Click here for "Cold" by Static-X

-[ The camera shows a big-body Chevy Suburban sitting in an empty parking lot as "Drift and Die" by Puddle of Mudd is heard playing from inside. The window is slightly cracked and smoke slowly steams from it. The camera draws closer as a flash of light is seen reflecting off of B-Pac's shades. B-Pac notices the camera and lets the window down completely and sits there quietly. He doesn't speak at first... just finishes his cigarette and tosses it out the window. He reaches over the cuts the radio down and looks into the camera. ]-

B-Pac: " I take it that all of the speculation that Dick and I couldn't get along for a short length of time was proven to be wrong and inconclusive. I think that we made one hell of a team... not to mention neither of us were eliminated. You see, Dick and I are champions not only because we have our own respected Title Belt around our waists... but because we can give everything that we have and much more in any given situation. We both have few weaknesses and many strengths... however, one weakness of Dick's that is most noticeable is his trust. He trusts Nester, he trusts the LDE, he trusts his father, he trusts his family... each person that he trusts is another added weakness. I am almost immune to trust anymore. It has only caused me failure and / or slowed me down. "

" I have become anti-social for the most part... and I don't trust, like, or have faith in anyone but myself. Though I do think that if I could find a trustworthy partner, I could further my success and make a bigger impact than I could by myself. It is a nice though, I'm sure, but I know that a person like that doesn't really exists. Even if they did exist, they would be too hard to find. But none of that matters at this moment. The only thing that does matter is I got my IC belt back from that thief, Adam Lax, and I have a Qualifying match for King Karnage at Malice on Monday. "

-[ B-Pac stops talking. He opens his door up and steps out of his SUV. He seems bothered by the light and as he looks up to it, the light fades out. As B-Pac stands in total darkness, his eyes seem to reflect the darkness and glow in the dark. ]-

B-Pac: " And at King Karnage, I will let it all hang out. There will be no holding back; no limitations to the pain I will inflict on the days leading up to that event. And then, the havoc will double. I will definately have some new enemies to fend off... though I AM NOT through with Adam Lax at this moment. As a matter of fact, I think that I am just beginning to get even with him. Nonetheless, I welcome all comers and challengers. I can't recommend getting on my bad side because the only way to get me off of your back once I am dead set on getting you is to take the breath from my body. And that is no simple task, you trust me on that one. "

" It looks as though the two new targets for this week are Ichabod and Judas. I'm not too sure on who or what Judas is, but I know a thing or two about Ichabod. Here it is, Ichabod... what are you gonna do with it? You have your shot at me now. Do you still want to get your hands on me as bad as you did not so long ago? I certainly hope so because I am burning up inside to see you suffering and in pain. I can think of few things that I desire to see more than myself stomping on your motionless body and watching as the blood gushes from several opening in your skull that are all MY doings. Ichabod, I'll bring the whoopin'... and you bring the ass. I dare you to test me and give me one more good reason to wish you dead because my wishes usually come true. What are your wishes, Ichabod? Are you so evil that you do not need them? I'm sure you'll soon find that evil isn't so bad... compared to me. "

-[ B-Pac opens the door to his vehicle and sits inside of it. He turns the radio back up on full blast and drives off as the camera fades... to... black. ]-

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