Click here for "Pay Back" by Flaw.

{Smoke lingers on the ceiling as neon lights flash through it similar to the way high-beams do in the fog. A couple of guys are talking loudly at a table near the television in a local pub when a WoW LIVE commercial comes on to announce this Friday's event at the Maple Leaf Gardens. The commercial announces that WoW IC Champ, B-Pac, will be in attendance and have a match against former European champion, PKA. The men turn to each other and discuss their feelings over a large amount of beer and hard liquor.}

Theodore: "It's about bloody time these bastards came back to Canada! They must have forgotten where they come from. They don't care about us because all of the money is in America. "Screw the Canadiens" they say. That is all they care about is the money."

Shawn: "Well, you would do the same thing, Theo. Don't say you wouldn't. You see that guy, B-Pac? I heard that he just signed one of the largest contracts in WoW history yet he goes around claiming that he wrestles for the love of wrestling? I don't buy that. He wrestles for the love of wrestling for money, maybe, but not for the love of wrestling itsself."

{The two men continue to talk as a dark figure walks towards the jukebox and places a dollar in it. He searches through the songs available and chooses one. He then makes his way towards the two men. As "Pay Back" begins to play, Theodore and Shawn look at each other and then back towards the jukebox. They both shrug their shoulders but notice B-Pac standing right beside their table.}

B-Pac: "All about the money, huh, boys?"

{B-Pac then smashes an empty beer bottle over Theodore's head sending him directly to the ground. As Shawn looks at B-Pac in pure fear, he is lifted from his chair and slammed on top of the table causing both it and the man to crash to the floor. B-Pac then looks at the stunned group of people in the pub and walks out calm and collected. He rants on to the camera on his way to his car...}

B-Pac: "PKA, you are absolutely right! You shouldn't thank me, you shouldn't shake my hand, and you shouldn't bow down to my feet... you should BEG ME TO RECONSIDER THE MATCH! I didn't want this match to see if you are as good as me... I didn't want it because I was doing you a favor. I wanted it because I was tired of seeing your ugly face and hearing your stupid voice all the damn time. I figure when I beat your ass you'll shut the hell up. So just slow down and take into consideration just WHO I AM! I'm not your average opponent. I hurt people, I leave them broken and bloody, I leave them without hope or motivation... I poison their entire existance. I am the venom and even the smallest dose can be deadly. You are in no condition for someone like me."
"I hear the way the fans chant your name when they see you... too bad it's usually followed by SUCKS! I know you can't win, the fans know you can't win, VP Thomas knows you can't win, one-eyed Smoke Dawg knows you can't win, even Darren all beat up in the hospital knows you can't win. You know what else all of these people know? They know that you know that you just can't win. Face it... I am stronger, more popular, more skilled and much more prepared for this match than you will EVER be. It's the truth."

{B-Pac makes it to his car and clicks his alarm off. He jumps in, cranks it up, and burns rubber as he heads off down the road. The police arrive at the pub as the camera fades.}

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