrades
staying alive
Disables win or victory.
the gathering
Infinite energy/ mana.
war aint what it used to be
Disable Fog of war
whats mine is mine
+500 minerals

Brood War Only Cheat:

radio free zerg
Plays a secret Zerg song.