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{The lights are dimmed in an elegant hotel room. The sheets on the bed are silk and there is a bottle of expensive champagne sitting on the table next to the bed with 5 glasses situated in a circle around the bottle. B-Pac is then shown sitting in an uncomfortable looking but very stylish chair.}

B-Pac: "Kid Galahad, why is it your goal in life to bring my past into the present? Was it ever stated that I was crazy? Hell no. It was stated, however, that I had anger management issues.. but I'm well over that now. You should be too. And it isn't my fault that you have to shoot your promos on home video and don't have cameramen and reporters hounding you every 20 minutes for an interview. Maybe you're just a boring ass-hole that no one cares to see. Chances are that is the case. Your other problem is the lack of focus that you have for our match... I mean you have mentioned Smoke Dawg as many times as you have mention me lately... is he your object of desire? It wouldn't suprise me. Is he in some way involved in our match-up? I think not. Are you just a complete dumb-ass that suffers from A.D.D.? That would explain your entire existance, really. But, since you claim to be so "literate" then you should remember these words from a very informative book:"

"Therefore, victorious forces first achieve victory and then conduct battle; losing forces first conduct battle and then seek victory."

B-Pac: "My confidence is my victory, Kid Galahad... I have already declared my victory over you, the only thing left to do is conduct battle. I plan to execute my moves to perfection causing a breakdown of your defenses while keeping my defense sharp and ready to react, causing your offense to be nullified... and there is no one that can taste victory that has no offense or defense. I noticed, Kid Galahad, that you stated "I want your SOUL"... I'm sorry, I thought you were Kid Galahad not Jarred Carthallion... Don't try to rip him off. You don't have the power to take someone's soul and you, being a Christian, should know that better than anyone. OR, have you just added your own rules to your faith making you, as I said before, a FALSE PROPHET? Honestly, Kid, I think you are full of horse crap, but my opinions dont matter just as your entire existance doesn't matter. So, in conclusion, stop repeating Jarred, stop bringing Smokey into this match, and stop being a dick head.

{B-Pac gets up from his chair and walks over to the bed where he sits down. He picks up a glass and fills it with champagne. He then fills another glass up and makes a toast.

B-Pac: "To Kid Galahad, a worthy opponent but one hell of an ass. May his soul rest in peace."

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