Excerpt from Association Address of 1912


Frances Thurber Seal

"The full representation of Mind" - when will man be "the full representa­tion of Mind"? Now - in the spiritual now. Where is man? Here.

In Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy has stated that "the human capacities are enlarged and perfected in proportion as humanity gains the true conception of man and God." Do you not see that the knowledge that man reflects all the qualities expressed in the definition of God, sets man free from any sense of limitation? And the knowledge that thou art the man, is your badge of freedom. Then you know enough to do anything that you may have to do, for you reflect the divine knowing. What is it that declares that you do not know enough to heal this case or to carry out this affair? The devil - all the devil there is - and it does it in the name of good, declaring man to be a miserable sinner, finite, limited, doomed to lose even the little that he now has; and even Christian Scientists are at times deceived into thinking that it is humility to claim that they do not know enough now. If this is true, then man is not today the "full representation of Mind."

I wish I could bring to your attention the great necessity for an affirmative condition of thought. Know that, through Chris­tian Science, you are constantly gaining that which will do every­thing for you, and make your daily experience a gaining process. This will open up your mentality, and make it more receptive to the right idea; whereas the contrary policy of constant denial, and endeavor to become better and holier and wiser through the process of giving up error, eventuates in a mesmeric condition in which error seems real.

It is true that forms of erring belief are to disappear, and that the human consciousness is to be divested of all that claims to be something as error or sin; but this is to be accomplished by the influx of pure knowledge, or true ideas. You can no more rake out or dig out error than you can shovel out darkness. Darkness is dispelled by the incoming of the light, and our Leader tells us, "The way to extract error from mortal mind is to pour in truth through flood-tides of Love," and she adds, "Christian perfection is won on no other basis." (Science and Health)

The old theological plan of salvation included the constant refrain that we must give up all for Christ, that one's life should be a continuous process of renunciation. Many Chris­tian Scientists hold to this as the necessary mode of progress, and the result has been a prodigious onslaught of the human will against almost everything in the environment of human life. Christian Science is not a process of giving up, but a process of gaining.

The actual service which Christian Science exerts in our behalf is an educational one. It teaches us to know man, and his infinite capacities and possibilities in the way set forth by the Apostle John when he said, "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be [what we shall find ourselves to be when we see ourselves as we really are], but we know that when He [Mind, God] shall appear, we shall be like Him; [why?] for we shall see Him as He is."

So our deliverance from the belief of evil is to be accom­plished not by giving up something, but by gaining that knowledge of God which is our salvation. Jesus' admonition, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God," is scientifically and literally correct. The one to whom Christian Science is to be a saviour, must seek the right idea about everything, and when he has the right idea, he has entered heaven where sin, disease and death are unknown. Chris­tian Scientists frequently render their work more difficult and put off their own deliverance by working at the wrong end of the problem. The Bible says, "The government shall be upon his shoul­der," meaning that Christ, Truth - the right idea - has done the work, asserts itself, and disposes of the belief.

The Truth that releases our patients is all the Christ there ever has been or ever will be. It is certain that an erring belief does not know enough to give itself up. It follows, there­fore, that a purely human giving-up effort does not give up, but does involve the Scientist in a greater sense of fear, and leaves him to confuse the action of the human will with divine activity.

Evil can never be given up as though it were something. It can only be displaced and destroyed through the activity of the right idea, and this activity in human consciousness will bring the peace promised by Isaiah when "they shall not hurt nor de­stroy in all My holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea."

Another incorrect thought in line with this salvation through giving up, a twin error, is that mortals must "suffer out of the flesh." But since there is no flesh, it follows that this declaration is a mesmeric suggestion, and if persisted in, it admits all that is claimed for matter and sin. If we are in the flesh, or in sin, or anything that we need to suffer out of, then Christian Science is in error in its basic proposition that all is Mind, and there is no matter. The Scientist who believes that he must suffer in order to become better, is arresting his development. Divine Mind knows no evil, and does not know or believe that anyone is perpetrating evil. The supposition that God condemns and punishes evil would involve God in evil, and would confirm every claim concerning the reality of evil.

Christian Science reveals the fact that, in belief, mortal mind brings forth man for the purpose of destroying him, that it condemns him to sin and suffer, and then sentences him to die as a result of sin and suffering. You must recognize this condemnation of man and protect yourself and patients from the suggestion, "I am not good enough to heal. I am not loving enough. I do not have enough spiritual understanding."

The Christian Scientist who claims a limited understanding denies Christ - yea, crucifies Christ. A limited understanding cannot heal, and never did heal. A belief of a limited understand­ing may change one phase of error for another, but nothing less than the divine idea heals and saves. The idea is "the divine manifestation of God, which comes to the flesh to destroy incarnate error." (Science and Health) Stop condemning; cease believing that man is mortal and a sinner. A treatment with condemnation never heals; it poisons. There is no God in it. The only thing God does for us is to bless us. By making a connection between God and penalty or suffering, we have become involved in a belief of a vengeful God, and the fear caused by this belief is the cause, and only cause, of all suffering, including sin, disease, and death. . . .

Then cease forever every declaration like this, "I suppose I must suffer out of it," or "I suppose that I must expect to suffer until I become more faithful, or more humble, or more something else." You will never become faithful as long as you expect to suffer, for you are denying the allness of God. You will never become humble through believing that you must suffer, for in so doing, you are arrogantly claiming a self apart from God.

Inasmuch as mortals are defrauded and imposed upon by error, it follows that the worst sinner is the most pitiable victim, and what he needs is instant salvation instead of eternal punishment. Some Scientists have the habit of holding their patients under condemnation, and thereby rendering themselves unable to heal. "She will have to give up self-will, vanity, etc., before she can expect to be healed." Who will have to give it up? Do you not see that only a mortal can give these up?

Christian Science operates wholly to relieve the victim, not to condemn him, and this is done by condemning the error, not the man; error must always be condemned to its native nothingness; it must always be seen as nothing, not as something.

The practice of Christian Science is the mental activity which resolves the material things and conditions into thoughts, and discovers that these are simply erring thoughts about that which is true; and the basis of our practice is the verity that all that is real is already complete and perfect. God and man, the universe and all therein, is finished and is immor­tal. God can do nothing more than to express Himself, and a Christian Scientist is not called upon to aid Him in doing that; a Christian Scientist is not called upon to do anything to any­thing that exists. He does not need to help man or body; all that he needs to do is to know the truth about God, man, and the universe. . . .

Man is a condition of receptivity. One of our lecturers expressed this most beautifully when he said, "Man is the receiv­ing of God's giving." God is forever expressing Himself, and man is continuously receiving and reflecting the character and activ­ity of divine Principle. Our textbook says, "Understanding is a quality of God." And what is man? Man is the reflection of the qualities of God; hence man is understanding expressed. What do you think is possible for this man in the way of accomplishments? Just what our Leader tells us in Miscellaneous Writings, "Whatever is possible to God, is possible to man as God's reflection."

Man has unlimited opportunity, and yet we are constantly called upon as practitioners to help people whose claim is a lack of opportunity; they say they have no opportunity for business connections; no opportunity to work out proper home conditions, etc. As a matter of fact, man exists at the standpoint of opportunity. Opportunity to manifest perfec­tion is not only ever-present and available, but it is the very law of man's being, the decree of God. "Be thou and be thou as I am" (image and likeness) is the law of opportunity to man; and this law enforces its continuance and availability; and conversely it arrests and breaks down the supposed mortal law which claims to limit opportunity for each one. The opportunity to do whatever you should do, to heal the sick, to perform your every duty to yourself and to mankind and to the Cause of Christian Science, is here and now. This specific thought of opportunity should be made part of your daily work, until you become imbued with expectation of success. Remember, there is nothing in a treatment other than what is in it as specific thought. Your patient has no more opportunity to recover than mortal mind concedes, unless your treatment provides infinite opportunity through recognizing and declaring the law.

When you grasp this, you will see how limited your treatments have been in the matter of expectation, and you will see why you have sometimes failed. The consciousness of the presence of Principle, law, power, and opportunity is all that is needed to remove mountains. . .

We as Christian Scientists are constantly missing God be­cause we do not realize that He is with us. All humanity has sought Him and never found Him until Christian Science demon­strated His presence. Christ says, "Come unto me," and so leads us to Life, Truth, and Love as the only realities. We have to see God through that which manifests God. In gaining the right idea of anything, we find God with us, Life harmonious with us, Truth victorious with us, Love dispelling all malice with us.

The slightest manifestation of healing through Christian Science treatment, is the manifestation of God with us. The only God there is, cannot forsake us at any time. We must have our anchorage in that thought. Acquaint yourselves with God and be at peace. Acquaint yourselves with Life, Truth, and Love. God never fails in His promises, and the only reason we think He does, is through a faulty concept which is being destroyed. The only reality is God with us. The greatest demonstration ever made was Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. When he was on the cross, it looked as though God had forsaken him, but he knew better, for he knew Omnipresence. So we must cling to the Truth, no matter what error may say about failure. We know we are proving the allness and might of infinite Life, Truth, and Love. The only growth there is, is in knowing God is with us. It is God with us that heals and supplies all wisdom and power, strength and peace; silences grief and exterminates poverty.

This is being spiritually minded - to know the Truth and to demonstrate it. The basis of all healing is the fact that all is perfect now. God's work is finished and is good.

This selection is an excerpt from Our Journey Towards True Selfhood, a collection of three Association Addresses by Mrs. Seal. To order or download this collection, go to S3-FTS-1.

Mrs. Seal also wrote Christian Science in Germany. To order this inspiring account of her pioneering work in Germany at the turn of the last century, go to S4-FTS-1.
