Click here for "Pay Back" by Flaw.

{A press conference is just beginning in the Charles B. Wang International Children's Building located in Alexandria, VA. Standing to make an announcement is WoW Vice President, B-Pac. The board claps as he approaches the podium and begins to speak.}

B-Pac: "On behalf of all of the employees of Worldwide Online Wrestling and myself, I am glad to announce that we are making a $1 million dollar contribuation to The National Center For Missing and Exploited Children. We humbly ask that in return, you will accept our contribution and continue doing the excellent job that you are known to do. Worldwide Online Wrestling is excited to embark on the mission that we are about to face. We are working on several fund raisers and campaigns to raise money for various foundations in the United States and Canada to hopefully help aid others who are less fortunate than we are."

{The audience gives B-Pac a standing ovation as he thanks them for their time and hands a check signed by himself for $1 million dollars. Cameras flash as B-Pac exits the stage and walks into the back. There, he is greeted by the WoW financial agent with a handshake.}

Agent: "Congradulations, Mr. Ellis. I believe that this will open up a brand new door for WoW. The Lord will truely honor this contribution and your kindness."

B-Pac: "This isn't for the benefit of WoW, sir. This one is for the children."

{"This One's For The Children" by New Kids on the Block begins to play as pictures are shown on the screen of missing children and starving children. This goes on for about 4 minutes as the screen fades to black.}

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