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Bianca Tirri Cin Daniel Janis

Cin simply smiled. There was no way to describe how she felt anymore then it seemed her partners could. Following Dan only long enough for them to get into the room, getting behind him to help him get out of his clothing. Doing it slowly. Feeling his skin…pressing close to his back, getting lost for a long moment, in the tangible that mingled with the intangible sensations.

Bianca watched them...and felt warm. She watched as Cin pulled Dan's clothing off, and wasn't grossed out in the slightest. It was strange...really. She'd avoided men all her life...yet here she was, bonded to one and happy about it.

“Come here little girl.” Cin all but purred, motioning with a finger for Bianca to join them. There was this under current of fear from both of them still… a wavering unease that she wanted to fix. She loved both, more then she’d have ever expected to love anyone. Thinking always that she had been meant to be alone. Leaving Dan in his shorts, pulling Bianca into his arms and stepping behind her to help her the rest of the way out of her clothes. Gliding hands along Bianca’s soft skin as she molded along her back as she had done with Dan, kissing her neck to help calm the fear. “Shhh… it’s ok.” Stroking Dan’s arms.

Dan felt warm, having Bianca pressed against his chest with Cin undressing her. He felt himself reacting, just as any man would. Though he felt that Bianca wasn't comfortable with him, so he decided to be very careful with her and let her set the pace.

Leaving the two to regard each other. Backing away to remove her own uniform. ‘How do I decide which I want when?’ was the thought that nearly had her in tears. She wanted both so badly she could nearly taste it, but the thought of neglecting either of them was unthinkable.

Dan saw the look on Cin's face...and held his hand out to her. "Cin...c'mon now. None of that." He didn't add that he'd need help with Bianca. He had a feeling she already knew that. "We can't do this without you."

Taking a long breath, stepping back up to them, Cin stepped between them…putting her back to Dan and facing Bianca. Pulling the woman close, holding her with one arm. Snaking her other back along Dan’s side to rub his hip. “I’m just not sure how to handle both of you.”

"Well...I don't think we're sure how to handle this how about we learn together?" Bianca said.

Smiling brightly at Bianca, walking her backwards toward the bed since she seemed less reluctant then Dan. It was impossible to miss his attraction to all that was happening, but Cin knew she could build Bianca longer then Dan. Laying her on the bed, scooting her over. Patting the bed for Dan to join them.

Dan put himself down where Cin had indicated. Watching Cin begin to play with Bianca...leaning over and kissing Cin's neck.

Bianca smiled up at her love, reaching up to put her hands on Cin's sides, then pulling her down to kiss her.

“Hm…” Kissing Bianca back, letting her hand trace along Dan’s abs gently, Cin was in pure bliss. Arranging herself so that her knee put pressure against the smaller woman…giving her something to warm up against. Waiting for Dan to guide her with how to meet his needs.

Dan watched his two girls....not sure just what to do. So he sat by, giving Cin's neck some attention....before gently caressing Bianca's cheek with the back of his hand. She didn't seem to mind, which he thought was a good thing.

Removing Bianca’s last few bits of clothing, Cin turned to kiss Dan deeply on the mouth caressing his cheek before returning to the other woman, nuzzling her neck down to her breasts, lightly tonguing a firm eager nipple while rubbing Dan’s thigh which was all she could really focus on…but had to keep some kind of physical connection to both.

Dan moved his hand up over Cin's ass as he bent down to kiss Bianca. For a moment, he felt her panic...but then it began to subside. He pulled back.....kissing her more lightly, feeling her accept it more. Meanwhile he let his hand trail down between Cin's legs....feeling her excitement.

Purring when she moved from one side of Bianca’s beautiful body to the other perfect side to nuzzle and nip the soft underside of the smaller woman’s breasts. Cin could not miss Dan’s hand on her… giving her a deep shudder of desire.

Bianca wanted to melt. She had never felt this good before. She whimpered a bit as Dan kissed her...more so as Cin kissed her chest. Her body responding to if these two could do no wrong.

The dampness rubbing against Cin’s thigh prompted a slight rearrangement stretching out enough to kiss her then bend up to kiss Dan, but not for a second forgetting Bianca…sliding a hand along the engineer’s mound rubbing it firmly before inching a finger between her folds to rub her clit.

Dan saw the change....and smiled. He watched the expression on Bianca's face go to lust....felt it too. Smiling, he slipped his index finger into Cin. "You like that, Baby?"

“Oh…god yes.” Cin sighed, searching for his mouth again. Slipping Bianca a slow finger so she could enjoy as much. Dan was getting into this slowly, but it was very exciting to her that it seemed to be going well.

He kissed her back....and pulled her a little closer. He slipped his finger deeper into Cin did the same to Bianca.

‘Oh this was getting hard…’ Cin thought, trying to focus on both…finding it easier as she relaxed. Slipping her finger all the way into that warm, wet want of beautiful Bianca then pulling it out to press along her clit repeating that the best she could while answering to Dan’s touch and hunger.

Bianca moaned loudly. "Oh....Oh GOD!"

Her voice rang throughout Dan's quarters. And her voice made him feel warm inside, spurring him on to finger Cin her another finger.

Cin whimpered, pulling her hand free of Bianca, pushing the lighter woman up higher on the bed, pressing against Dan’s hand inching back, urging Bianca’s knees up, to nuzzle before flicking her tongue out to taste the other woman, sliding her in two fingers as Dan had done to Cin. ‘To give and to receive…’ her mind grasped at passages in the religion she had been taught as a child but never understood. Seeing both lovers thru a haze that made them so much more.

Dan couldn't take it any more. Hearing both women moaning....he got up behind Cin and began to move his manhood over Cin's sex. He start to apply gentle pressure....wanting her to push back.

Slipping her knees wider, Cin pushed back gasping. She had nearly forgotten the sensation of him filling her. “Hhmmmm…” Panting against Bianca’s flesh as she still worked her finger in and out.

Lust over taking his mind, he began to thrust into Cin...watching her eat out their little engineer. The feelings were all so intense......he groaned......wanting to cum so much.

“Bianca…” Cin panted, wanting to give the woman what she really needed but they both got the impression of Dan’s need. Nodding Bianca, replaced Cin’s hand with her own to stroke herself at her own pace. “Dan…” Breathless. “Baby, let me turn around.” She wanted…needed to see his face. Pressing herself against the bed, when he gave her the chance, welcoming him with a hungry kiss…clenching hard to Bianca’s free hand. Dan let Cin move herself.....knowing she wanted to look him in the eyes. "Hurry Baby...."

Reaching out for him, drawing him down with her free hand, Cin kissed him again. Brushing fingers along his side, wanting him deep as the waves emanating off both rippled and flooded thru her. Warm, blanketed in love…

Bianca watched and was fascinated. Knowing the feel of a thick toy, but not the real deal. She wasn’t repulsed, squeezing Cin’s hand while she stroked herself slowly. Waiting her turn.

Dan lifted Cin up...and set her down in Bianca's lap. Smiling....he started to thrust deep......moaning.

Watching as Bianca reached around and began to caress Cin's breasts. Watching the pilot the throes of making love, giving her a little thought that there was hope yet for males.

Reaching up and behind her, Cin laid her arms up around Bianca’s neck that gave the other woman unhindered access to her breasts and left her completely open to Dan. Hips grinding against his when he slid in, accepting his manhood to the hilt. “God…” She cried out softly.

Taking her with everything he had......watching as Cin writhed on top of Bianca. He began to thrust harder......"God Cin.....Oh God..."

“That’s it baby…” Coaxing him on as Bianca tweaked Cin’s nipples hard, making her shudder, close to her own release. Biting her lip and locking her eyes with Dan’s seeing the fire he was bearing down on her with…loving every second of this joining.

His entire body tensed up as he thrust into his love one more time. His seed splashing up inside her......a loud groan escaping his mouth.

Small hands engulfed Cin’s throbbing breasts pushing her up toward Dan. Bianca watched the look on Dan’s face, thinking in amusement that he was not graceful but certainly honest in his reactions.

Covering his open mouth with hers, Cin cried out her release after Dan had spent himself deeply…rippling and dancing muscles pressing along his length. Wrapping her arms around his neck to hold him to her. Nuzzling his cheek softly.

Dan held her close....kissing her deeply. He saw Bianca's reaction...and turned Cin's head to look at her. "Well...what shall we do with her?"

Feeling a tremor of fear, reaching out to caress Bianca’s face softly to reassure her. “I’ve too many ideas. What would you like Bianca?”

The little engineer smiled, pulling Cin toward her, kissing her wantingly. Pulling Dan up beside them. Leaning back against Dan, Bianca pulled her lover back close to her.

Dan felt unsure of himself...not sure what to he simply held Bianca close.....watching her kiss Cin. Letting the smaller woman get used to his presence......but wanting her so badly.

Bianca wouldn’t have known but Cin had a plan. She didn’t want to push her little girl into a realm where she didn’t feel loved, but forced. Drawing upon their morning together, slowly sliding up Bianca’s body using her own. Hands following every curve, as the Norya’n graced both with a mischievous smile. No one outside this room would ever see this side of Cin.

Watching Cin, feeling her touch and actions, Bianca moaned. Wanting to get lost more in this odd situation of feeling. Not thinking of the warm body behind her that was having wants that she wasn’t sure she’d be ready for.

It was difficult, keeping his hands off of the small woman that was pressed against his chest. The miasma of emotions that were flying around the room weren't making it any easier....feeling both of his partners....feeling the ecstatic joy of one...and the trepidation of the other. He wanted her to trust him....but he also knew that if that was to happen, he was going to have to take it slowly and be good.

“Little girl, do we need a toy? Or can we entertain you?” Cin asked nuzzling her neck, stroking her tight belly with light fingers, inching the other woman up into more of a seated position against Dan.

“No toy.” The woman answered, flush as she kissed the Security chief.

“Trust me then?” Cin asked softly. “No harm here…only love.” Looking deeply in Bianca’s eyes, feeling that wave of fear rise but also the backlash of love coming from Dan as if to reassure without words.

The pilot felt Bianca squirm in his lap, "Shhhh....It'll be ok. Relax, Sweetheart."

Bianca nodded hesitantly. “Just stay here.”

Cin chuckled. “I’m not going anywhere, baby.” Kissing her little girl deeply, snatching Dan’s hand to guide it along the engineer’s form slowly, lightly to acquaint her with the feel of him. Never parting long from Bianca’s mouth, keeping her distracted slightly so that her hesitation wouldn’t scare her.

She didn’t it for Dan to who seemed afraid to touch the other woman. Leading his hand to the places Cin knew he longed to touch. Over those perfect breasts that gave Bianca reason to moan. She knew how good Dan was with his hands…moaning in the languidness of it. Still the Norya’n guided Dan’s hand, loving Bianca as she did, bringing his hand to the wet patch between the little woman’s perfect thighs. Feeling the slight tremble… feeling it to be a mixture of need and lust and only the barest of fears.

He couldn't believe just how smooth her skin was as Cin guided his hand over her body. She was soft....and it all just made him want more. He longed to make love to her....longed to place his lips on her body. Dan looked over at Cin...and he knew she knew.

“Beautiful…Shhh… I’m leading until you tell us otherwise.” Nuzzling Bianca’s neck. “Trust yourself…you and I know you need more then my fingers.” Kissing her throat softly, looking up at Dan. Locking his eyes. “Gently.” Smiling at him. Cin knowing he needed release again but that it would not be with Bianca yet. Fingers still twined with his, guiding his hand to rub firmly against Bianca’s mound.

Bianca cried out, leaning back against Janis. Still feeling safe… fighting off her fear. Her love was right about needing more and accepted it, widening her legs so the hands wouldn’t be cramped.

“Good girl.” Cin purred, cradling Bianca between her and Dan as she guided Dan’s middle finger along the wet clit with hers then pressed so slowly with her finger and his into Bianca. Not forcing, but gentle slow pressure knowing the woman could take more but not rushing because it was a man’s hand in her body.

“Baby…tell us what you need?” The Security officer asked so softly against her loves neck. Needing to know if it were too much for her little girl. Cin had picked up on her not being as loud as she had been when it had been just them, but that was understandable. This was not the easiest of situations to adapt to.

It was unlike her to be demure in the bedroom, but this was different. She always knew what she wanted from her partner....but now she had two. "I....I want you." She said...her voice soft and pleading. Bianca was afraid. She wasn't afraid of Dan per se....but she was afraid of how he made her feel. She'd never felt this way about a man.....and yet she felt the need for him...deep inside her. She wanted him.....but didn't. It was a conundrum in and of itself. The lesbian that suddenly wanted a man. It made her question what she'd known her entire life. Everything that had led her to this point. But...she still loved Cin.......but she also loved Dan because Cin loved Dan.

Glancing to Dan, releasing his hand, gently pulling it from Bianca, Cin took his hand again to suck on his finger while turning her eyes back to Bianca thinking on how she had licked the toy the first time. Not sure how Dan would handle the use of her mouth on his hand or how the woman would take to her two fingers while watching the show.

Dan felt Cin's mouth on his fingers.......and he growled just a little. He looked down at Bianca.....their little girl. He felt protective of her....for she was so small. Just like he felt protective of Cin. Gently, he kissed the top of her head....and pulled Cin to her.

Cin laughed. “Growling already? It’s not morning yet Sweetie.” Teasing him a little, knowing him not to be a morning person. Getting tight to Bianca, kissing her deeply, then kissing down her breasts, sliding fingers slowly in and out of her, curving them. “Bianca… this what you need? Hmm…”

Bianca could only nod. Though her head drifted back as she felt Cin's fingers inside herself. When she opened her eyes for just a moment, she gazed directly into Dan's. They were deep and very pretty. Without thinking, she reached up and pulled Dan's face down to hers and kissed him.

Seeing Bianca kiss Dan heartened Cin. She smiled, gliding further down the soft curves of her other love, finding her way back down between her creamy thighs to tongue softly at the swollen clit while working against her with her fingers.

Dan felt Bianca tense in his arms as he kissed her. His hand were on her breasts as Cin slipped between her legs. She shivered.....and Dan knew it was from what Cin was doing to her. In the back of his mind he wondered what she tasted like.....and he hoped that she'd let him find out soon. In the mean time....he would be happy with what she'd given him.

Inching her way further, so she could mouth Bianca’s folds, sucking on the sensitive skin, Cin used her free hand to pull Bianca’s hips up more so she had a better angle making her lean more against Dan.

She moaned into his Cin began to eat her and as Dan pinched her nipples. Bianca began to lose herself in all of this.....feeling the two of them pushing her towards climax. Oh how she wanted the release.....needed to feel it. And wanted the both of them to give it to her.

Adding a third slender finger, Cin sped up with her rhythm against Bianca, wanting her release as much as Bianca needed, letting her teeth lightly brush the sensitive skin as she suckled the folds. Feeling the shallow breathes coming between pants, then dampness from a light layer of sweat on Bianca’s thighs, reaching up with her hand to rub the tight belly. The circle was as complete as they could make at the moment. The emotion flowing freely between them as they explored and shared for the first time.

Dan groaned.....He felt like his body was going to explode....he needed one of them so badly. He literally hurt. As much as he liked watching Cin pleasure Bianca...and as much as he liked holding this tiny engineer in his arms....he needed. He wanted......

Cin heard but was torn. She wanted Bianca to spend herself…and whimpered. Not wanting to neglect either of them…or leave them wanting.

He could feel that Cin was suddenly torn. Janis admonished himself for being selfish.....knowing that it wasn't his way. One of his hands slipped down and alighted onto Cin's head...pushing her down into Bianca.....letting her know to finish. He wasn't going anywhere.

So relieved at Dan’s touch and unspoken understanding tears of relief came to Cin’s eyes as she redoubled her efforts on their little love sending him a way of appreciative love. Pumping her fingers hard, curving them so they brushed the spot within Bianca as she switched to flicking the folds of her clit instead of sucking on them.

Bianca broke the kiss......and screamed. Screamed like she always did when making love. Her entire body tensed, making her back she let lose a glass shattering scream.

Dan held her to him as she came hard for Cin....watched as Cin lapped her clean.....muttering under his breath about how beautiful a sight this all was.

Letting out a shaky sigh, parting from Bianca’s body, leaning up to kiss her before turning her attention to the burning need Dan had that Cin felt sharply. Her first love he was and would always be. Sliding Bianca a little more to the side, so she could straddle his need. Caressing both their faces gently.

Dan pulled Cin down onto himself, watching as she pushed Bianca to the side. He felt a small pang that she could not participate in this....but knew that eventually she would be able to. Reaching up, he guided Cin's mouth to his and kissed her forcefully.....pushing his manhood up into her.

Switching gears to handle Dan, meeting his kiss and taking his weapon in deeply with a slight growl of want. She wasn’t forgetting for an instant about Bianca, but didn’t want to push her too hard either. Biting at Dan’s lips while grinding against his hips. He was hard and stretching her slightly…it was a sensation Cin lived for from him. That slight bite of pain with so much pleasure.

He moaned and Cin rocked on him. It didn't take long...and he was exploding inside her.....but he didn't stop....knowing that Cin needed relief as well.

Bianca watched and felt, knowing as Dan did that Cin needed like they had. The positioning the two were in seemed too inviting. The small woman slipped up behind Cin on Janis’ lap, wrapping herself along the Norya’n’s back, embracing her from behind, rubbing her hands along Cin’s abs and breasts pressing her against Dan.

Cin let her head lull back against Bianca’s shoulder when she felt her join them. Riding Dan’s manhood even after he had spent himself, feeling drained in one aspect but needing in another, raking his shoulders lightly with her nails. “Oh lord…”

He couldn't help but smile as he saw Bianca climb up behind Cin. Daniel felt her extra weight, slight as it was, pushing Cin down on top of him....pushing him just a bit deeper into her. "Tell us what you need, Cin......"

“I think I know what she needs.” Bianca smiled, kissing Cin’s neck, snaking her hand down to where Cin was joined with their man, sliding fingers along that wet stretched flesh, fingering the enflamed clit, pressing her harder against Janis.

‘This has to be heaven.’ Cin thought, trembling caught between Dan and Bianca. Panting, leaning forward to maul Dan’s mouth in response to his question since Bianca answered it physically. Crying out her release against Dan’s mouth, hands clutching to Bianca’s knees, letting go of everything knowing they would take care of her. Collapsing against Dan and embraced by Bianca.

Dan loved this...and as Cin came...he came again. Moaning into Cin's mouth…watching Bianca push her into him more.

Contented for the moment Cin turned her head to kiss Bianca’s cheek. Still trembling from the slowing waves of her orgasm with Dan. “Baby…” She smiled, laying her head against Dan’s chest. She knew Bianca was a multiple kind of woman. But Cin needed more cues from the little girl before she’d move.

Bianca stretched out against Cin. Kissing the nape of her neck, before slipping off to the side, pulling her love with her carefully not intending to harm Dan. Sitting up enough to sneak one last kiss from the man, then kissing Cin before laying down on the bed.

Hugging Dan with laden limbs Cin allowed Bianca to move her. With some slight prodding got Dan to scoot over a little, allowing her to curl up with her back to him, while she moved Bianca around so she could hold the smaller woman before reaching down to pull the blanket up around them. Odd tho it was, it seemed right in her mind surrounded by her loves.