The Schematics of The Science of Being
Quality vs Quantity
Isotrimorphous Being
I, and many other diligent researchers of The Science of Being, find ourselves experiencing the
exponential proposition, or consciously realized spiritual understanding that ‘Mind’ is One, and that One, Mind/mind!
However, that One/oneness is qualitative, not quantitative. This scientific absolute Truth is what accounts for, and explains, that diminutive state of ‘mind,’ we identify as the finite ‘human,’ consciousness which, Science reveals, neither is, nor ever was, caused, produced or malformed by evil, error, animal magnetism, devil, curse, anathema, false belief, or ignorance! These stubborn and ignorant beliefs, espoused by “time honored systems,” yield instantaneously, having once received the “scientific translation,” available today, to all humanity, in Christian Science.
Rather, it [human consciousness, or finite, individual conscious awareness] is, and shall forever continue to exist! It accounts for Mind being Life, as contrasted to Mind being inert! Mind, divine Consciousness, is Life, and It lives Itself! “God is His own infinite Mind, and expresses all” S&H 310:10. [Notice: small case, ‘all.’]
As individual conscious identity, we, as divine Mind [Being/becoming] manifesting humanly, have, for all too long, mistakenly invested the awful unreality of evil with the belief that it [evil] is real, and that, presuming evil real, we then enabled it by investing it with capacities and possibilities impossible! It is an eternal unfeasibility for nothing to be, possess, contain, or include a
scintilla of something, in as much as what ‘is’ neither inhabits nor does it cohabit what ‘isn’t!’
Nothing cannot be reduced! Whereas, something can always be increased!
An incorrect misevaluation that derives directly from false thinking, believed true, is finite ‘mind,’
[human conscious awareness]. Human consciousness, although finite, most decidedly, is divine Mind Self-manifesting humanly!
The masses of humanity have yet to realize that the One invisible, divine [Mind], takes on visibility by manifesting as a never beginning and never ending continuum of perpetually appearing and disappearing finite conscious identities. These finite identities believe themselves to be, ‘humans,’
possessed of lives and minds of their own, and responsible for their own decision making and life maintenance! Thus, the divinely expressed individuality of you, me, and of everyone and of everything that is being lived by Life, divine Mind, experience adversities and limitations which derive, not from evil, but rather, from the assumptive human ego’s ignorance of Truth!
The “Adorable One” experiences Itself, and that, perfectly and perpetually –– by manifesting effortlessly as each and every finite ‘one.’ The divine, invisible “All” visibly seen and experienced as each and every drop, or human, in the eternally ongoing River of Life! Science reveals,
In Science all being is individual; for individuality is endless in the calculus of forms and numbers.
His [God’s] being is individual, but not physical.
I am the infinite All. From me proceedeth all Mind, all consciousness, all individuality, all being.
God is individual Mind. This one Mind and His individuality comprise the elements of all forms and individualities.
[Mind] . .sustains my individuality. Nay, more –– He is my individuality and my Life. Because He lives, I live.
To live so as to keep human consciousness in constant relation with the divine, the spiritual, and the eternal, is to individualize infinite power; and this is Christian Science.
In Science, form and individuality are never terminated and/or lost! Human thoughts are outlined,
individualized concepts of divine, spiritual ideas! Spiritual ideas are divine Mind constructs! They exist forever in the divine Mind as tangible, true substance. Why? Because Mind understands It’s ideas, and understanding is: under = sub, standing = stance!
So, catch the import of that ‘finite’ being called, ‘human,’ but not as evil, malevolently inclined, or
intrinsically bad! Rather, let us “gain a knowledge of God [the infinite Divine] from opposite facts and phenomena [the finite human], and that leaves nothing for a human to do but to love ‘all’ other humans, once ‘all’ other humans are understood to be Divinity appearing! Our limited perspective of Reality is not produced by ‘material sense,’ but rather, by the forever mandate that
the All-Mind exist as the perpetual, finite ‘mind,’ of all! Remember, we exist to glorify God. God does not exist to fulfill the assumptive, non-existent ego that believes itself being human. Reversing this mistaken evaluation, Science reveals Being as Divinity appearing human to accommodate Life living Itself, divinely!
Hence, the eternal mandate for a non-interrupted continuum of finite [human] individuality -- The
River of Life! The One Infinite exists by “reciprocal necessity,” the divine mandate that there be the forever appearing [arrivals] and the forever disappearing [departures] of innumerable finite conscious individualities! Remove one human ‘all’ from the divine “All,” and Being neither could nor would be All and eternal. Being would implode upon Itself, should merely one of it’s ideas
[parts] convert from an “is” to an “isn’t!” The name of the Presence which is living each human individuality is, “I.” The ‘am’ arrives upon Earth and receives the name chosen by the human vessels [universally identified as father and mother] through which, NOT OUT OF WHICH OR FROM WHICH the conscious “I”dentity makes its Earthly appearance to begin being lived
by Life! In my case, the visible ‘who’ that, arriving at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1945, to begin
its Earthly journey, was named “David,” by the vessels who waited, patiently -- and in subordination to the present human belief regarding human procreation -- for nine months, to welcome the “I” presence to Earth, and to love, protect and to nurture it, as this is precisely how Being’s Nature nurtures Being’s Essence!
With the appearing of the child, the female converted instantaneously into Mother, and the
male into Father. However, let it be understood that for a Mother and Father to exist, it requires the participation, not of two, but of three, distinctly individual and necessary participants! A family is a triune association, regardless of the number of children that couple may introduce upon Earth, for each child, experiencing itself as only one, has no more nor no less than two other identities, to qualify it as a member of a family. The ‘extended’ family begins, but does not end, with one’s brothers and sisters, should the siblings share the same pair of parents that greeted the first
child when it arrived upon Earth! Every child is an immaculate conception! Not a single living individualization of divine Life has ever been produced by two of opposite gender engaging in the connubial act, commonly identified today as: sex!
Consequently, the “am” which appeared as a human infant, was immediately identified by, and carries to this day, the name of, “David James,” for never is the “I” of my being, or of anyone’s
being renamed. This fact accounts for the forever oneness of all Being/becoming -- not one “I”dentity in that endless and eternal “River of Life,” knows itself, primarily, by a name other than, “I.” Its relationship with its “am” is that of a divine/human coincidence, or reciprocal necessity! Without the indissoluble and eternal oneness which exists between Itself, as “I,” and Itself as “am,” there would be no “I AM,” and everyone of us would instantaneously disappear, never
again to reappear! Thus, we understand, spiritually, the Fatherly Nature and the Motherly Essence which comprise the Divine Wholeness of that aspect of Being identified as Deity, commonly called, God!
This basic universal Law accounts for why, when a guest in a friend’s home, and desiring a glass of water to satisfy my thirst, my host hears me asking, “May “I” please have a glass of water?” Never, when attempting to satisfy my thirst, do I remember asking, “May David please have a glass of water?”
Our oneness with Mind is qualitative, not quantitative! When our Lord and Master proclaimed oneness with the Father, it was a monad of quality, not quantity! And, so it is with us! Not understanding this, and its scientific implication upon ourselves and our world, we made some very serious and ignorant miscalculations in our application of Christian Science. We assumed one thing, when, the opposite fact happened to be the truth!
A grave mistake is that of attributing matter with ‘sense,’ and then blaming ‘material sense’ for causing us to have limited views of everything we behold and experience!
We have no option! Such is ours to endure, and perfect! The “simple rule,” that the ‘greater’ [Mind], includes the ‘lesser,’ [mind], when understood in Science, discloses our current status, and that, not one of deprivation and/or dementia, but rather, an intelligent conscious state of awareness, or noticing, that partakes of perpetual finiteness, for we are not God, neither are we endowed with the capacity to ‘become’ God! Temporarily, we are Being human to become
divine eternally! -- for this is the eternally established divine standard and design.
“I” is Being! ---- “AM” is becoming!
Cause is Being! ---- Effect is becoming!
"I” is invisible! ---- “AM” is visible!
Being is infinite! ---- Becoming is finite!
However, the ‘finite’ is, at any and every given moment of its perpetual ‘becoming,’ a distinct, unduplicated, and ‘hopelessly original,’ individual identity, or, unit of ‘one.’ This ‘one’ is included within the infinite continuum of progressive on-goingness, which, in totality, constitute the Wholeness of One!
Thus, the Nature of Being is Cause [“I”].
The Essence of Being is effect [“AM”].
Being’s Wholeness is ALL –– ONE composite, complexioned of TWO elements [Nature and Essence], which combine to equal, THREE! “The Church UNIversal and TRIumphant!” This is a
perfect example of how Mrs. Eddy veiled one of, if not the most important of all universal Laws, behind the religious jargon of her day! She had to hide it, for nearly two thousand years earlier, Christ Jesus prophesied that that is exactly what the woman would do with the leaven of Truth -- she would ‘hide’ it in three measures of meal. Today, Science reveals these three pillars which
underlie and constitute the foundation of all that is, as being: Science, Theology and Medicine! There is ONE BEING, a composite of God, man and the universe! In the latter half of the 1800s, the ability of consciousness to assimilate the “advanced idea,” which Mrs. Eddy delivered to earth, was undeveloped, unprepared, uncultured, and uninterested! Voltaire once wrote, “Words are the clothing we use to dress our ideas.”
So, Mrs. Eddy brilliantly employed the old lexicon to bridge the archaic and dying churchianity of her day, which hesitated not to identify itself to the world as being, “Christianity!” Turning to divine Mind to supply the necessary skill and creativity, Mrs. Eddy bridged the archaic and dying lexicon of churchianity, by designing a “new tongue,” to express to humanity the new-old Gospel of Truth. However, her ear may have been listening to the talk of her day, but her attention was
light-years ahead of the pack, and she had the foresight to wrap her “man-child” in swaddling clothes, and take it down into Egypt [material church organization], where it would grow and wax strong, for its Destiny was to transform what humanity had been mistaught to mistakenly identify as Earth. By the law of inversion, or “spiritual translation,” divine Mind taught Mrs. Eddy how to convert the stark, barren dirtiness of the grimy earth, into a soft, white blanket of purity which, disclosed as divine Revelation, brilliantly focused the Kingdom of Heaven, established NOW and immediately at hand, HERE!
Thus, effect never started and it will never stop! Effect forever and always is ‘becoming!’ This accounts for why Being is forever becoming, because Life is forever living! Never is effect dormant, static, or stagnant! God, the divine Life of Being, lives being: as perpetual becoming! –– the perpetual motion, or movement, causing all the changes transpiring throughout that which we behold of both man and the visible universe! Yet, Itself, never changing! “Eternal Truth is changing the universe!” Eternally changeless and unchangeable, Truth causes eternal change! The “Adorable One,” Scripturally identified as “God,” is seen converting, or giving birth within the
first day of the “Creation Story,” to three visible identities: Heaven, Earth, Light! Heaven is Father; Earth is Mother; Light is Son-shine! Yet, the sun, the moon and the stars did not appear within the Creation Story until the fourth day!
Hence, the One triune Principle, Life, Truth, Love, manifested in the first day of the Creation Story, as Father, divine Life; Mother, divine Love; and Son, Christ Truth! According to the
Creation Story in Genesis, Chapter One, on the first Day, the “Adorable One,” became a family!
Of course, Science is the realized spiritual understanding that there never was a creation!
Science reveals that at no given moment, occurring at any given point in time, did the infinite Cause of Being lack its effect becoming!
What possibly could have occasioned infinite Mind, the active Cause of Being, to tire of existing alone –– being only Itself? Furthermore, to remedy It’s dilemma of aloneness, or boredom,
decide to initiate, or activate, from within Itself, a dormant, creative impulse, or process, to set in motion, and to bring about, a new, created effect?
As unfathomable and great as God IS, God possesses neither the prerogative nor the potential to be a “creator!” Being is, forever has been, and shall forever continue so! No need in Being for a ‘god’ to initiate a creation at a given moment in time! To confer upon Being a beginning, is to condemn Being with an ending!
Glory to God for Science which reveals man, “coexistent, and coeternal,” as God’s Self-recognition, or ‘reflection!’ No creation there, for ‘there’ no place exists into which creation could have come forth, as Being was, is and ever shall be omnipresent! For creation to have occurred,
the creator, if infinite, would first have had to diminish in It’s Allness, to provide space, or a place, in which creation could appear –– make a spot for creation to occupy! Mind never has been, nor can it be less than ALL! That is an utter impossibility, now and forever! Mind’s already and always infinite Allness precludes the possibility of a creation having ever occurred! Creation is of importance, in fact, it is a mandate, ONLY within ‘finite mind.’ The mind that endows everything with a beginning and an end –– the two fabulous dimensions that it, and it alone, has fabricated! So, if ‘beginning’ and ‘end’ are true for finite mind, then they therefore MUST be true about the universe finite mind beholds!
Hence, the necessity for ‘finite mind’ to endow existence with a ‘creation,’ and a ‘termination!’
The “big bang,” at one end, and “the end of the world,” at the other. This is so, because finite mind is incapable of imagining, let alone understanding, the grand and eternal fact of Being/becoming, knowing neither creation nor threat of termination! Why so? Simply, the ‘finite’ cannot contain the ‘Infinite.’ The ‘belief’ that it can, is mortal mind! That’s all! Nothing more, less, worse, or other! Just finite! However, finite is not synonymous with either evil, or limitation, if
groomed by Science in the art of “spiritual translation.” Indeed, the so-called human, finite mind is “expected to so increase in wisdom, that it disappears, and the divine Mind is seen to be the only Mind.”
Now, let’s examine precisely how The Science of Being enables those who have cultivated spiritual understanding of it can, and indeed, do affect change to transpire within the finite! Science exists, and it is our privilege to fill finite mind, [human conscious awareness, or noticing], 100% full of the ‘qualities’ which both belong to, constitute, and function as attributes of infinite Mind! We can have 100% of divine Mind’s quality, without destroying ourselves! To the contrary, only by having 100% of divine Mind’s qualities, can we survive, and that, for eternity! However, any attempt to ‘ape’ the divine, and have 1% more of divine Mind, in quantity, would be instantaneously annihilative to the finite mind. Such an attempt would reduce the already ‘One’ to ‘zero!’ We are designed to stretch, embrace and accommodate God’s quality. The instrument we have been given with which to accomplish this, is, the mind, or individual conscious awareness! -- intelligence noticing!
Thought is not bound by matter’s restrictions and limitations. As “image and likeness,” man, as the “compound idea of God,” already reflects the entirety of God, qualitatively, immediately, and eternally! This being so, what is reflection? Man? No, God! Why? Because “God is at once the center and circumference of being.” S&H 203:32.
Man, Mind’s ‘image,’ or, “immediate object of understanding,” returns [re-flects -- throws back] to Mind an exact ‘likeness,’ or re-flection of Mind’s original mental construct, and thus, man as God’s image serves Mind as a mirror. However, the reflection returned to Mind of Itself is pure simulacrum. Divine, spiritual reflection originates, not in the mirror, but at the place of initiation, or primary instant express being projected from the center, omnidirectionally, and omnidimensionally, to every point upon the circumference of being,” which, too, is complexioned of Mind-stuff -- Consciousness!
An example illustrative of quality and quantity is thus: each drop of ocean water, already contains every chemical there is in all ocean water! In quality, the drop and the ocean, exist One! However, the drop is not the ocean, in quantity! Only in quality does the drop enjoy oneness!
Science reveals,
This declaration of Jesus, understood, conflicts not at all with another of his sayings: “I and my Father are one,” –– that is, one in quality, not in quantity. As a drop of water is one with the ocean, a ray of light one with the sun, even so God and man, Father and son, are one in being. The Scripture reads: “For in Him we live, and move, and have our being.” S&H 361:13.
In Christian Science, Spirit, as a proper noun, is the name of the Supreme Being. It means quality and quantity, and applies exclusively to God.
Evil is neither quality or quantity: it is not intelligence, a person or a principle, a man or a woman, a place or a thing, and God never made it.
When this axiom of Science is understood, a statement of Mrs. Eddy’s enjoys profound clarity, and carries great impact:
“Remember, the human mind is expected to so increase in wisdom that it disappears, and the divine Mind is seen to be the only Mind!”
Only ‘finite mind’ can increase!
The ‘expectation of increase,’ to be attained, requires the finite mind, Mrs. Eddy identifies as “the human mind,” to “increase.” Increase how? In “wisdom.” The ultimate wisdom being constant, conscious spiritual discernment and understanding of perpetual oneness within Mind, AS Mind’s
perpetual idea, and ideal! Mind ‘flecting,’ or throwing Itself ‘out’ as It’s own image, the image depicting perfectly a ‘likeness,’ and re-flecting [returning] that ‘likeness,’ of divine Mind, to Itself, in order that It may ‘know’ more and more of It’s “unfathomable” Self, and thus, be fulfilled! “Unfathomable Mind is expressed!” S&H 520:3. Thus, the ‘mind’ identified as being ‘human,’ is
seen to become ‘divine,’ as it undergoes an “increase” in the quality not the quantity of the wisdom it reflects. This fact becomes self-evident when wisdom is understood as being a quality, not a quantity.
When, in early morning, we look upon a rose leaf, and behold a dew drop, we are drawn by its loveliness. Looking carefully into the dew drop, how much of the overhead Sun is seen reflected within it? Of course, 100% of the Sun is seen reflected in each dew drop! And the dew drop doesn’t have to ‘shrink’ the Sun to accommodate the 100% reflection!
Thus, only by reflection does the human express 100% of the divine! Just as reflection enables each and every dew drop to express within itself 100% of the Sun! But again, only in quality, not in quantity!
So be it!
In Unity of Good,
David James Nolan, Chancellor
Mis. 102:11.
Un. 24-2-4.
My. 160:5.
Existence is Being/becoming! Divinity/humanity! One divine coincidence in perfect, perpetual equilibrium!
S&H 93:22-26.
Mary Baker Eddy
The Christ Science University