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{B-Pac is waiting impatiently for Kid Galahad's reaction to his last promo. Finally giving up and turning the televison off, he sighs and look s at the camera.}
B-Pac: "Obviously, Kid Galahad, you have better things to do tonite. I know I have better things to do than sit here waiting for you. I have been invited to sit ring-side at another less-fortunate federation and witness the return of a good friend of mine... if you know who I mean. But nonetheless, I just can't wait to hear what you have to say. I mean, I know it will consist of at least three things... you quoting from some stupid book, you constantly repeating that you will "send me to hell" and last but not least, you calling me the father of all that is evil. Now am I right, or am I right? Yeah, I am right. I mean, heaven forbid you have anything INTERESTING or DIFFERENT TO SAY! I know, why don't you stare in awe at the awesome invention of electricty... or dental floss."
{Laughing inspite of himself, B-Pac reaches over and picks up a book. He then picks up a metal helmet and a garbage can that has been cut in the shape of a breast plate. He puts on the equiptment and then stands on his chair.}
B-Pac: "Hey, look at me, I'm a big tall dumb-ass that wears funny crap and reads books. Here, I'll read you some of this book here... 'the male reproductive organ is known as the penis, the female reproductive organ is known as the'... *drops the book* Oops, I guess I'll have to start calling people funny names now! B-Pac, you are the uncle of all the cousins of the abyss. You have impregnated evil and are the father of vile and bad... and ... bad, I guess.
{He then steps down from the chair and removes the ridiculous attire and throws the book on the ground. He takes a seat again.}
B-Pac: "I guess that was pushing it a little far, but what the hell, you should see how ridiculous you look... I was doing that as a joke but you dress like that ON PURPOSE?! And you actually think you have a shot at my title?! You're even stupider than I ever imagined. Maybe you should have stayed in the "desert"... or way out in the "artic"... HA! That's too bad for you, though. Kid Galahad, with all of that said, the best thing for you to do would be to call all of your knights, call all of your calvary, hell, even call the FPA! I am through talking to you tonite!
{B-Pac gets up from his chair and leaves the room as the camera fades out.}