Click here for "Pay Back" by Flaw.

{The clock strikes midnight as B-Pac comes storming into his locker room. His face is glowing red and his eyes seem to burn like hot coals. B-Pac rips off his tank-top and slings it across the room. He is pouring sweat and breathing deeply as he paces back and forth in an angry manner. He then takes off his IC belt and tosses it into a chair that sits in the corner of the room. He takes a cell phone and a pair of shades out of his duffle bag and dials some numbers on the phone...}

Phone: *ring* *ring* Hello, this is Rage's mansion. Please leave your name and a message after the beep and I'll ge back to you."

B-Pac: "There is a rule that I like to follow, Rage... it's called "You screw with me and I'll (bleep) YOU UP!" Now since, you see it fit to run your mouth and screw me out of a victory, I see it fit to take a 20 foot ladder and stick it so far up your ass that your s#!t will be scared of heights! Fate does not smile upon you these past weeks... not only have you "accidentally" knocked the hell out of your peers, you have had your life signed over to me in a ladder match at Hell Bent! You may have looked at this as the opportunity of a lifetime but believe me... it will be THE LAST opportunity in your lifetime.

{B-Pac then hangs the phone up and tosses it back into his bag. He walks over to the chair with his belt in it and picks the belt up. As he stares at it for a few moments, he then takes a seat with the belt in his lap. He wipes the belt off with a rag and admires the beauty that lies both inside and outside of the belt.}

B-Pac- "This belt, Rage, is the sign of a true champion. You can't be any punk off of the street, like you, and win this title. Exactly who are you anyway? I think that most people refer to you as "Selena's boyfriend" and that is your only claim to fame so far. Don't think that this match will be a stepping stone for your career because it won't be. As a matter of fact, I think that your career will get nothing but worse after our match... I just know it will. You want to be the one to bring the IC gold home to the Force, huh? Well, we'll see just who brings what where this Sunday! Speaking of the Dark Force, things aren't running too smoothly are they? It seems to me, Rage, that you are the main problem there by knocking all of your teammates out all of the time... either you are out to get them or you are a really big screw up. Either way, I wouldn't be suprised.

{B-Pac starts to calm down a little as he wipes the sweat from his brow. He then starts to laugh a little and shakes his head.}

B-Pac: "Rage, I can't believe how jealous you are of Selena and me. You smash a barbed-wire bat into her head and they get upset at me for trying to protect her from getting hurt once again? Your stupidity amazes me. Maybe if you were a better boyfriend, I wouldn't have had to save her. But rest assured that you have broken a rule in trying to attack me during a match. The consequences will be severe and you ARE NOT prepared to face them. This Intercontinental Title is way out of your league. Hell, I think any title is out of your league. That is, unless the WoW gets a "Pee Wee Title" in which you have to wrestle midgets, then you would be perfect for that one..."

{B-Pac chuckles and walks out of the room as the scene fades.}

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