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{The scene opens in B-Pac's Charlotte, NC hotel room where he has stopped for the night on his way to Buffalo. "Epiphany" by Staind is heard playing in the background as B-Pac sits in a chair with his head facing the ground. He slowly raises his head and looks into the camera. He has a look of solemness and determination in his eyes. He has no shirt on and isn't wearing his trademark shades. This has a different feeling than his normal promos. He clears his throat as he begins to speak.}

B-Pac: "Every now-and-then an opportunity arises that turns the tables on a person's life... those tables have now turned on me. They have turned for the better. A new breath of life has been given to me. A chance to capitalize on a situation and bring home the Intercontinental Championship. I will not let anyone deny me this opportunity nor will I let anyone steal it from me. I go into this match with many people doubting my status here in the WoW and questioning my capabilities... but when all is said and done, people will look at me and say "There goes one hell of a champion". My goals, my dreams, and my destiny lie in that belt. Whatever needs to be done to get it, I will do. I will stop at nothing and I will let nothing stop me from picking up the victory at Malice."

{B-Pac gets up from the chair and turns his CD player off. He takes a sip from a bottle of water and sits back down in his chair.}

B-Pac: "This upcoming Malice will be the turning point of my career. Because when I win the IC Title, everyone will know just what I am all about. Some have said I am a snake because I will do whatever it takes to win... that is simply not true... I am not a snake, I AM THE VENOM! I am the part that disables you and causes you to lose all hope. I am that voice inside your head that tells you to just end it all. I am the impulse that stimulates your fears and brings them into reality. I am the reason you put that brand new security system in your house. I am the reason you tell your kids not to go out after dark... yes, I am all of that and much much more! I am the New Breed of Superstar! I poison your mind and disable your body. I am an unstoppable force that... well... can't be stopped. And Malice will only be the beginning.

{B-Pac stands up and walks out of the room slamming the door behind him as the camera fades.}

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