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Tennis history
game of tennis is the same everywhere. The name given to the game differs in different countries. In Great Britain it is called Tennis or, to distinguish it from Lawn Tennis, Real Tennis or Royal Tennis. In the USA it is called Court Tennis: in France Jeu de Paume (hand ball): and in Australia Royal Tennis. The various names throw light on the development of the game. Tennis originated in France before the 12th century. The whole appearance of a tennis court is influenced by its origins. The first courts were to be found in courtyards immediately adjacent to a castle or in cloistered monastery quadrangles. Originally the players played with their hands (jeu de paume). Later they used gloves, then short bats to hit the ball. The game became very popular and in the 13th century it is said that there were as many as 1,800 courts in France. 


Swimming history
Swimming as an organized activity goes back as far as 2500 B.C. in ancient Egypt and later in ancient Greece, Rome, and Assyria. In Rome and Greece, swimming was part of the education of elementary age boys and the Romans built the first pools (separate from bathing pools). The first heated swimming pool was built by Gaius Maecenas of Rome in the first century BC. Gaius Maecenas was a rich Roman lord and considered one of the first patron of arts - he supported the famous poets Horace, Virgil, and Propertius, making it possible for them to live and write without fear of poverty. 

However, swimming pools did not became popular until the middle of the 19th century. By 1837, six indoor pools with diving boards were built in London, England. After the modern Olympic Games began in 1896 and swimming races were among the original events, the popularity of swimming pools began to spread - Reference Britannica 


Gymanastics history
Gymnastics, like a number of Olympic sports, has it roots in warfare. In ancient times, the Greeks, Mesopotamians and Egyptians used gymnastic-style exercises to prepare their warriors for battle. The ancient Chinese also practiced group gymnastic exercises, a tradition which continues today.

Gymnastic, as an activity sport, began in ancient Greece more than 2000 years ago. Men gathered at the centers of activity "gymnasiums" to practice sport and debate about art, literature and philosophy. Plato, Aristotle and Homer advocated strengthening qualities of gymnastic activity and finding symmetry between the mind and body.

The evolution of modern gymnastics began in the 19th century with the fusion of disciplines popular in Germany and Scandinavia. In 1830s, gymnastics was introduced to United States and its school systems by some of the famous immigrants. 


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