Authors & InvestigatorsThis study was handled by Burning Brain Society as a part of WHO project. Among others, the following people worked on the project:
Supported by: Ms. Geetanjali Kashyap (M.A. Psychology, M. Ed.), Ms. Poonam Goswami (M.A. Economics), Mrs. Joginder Kaur (M.A. His., Eng., NTT), Ms. Ritcha Madan (M.Sc., M.Ed.) Field investigation support: Mr. Piyush Kamra, Mr. Rakesh Walia, Mr. Gaurav Kainth, Mr. Saurav Abrol, Mr. Ashish Kumar, Mr. Sanjay Kumar, Ms. Priya, Ms. Madhvee Sharma, Mr. Naresh, Ms. Sangeeta Johal and hundreds others who provided support over the internet and through the GLOBALink website. Acknowledgement & thanks: We are thankful to Dr. Stanton A. Glantz, University of California, San Francisco; Dr. Savita Malhotra, Professor of Psychiatry, PGI, Chandigarh; Dr. Anil Malhotra, Professor of Clinical Psychology, Dr. B. S. Chavan, Professor of Psychiatry, GMCH, Chandigarh, Dr. J. R. Kashyap, Ass Professor of Medicine, GMCH, Chandigarh and Mr. Jonathan Polansky, Principal - onbeyond.com, Fairfax, USA for reviewing and providing valuable suggestions. Correspondence Details: Mailing Address: Hemant Goswami, Chairperson: Burning Brain Society, Glass office #3, Shivalikview, Sector 17, Chandigarh 160017 INDIA : Post Box: P.O. Box. 137, G.P.O. Sector 17, Chandigarh 160017 INDIA E-Mail: infoburningbrain.org Telephone: +91-172-5165555 |