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Any programs that I find useful for Starcraft will be posted here. There are alot of them out there, so I will only post my favorite ones. The Starcraft Campaign Editor is also more commonly called "Staredit." Most of these programs work only for non Mac machines. Sorry, but I will try to a find a Mac compatible program.

Starcraft Campaign Editor Programs

Zap Placer
A nice little program which adds extra triggers,units, etc., on to Staredit.
Note: This was made to be compatible with Starcraft Version 1.07. Although it still works fine, there is a chance it might crash on you.

Similar to the Zap Placer program, but for some reason this will crash less than the Zap Placer one. As said before this was designed for Starcraft Version 1.07, but it still works so be happy.

Map Colors
This simple, easy-to-use program allows you to change the text colors on the map. It is limited, but at least it works well.

This is the program which allows for instant upgrades, map protection, and other cool crap. Unfortunately, you will need to download Java Runtime 2 if you have not already. It is a 5 MB file and would take up a little too much space on this website so your on your own. To get instant upgrades, go to set costs and set the time cost to 0%. You will need to save the map under a different name with the ".scm" or ".scx" added to it.