The Sacred Secret



For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12


Global geopolitical architects, or psychopoliticians, have designed a New World Order. The plans call for the abolishment of all nation-states, as currently known throughout the world. The designers fully intend that all national sovereignty, under democratically supported constitutional law, is soon to be a thing of the past. The primary objective of the New World Order is to unite the peoples of this planet under the jurisdiction and control of an elitist, technocratically run, one world government.

The designers are globalists. They neither acknowledge allegiance to, nor do they hold any loyalty for, the respective countries out of which they have emerged. To realize their objective, the psychopoliticians have determined that they must occasion radical change within three fundamental fields of activity which are already enmeshed with the lives and activities of every human being on earth.

The one worlder's blueprint calls for the attainment of absolute control of every facet of existing political, economic, and spiritual activity transpiring in the world. Complete global occupation and domination, under a one world government, can be realized only, if first, the absolute control of these three fields of activity be successfully attained and maintained.

This Discourse exposes and identifies both the intent and the strategyof the "rulers of the darkness of this world." These would-be rulers are identified as psychopoliticians. As agents-of-change, they are working day and night to implement, systematically, and hope thereby to realize, ultimately, their global objective.

The New World Order is neither new nor is it orderly. It has a history as old as time and it has been attended down through the centuries by unpredictable and uncontrollable disorder. These factors have not prevented the would-be dictators of destiny from having conferred to their successors one golden legacy; namely, the unrelenting cultivation of patience! There is not a hurried soul within their ranks!

The phychopolitical intent, when examined by more than a mere cursory overview, discloses itself as satanic in nature, materialistic in essence, and inimical to the Cause of Christ. This Discourse calls for the prophylactic prevention, as well as the therapeutic treatment of the one world objective before it is securely set in place, firmly established, and fully functional on a global scale.

To prevent the oncoming of the psychopolitical curse, all Christian Scientists would do well to familiarize themselves with the subject of psychopolitics. What is it? How does it function? Through what medium is it operating? What is its antidote?

Why is it necessary to allot time and thought to the investigation of error and of its operations? Is not all error a falsity?

It is! However, Science states emphatically:

"The counter fact relative to any disease is required to cure it." S&H 233:27-28.

The satanic design to entrap and enslave mankind beneath the yoke of one world government constitutes a threat operating like a deadly disease to the world and its inhabitants. To cure this disease, the relative counter fact is required, and Christian Science makes this fact abundantly available to humanity.

Today, most Christian Scientists engage in generalized truth-knowing as contrasted to specific, or precisioned truth-knowing. For example, we agree that 2 + 2 = 4. And we agree that the answer is true. Also, we agree that 4 + 4 = 8. And we acknowledge that answer to be true. However, which one of these two indisputable truths is relative to resolving the problem of 3 + 3 = 7?

Clearly, neither of the two truths is relative to resolving the mistake of 3 + 3 = 7. Only one truth is relative to that specific problem, and it is the truth that 3 + 3 = 6! Similarly, the same precision in truth-knowing is required to resolving the specific problem we are all facing. The knowing of generalized truths — although preferable to not knowing truth at all — will not prove equal to resolving the specific claim in need of cure. For this reason, our Master, Christ Jesus, taught: "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:33.

What, therefore, is the specific truth, or counter fact, that is required to be known and understood, to cure the disease of global antichrist occupation?

This is the all-important question!

If answered correctly, it accomplishes two objectives. First, the futility and frustration which arise from mispractice will cease. Secondly, the disease and the fear it incites will be cured.

The Master's admonition that "the axe is laid unto the root" is crucial to success in this specific spiritual endeavor. To be treated according to Christ's instructions, the impending threat needs to be traced to its root.


Would it surprise you to learn that the ideology behind the New World Order, which today poses a threat to all mankind, can be traced in the Scriptures to a misunderstanding of that great declaration of God chronicled in Genesis 1:3:

Let there be light: and there was light."

This declaration holds the answer to the threatening problem facing humanity. However, only Christian Science unlocks the treasure hidden within this Scripture! When God decreed the above command, did the appearance of light constitute the creation of light? Was light preceded by aeons of darkness which terminated with that single, deific command?

If light was a product of creation, it would have had a beginning, would it not? Having had a beginning, would it not also have and end? In I John, verse 5, we learn that "God is light, and in him is no darkness at all." Then, is not light as eternal as God? Surely, it must be, inasmuch as God IS light! Therefore, we see the impossibility of light having been created with the command, "Let there be light."

Scholastic theology does believe that light was created at the moment when God declared, "Let there be light." However, such was and is not the case.

In Mrs. Eddy's Poem, Love, we read:

"Let there be light, and there was light.

What chased the clouds away?"

Does an answer lie here? It was the clouds (ignorance) that needed to be chased away. Why? Because they were temporarily hiding the eternal light (understanding)! Therefore, when the temporary clouds rolled back, the eternal light was seen! This did not constitute the creation of light, but merely the termination of a temporary concealment of the light caused by the presence of the clouds. The clouds, therefore, are the yielding finite factor in the equation. They come and they go, but the light they temporarily hide remains forever, unchanged and eternal.

This fact constitutes the most fundamental and important realization needed today by all humanity. It is understanding fundamental to success in Christian Science. Indeed, there can be no success in Christian Science without the understanding of this truth. Why? Because the eternal Source, Substance, and Ruler of the Universe ONLY is to be worshiped. And before this Eternal Onliness must every knee bow — and to It all glory, praise and honor flow!

If darkness is eternal, having neither a beginning nor an end, and light was the product of creation (having had a beginning when God said, "Let there be light"), then it stands to reason that the "Prince of Darkness" should be receiving humanity's praise, love and honor. And, if such is the case, then when Jesus was taken to temple when eight days old, to do for him after the custom of the law, Simeon entirely misidentified Jesus when declaring him to be, "A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel" Luke 2:32.

This is both the dilemma and the damnation of scholastic theology. It is the ignorance that has given rise to humanity's vulnerability to believe in, and in some instances, to worship a devil-god named Lucifer — the "Prince of Darkness." But to humanity's "benighted understanding" S&H vii:7, Christian Science has dawned!

The enlightenment Christian Science brings and imparts, is today, still in its infancy appearing merely as "the first faint morning beams." Yet its appeal is irresistible; its logic irrefutable; and its divine authorization, incontrovertible! The change each individual experiences for having been consciously "wakeful" to "the first faint morning beams," is to be delivered into "the full radiance of a risen day."

The subject matter we are about to address is cosmic in scope. It involves the contest, or war, being waged between the agent of the "Mystery of Godliness," Christ, and the agent of the "Mystery of Iniquity," Lucifer! But it doesn't end there. The symbolic warfare is not between these two agents alone. It is a warfare between two vast armies which are aligned with, and in support of, one or the other of these two ideas.

The stakes of this war are high. At stake is Christian Science, this Nation, and the destiny of civilization. These Discourses will be calling upon the enlistment of every individual upon earth who recognizes the impending threat, and who is committed to its defeat. Hymn #258, from the Christian Science Hymnal states:

"Oft to every man and nation

Comes the moment to decide,

In the strife of Truth with falsehood,

For the good or evil side.

A great cause, God's new Messiah,

Shows to each the bloom or blight,

So can choice be made by all men

Twixt the darkness and the light."


Paul saw the "Mystery of Godliness" to be God manifest in the flesh. To him, divinity appeared upon earth in the flesh. This divine/human personage the world calls Jesus. See: I Timothy 3:16.

In his second letter to the Thessalonians, Paul described the "Mystery of Iniquity" whom he calls, "The Man of Sin — who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God." See: II Thessalonians 2:3,4,7.

At the time Paul wrote, he said, "The mystery of iniquity doth already work." But he foretold a greater manifestation of the antichrist that was to come. It would be backed by "all power and signs and lying wonders." See: II Thessalonians 2:9.

Shortly after Paul passed, the Church, which for decades had given such wonderful proofs of God's power, began to fall away just as Paul had foretold in II Thessalonians 2:2. The elements were already evident, particularly when Philip was in Samaria. We read of this in Acts 8:5-21, where we are told, "the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did."

Then there comes a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used sorcery and bewitched the people of Samaria. Simon was baptized and the Scripture says, he continued with Philip, and wondered, beholding the miracles and signs which were done.

Simon, who had been watching closely, approached Peter and John and said, "Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Spirit." But the apostles knew something was lacking in Simon. And this brought perhaps the sharpest rebuke recorded in Scripture: "Thy money perish with thee," or as recorded in Phillips' and other translations — "To hell with you and your money!"

Now, who was this Simon? The Scriptures make clear he was a Samaritan deceiver who practiced divination. "He used sorcery, and bewitched the people. . .giving out that he himself was some great one, and the people from the least to the greatest were so bewitched that they proclaimed him to be the great power of God." See: Acts 8:9-11.

In Hastings' Dictionary of the Apostolic Church, we read, "The amalgam of paganism and Christianity. . .was especially obvious in the Simonian system." p. 496. "Simon Magus became the leader of a retrograde sect, using some Christian terminology, but in reality anti-Christian. The author of this baptized heathenism was Simon Magus. He unquestionably adulterated Christianity with pagan ideas and practices." See: Apostolic Christianity, Vol. 2, p. 566.

This paganized Christianity was already having its effect while the apostles were living. In II Corinthians 11:3-4, we read Paul's concern in these words:

"But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he that cometh preaching another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him."

"The Mystery of Iniquity" later blossomed into a full and diabolical apostasy. Simon is never spoken of as a member of the true Church — the body of Christ. He took the name of Christ and espoused a few of his teachings. These he maligned with his Babylonian Mystery religion. "Thus he became the leader of a retrograde sect, perhaps nominally Christian. . .but in reality anti-Christian, and exalting Simon himself to the central position which Christianity was giving to Jesus Christ." See: Hastings' Dictionary of the Apostolic Church, Vol. 1. p. 497.

When we become more familiar with the origin and history of the Babylonian Mystery Religions it will open up areas of understanding throwing light on the world's present situation.

Mesopotamia was the home of the Babylonian Mysteries. In Semitic, Balaam means "Conqueror of the People." This name is synonymous with Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord. Gen. 10:9. Nimrod was the great grandson of Noah and the beginning of his kingdom was Babel verse 10. "Nimrod was a great leader who changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image liken to corruptible man, and to birds and fourfooted beasts and creeping things." Romans 1:23.


Nimrod was against the Lord in all he planned and did. He led multitudes away from God and laid plans for the first worldwide conspiracy against God. That was the chief reason behind the Babylonian Mystery cults! Note this well, for we have touched the tap root of today's dilemma. And to this root the axe of Science must be applied.

Nimrod was the chief of a college of priests at Pethor, a sacred high place in Mesopotamia. From that location near the site of the Tower of Babel he organized what he thought was a complete cover-up destined to become one universal religion!

Simon's plan, like Nimrod's, almost succeeded. By the end of the fourth century primitive Christianity was almost dead. In its place, and under the name of Christianity, was "a corrupt hierarchy controlling the nations of Europe, make the Church a veritable cesspool of iniquity, spiritual corruption, heathen philosophy, and whoredoms. . .a closely knit group of satan-inspired, power-hungry and lust-filled rebels masquerading under a "Christian" label but embracing all the satanic rottenness of pagan Babylon." Fourth Reich of the Rich, 1978, Des Griffen, p. 38.

In the year 323 A.D., the Emperor Constantine officially adopted this Simonized Christianity, which was nothing more than "baptized heathenism," and made it the official religion of Rome.

TAKE NOTE: The human mind, when conceiving of God, personalized that God, and Church committees named that person, Jesus, God in the flesh. The inverse mistake has been made concerning evil. The human mind when experiencing the effects that can only be called evil, wants to personalize evil and call it Satan or Lucifer. However, as employed in these Discourses, these names depict impersonal evil, in exactly the same way the term animal magnetism depicts impersonal evil. The names, therefore, denote impersonal evil, completely devoid of any human or creature form.


Christ Jesus gave warning about how the whole world will be deceived into worshipping Satan. Jesus' first and last warning recorded in the Book of Revelation are significantly important. In Chapter 2, verse 9, the Master said:

"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

The Master's last warning, appears in Chapter 18, verse 4:


The Scriptures reveal that all nations have already been deceived by Babylon the Great, The Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth.Revelation 17:5. However, the question remains, What is Babylon? Examination of the history and of the nature of Babylon the Great (and the Beast that is carrying her), will disclose the fact that they were and are determined to overthrow all religions and all governments. This is their goal. It must be accomplished to unite the world into a one world government under those forces that attempt to ape the creative, infinite Mind.

As the Church is dedicated to the promotion of good, so is the one-world movement equally dedicated to the promotion of personal control, which equates to evil. However, the Luciferian Conspiracy is kept assiduously secret. It targets highly respected institutions, where its agents infiltrate to work behind the scenes, to further the objectives to which they are committed.

Inasmuch as governments and religions are primary targets for destruction, it is into these that one-world agents have moved to accomplish their espionage and sow their seeds of destruction. The Nation whose government is number one on evil's hit list for destruction is this Christian Republic — The United States of America! The highest and brightest spiritual light ever to touch humanity, and therefore the primary target for destruction, is Christian Science. Its $300,000,000.00 church headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts, has been claimed by its infiltrators as being the new world headquarters of the soon to emerge One World Religion!

In addition to these two primary targets there are a host of other secondary targets which are now thoroughly saturated with one-world disciples and agents. These secondary targets consist of some of the world's most vitally important institutions, international banking consortiums, foundations, publications, think-tanks, and centers of higher learning. Also, the agents use a spectrum of social and civil issues to serve the one world agenda and objectives. The anarchy occurring on the planet due to racial intolerance and strife is a one world strategy designed to weaken the integrity of governments and produce as much chaos as possible.

The strategies employed by these agents consist of the use of both subliminal warfare and brute physical force. It is understandable why Christian Science is undergoing such turmoil when the fact is realized that Christian Science is the one truly pure school of Christianity on earth today! In fact, Christian Science IS primitive Christianity extended into the 21st Century!

The strategy to destroy Christian Science and the Christian Republic in which it was revealed, and by virtue of which it is being protected, is not in its initial planning stage. The plan is well along in its implementation. Today, it operates within that which it intends to destroy and it is veiled behind various names. However, by whichever name it is being implemented today, its real name is: THE ILLUMINATI.

The Christian Science Church headquarters at Boston, Massachusetts, is rife with Illuminist agents who, disguised behind the veneer of being dedicated and industrious students of Christian Science, are in actuality, assiduously dedicated agents of Illuminism, and thoroughly dedicated to destroying the Cause of Christian Science FROM WITHIN! Mary Baker Eddy's last warning to her Cause happens to have been, "Beware of the enemy within the gates!"


To arrive at the counter fact relative to the cure of this disease of the power-hungry will require a journey through documentative history to arrive at the genesis of this controversy and curse. That journey will begin, Scripturally, with the rebellion the Bible records as having transpired in Heaven between the Son of Sin, Lucifer, and the Son of God, Christ. Then, a systematic tracing of the, "error, and of its operations," down through the ages to this present time is necessary because error is now using the international political movement of world Zionism — "the synagogue of Satan" about which Christ Jesus warned in Revelation 2:9, and 3:9 — to carry out its satanic design. The Master twice identified the threat and warned of its coming! Today, that of which Christ Jesus warned is The New World Order, alias the One World Government — the coronation of mortal mind as the god of this earth!

Before an understanding of this subject can be attained, we must go to the seed plot of its fabled origin. That takes us to the Garden of Eden and to the time of Noah and Nimrod.

The origin of all lies can be traced, symbolically, in the Bible to Lucifer. In Isaiah 14:12-15, we read:

"How are thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How are thou cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations! For thou has said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds: I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit."

It has been the design from ancient times to gradually consolidate the entire world into a one world government that would reject God and worship evil. This design started with an attempt to overthrow the government of Heaven. It began with a single thought. Lucifer began to think of himself as equal in splendor and wisdom with God.

So, Lucifer was the first victim of the thought that he existed apart from and in opposition to God. Indeed, this independent existence, Lucifer thought, was superior to God!

John Milton, in his "Paradise Lost," did a wonderful job of telling the story of how little by little (evil recognizes the importance of patience) Lucifer slowly influenced others through the artful use of criticism of how badly God was governing the universe. This led to depicting the God of Love to appear a tyrant. This set the stage for role-reversal. Lucifer, assuming the guise of godliness, led a heavenly host to acknowledge him as the Holy One, and to regard God as the Evil One.

Lucifer sowed seeds of murmuring, complaining and strife, which germinated into rebellion and caused divisions among the angels of Heaven. The whole universe chose only two sides; there was no middle ground! A great war ensued between Christ and Lucifer.

"And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: He was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with Him." Rev. 12:9.

The identical plan evil attempted to execute in Heaven is now being executed on earth. Just as Lucifer in the beginning concealed his plan to overthrow God from the angels in Heaven, so is mortal mind trying today to overthrow Christian Science on earth while preventing Christian Scientists from seeing or understanding what is transpiring right in front of their eyes!

Just as Lucifer did not suddenly expose his plan that would have demanded the worship of him by heavenly beings, so are agents-of-change, through the slow and almost imperceptible adoption of a false semi-metaphysical system headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, which represents itself to the world as Mary Baker Eddy's Christian Science, are working day and night to overthrow the Cause of Christian Science by working from within!

The lamentable fact is that at the Boston Church, Mary Baker Eddy is OUT! And, the Whore of Babylon is IN!

"Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness."Romans 6:16.

As the angels chose sides in Heaven, so are all the people on earth going to have to choose. Is this not exactly what is taking place today within the Cause of Christian Science as a, "she is the Woman God-crowned," or, "she is not the Woman God-crowned," battle?

Any plot to overthrow God has always worked in secret by using camouflage to remain hidden. It has not come upon the world suddenly, but little by little. Likewise, we also must trace the history of the one-world conspiracy, little by little.

To begin, let's take a closer look at the symbolic name. Lucifer, in Latin, it means, Light-Bearer. In Greek mythology, Lucifer was personified as a male figure bearing a torch. Hence, we have the origin of the Light-Bearer of the Olympic Games. The Greek transliteration of the name of this incarnation of Lucifer in the myth was Teitan. In middle English his name was Titan, which also means Sun-god. A distorted record of the rebellion of Lucifer and that of the rebel giant Nimrod has been preserved in Greek mythology. Titan (Teitan), the personification of Lucifer, was the ancestor of a race of giant humans here on earth who were overthrown by the Olympian gods. Hence, the word titan today means "one gigantic in size or power." And, the word, titanism today in our language means, "spirit of rebellion; or a defiance of and revolt against the established order or authority."

As Lucifer was the chief leader that led the angelic host to rebel against God, so did Nimrod cause the early descendants of Noah to rebel against God. Flavius Josephus, the ancient Jewish historian, wrote about Nimrod and how he seduced the people of his day to rebel against God while building the Tower of Babel. From the book, The Complete Works of Flavius Josephus, we read:

"Now it was Nimrod who excited them to such an affront and contempt of God. He was the grandson of Ham, the son of Noah, a bold man, and of great strength of hand. He persuaded them not to ascribe it to God, as if it was their own courage which produced that happiness. He also gradually changed the government into tyranny, seeing no other way of turning men from fear of God, but to bring them into a constant dependence on his own power. He also said he would be revenged on God, if he would have a mind to drown the world again, for that he would build a tower too high for the waters to be able to reach! And that he would avenge himself on God for destroying their forefathers!

Now the multitude were very ready to follow the determination of Nimrod, and to esteem it a piece of cowardice to submit to God; and they built a tower, neither sparing any pains, nor being in any degree negligent about the work. And by reason of the multitude of hands employed in it, it grew very high, sooner than any one could expect; but the thickness of it was so great, and it was so strongly built, that thereby its great height seemed, upon view, to be less than it really was."

Nimrod tried to unite the whole known world of his day into a one world government that would be free of God. God desired the sons of Noah to replenish the earth by traveling abroad the earth and settling colonies. This would have kept in check the wickedness that had derived from the cities.

The Bible records that it was not intended that man be crowded together in large cities. This Tower of Babel, the building of which Nimrod supervised, was to have two great significances. The city of Babel would become the metropolis of the world and unite its inhabitants under the dictatorial rule of Nimrod. And its Tower was to be a monument to man standing as a prototype of the wisdom and creativeness of the human mind! By building the city of Babel, Nimrod hoped to prevent the people from scattering abroad into colonies as God intended.

"And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar. And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have one language; and this they began to do: and nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. Therefore is the name of it Babel (confusion); because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth." Genesis 11:3-9.

Generations later, the Israelites turned their backs on God; they adopted the worship of the pagan gods from their neighbors. They were led by pagan high priests to sacrifice humans — even their children! This identical practice is being conducted today under the guise of Christian Science. The false semi-metaphysical system which the Whore of Babylon has insidiously introduced into the Cause of Christian Science has severely diminished and deteriorated the once thriving and successful practice of Mary Baker Eddy's legitimate Christian Science.

Those who have not been healed and have died while under what they thought was Christian Science treatment, are the ones who have been sacrificed to this Babylonish woman! These failed demonstrations have purchased for this woman "a golden cup. . . full of abominations and filthiness." Revelation 17:4. This woman (Whore) who is occupying the worldwide headquarters of the Church of Christ, Scientist, at Boston, Massachusetts, is, "drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus." Revelation 17:6.

Christian Scientists, the latter-day children of Israel, have not been spared the ordeal of their forefathers. When the Israelites were disobedient to God, they were susceptible to the leadings of pagan high priests and required to make sacrifices of human beings!

"They joined themselves also unto Baalpeor and ate the sacrifices of the dead. Thus they provoked him to anger with their inventions: and the plague brake in upon them. . . . .And they served their idols which were a snare unto them. Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto DEVILS, and shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood." Psalms 106:28,29,36-38.

The ignorant Israelites were not sacrificing their children to gods, as they thought, but unto devils! The loss of the children of Christian Science parents is a latter-day re-enactment of Israel's earlier tragedies. Paul, over 1000 years later, said the sacrifices of the Gentiles which the Israelites adopted were actually sacrifice(s) to devils:

"But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils." I Corinthians 10:20.

In pagan philosophy, lightning was the manifestation of their god's wrath and an agent of his punishment. The thunder was the voice of his warnings. In ancient Greece, thunder and lightning were believed by the worshippers of Zeus to be manifestations of his presence. Any spot struck by lightning became sacred. The name "Zeus" (skt. dyanus, "The Bright Sky" — identifies him as the god of the sky and its phenomena. In Rome, he was worshiped as Jupiter; in Scandinavia, Thor; and in Canaan, Baal — the Storm god.

Lightning from the sky separates into branches; hence, the lightning bolt found in the hand of the supreme god of the sky was stylized into a trident. This was a symbol for his power: he who controls the lightning bolt.

The prince of the power of the air is also the prince of darkness. Just as the pagan was deceived by false prophets in ancient times, so are Christian Scientists being deceived in these latter days. And, if man can learn to bring electricity down from the sky and harness its energy, does it not give us pause when we consider the immediate worldwide climatic problems caused by ionic weather modification? The 1993 flooding of America's Midwest and the drought in the Southeast are two prime examples. Did not Mrs. Eddy say that one was not a Christian Scientist until he understood how to control the weather?

In the Scripture just cited, Ephesians 2:2, in its entirety reads:

"Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air (Satan); the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience."

Was it the Christ or the antichrist that caused the Boston Church to drain its treasury to develop and deploy a transponder satellite to encircle the globe and discharge electrical impulses to the earth? Could these electronic impulses have been for the purpose of conducting global thought modification?

As the latter day architects of destiny, these agents of thought modification and management are conducting the worldwide attitudinal control and behavioral management of man. This is being accomplished through the twenty-four hour inductive implantation of highly selective info-impulses transmitted through the power of the air by the electronic media — "the educational systems of the Pharaohs, who to-day, as of yore, hold the children of Israel in bondage." S&H 226:27-29.

Today's Pharaohs are the world Zionists — THE ILLUMINISTS. Through power derived from direct ownership and/or the power devolved indirectly from financing, the Zionists own/manage the media of the world! This medium dissolves all national boundaries and connects the thought of all humanity. Through use of this existing electrical linkage, the Zionists have a conduit through which to conduct and manage the attitudinal and behavioral control of humanity. In effect, the entire human race is being subjected to a process of mild, silent, mental mind-death! Alerting mankind to this peril, Mrs. Eddy wrote in Miscellany, page 211:

"Animal magnetism (electricity), in its ascending steps of evil, entices its victim by unseen, silent arguments. Reversing the modes of good [Christ], in their silent allurements to health and holiness, it impels mortal mind into error of thought, and tempts into the committal of acts foreign to the natural inclinations. The victims [the electrified] lose their individuality, and lend themselves as willing tools [robots] to carry out the designs [programed behavior] of their worst enemies, even those who would induce their self-destruction [bankruptcy of all moral, spiritual, and physical resources]."

What did our Master see that caused him to say: "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven?" Luke 10:18.

How could Mary Baker Eddy's Church which supposedly subscribes to what she has written on page 78 of her textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures;" namely — "Spirit needs no wires nor electricity in order to be omnipresent." — have given itself over to the world's largest electronic media fiasco, which was directly responsible for causing the Church to lose nearly one billion dollars from its treasury, and reduce it to near bankruptcy?

The answer is that Mary Baker Eddy's Church could never have done such a thing, and didn't! The Boston Church's recent electronic blitz incontrovertibly confirms the sad fact that the Boston Church is no longer Mary Baker Eddy's Church! Mrs. Eddy's Church is infiltrated, commandeered, and is being held hostage in the hands of antichrist agents of a one world government scheme! These agents are disguised as distinguished and respectable Christian Scientists! These agents are determined to destroy the Cause of Christian Science! To do this the truth about Mary Baker Eddy must be discredited and her divine ordination denied! Thus, the shrewdly designed and deceptively manipulated, "Destiny of The Mother Church," by Bliss Knapp controversy was devised and deployed with only the intent to discredit and destroy!

In her Poem, "Christ My Refuge," verse 4 and 5 present the Science solution to humanity's vulnerability to animal magnetism. These verses read:

"And o'er earth's troubled, angry sea I see Christ walk,

And come to me, and tenderly, divinely talk.

Thus Truth engrounds me on the rock,

Upon life shore,

'Gainst which the winds and waves can shock,

Oh, nevermore!"

In the above verses, could earth's troubled, angry sea be the global field of electrical impulses [radio and television waves] under which all humanity is living? In the textbook on page 559, the word "sea" is depicted to mean, "elementary, latent error, the source of all error's visible forms." Out of the invisible error [unseen electrical broadcast-ions] come all of "error's visible forms" — the pictures we see on receiving television screens! — or within mentality and upon physicality as diseased conditions!

However, to see and experience the Christ, humanity must be "o'er," that is, it must rise above "earth's troubled, angry sea" and not remain submerged below the waterline — beneath the level of mental [electrical] influence and/or contagion.

Once above sea level, humanity can hear the Christ talking, imparting the Truth which insulates humanity from being electrocuted! The truth insulates mentality by engrounding it on the rock — spiritual foundation — not above us as is the sea, but beneath us, supporting us, as we depart the sea to arrive upon Life's shore!

Now, out of the sea and secure on the rock (Christ) upon the shore (where the divine and human coincide) consciousness is grounded by Christ, Truth. Webster says that to be grounded means, "to connect with the ground to make the return of an electrical current thereby producing a zero of potential."

Once grounded, enormous charges of electricity could flow through man and not singe a hair of his head! It would be rendered harmless! Therefore, "the winds" (direct current) "and waves" (alternating current) of animal magnetism, or electricity, "can SHOCK" (the sudden stimulation of the nerves and convulsive contraction of the muscles caused by the discharge of electricity through the body), "Oh, nevermore!" — never again, at no time, neither in any degree nor under any condition!

The Boston Church's plunge into electronic broadcasting merely confirms the lamentable fact that it no longer is Mary Baker Eddy's Church! Mrs. Eddy's Church has been infiltrated! It has been kidnapped! It is being held hostage by agents who are determined to destroy the Cause of Christian Science!

The twelve Westinghouse Vista-Star satellites which the Church purchased and paid NASA to deploy, were represented to the Field as a magnificent accomplishment for the Christian Science Church, giving to it the world's first global, simultaneously broadcasting network system! What or whose purpose is being served by setting this elaborate electronic net around the entire globe? The Christ? Or, the antichrist?

By deploying this network of electronic wizardry and magic, did the Whore of Babylon have what she needed to conduct her business of global MYSTERY — the stupefying intoxication produced by the wine of her fornication? The fornication the Whore commits with the kings of the earth — the international Zionist bankers and psychopoliticians who would rule the world — THE ILLUMINISTS?

Is the GOLDEN CUP in the hand of this Whore, identical to the golden bowl upon the roof of the Church Administration Building Tower (the latter day Tower of Babel at 175 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts)? Is it the bowl used to beam up the programming to the transponder satellite in orbit above the earth — only to have it later fall upon the earth as Christ Jesus depicted it would: "as lightning fall from heaven ?" What goes up is planned to come down!

Could the twelve man-made electronic devices, or satellites, be the counterfeits of the "twelve stars" upon the head of the Woman God-crowned, of Revelation, Chapter 12? For what or whose purpose was this enormous expenditure made? Why did the Christian Science Church need such elaborate global broadcasting and networking potential when it has had a proven history of inability and failure to even modestly interest humanity in Christian Science through the medium of electricity? Neither, "How Christian Science Heals," nor "The Bible Speaks to You," were proven successful in serving the purpose of evangelizing the Cause of Christian Science! Who or what is governing the Boston Church? The Christ? Or, the antichrist?

When the Israelites were deceived and sacrificed their sons and daughters, it was really devils to whom the sacrifices were being made. Today, the Boston Church is sacrificing its sons and daughters — its branch churches — which are not only allowed, but are encouraged to die (dissolution clauses in branch church charters), so that Boston can reap the revenues from the liquidations of these scores of branches closing every year throughout the world. This is nothing but cannibalism! — a mother eating her children in order to live! And this is Christian Science? What or who conceived of this practice and is allowing it to go unchecked? The Christ? Or, the antichrist?

In December, 1971, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," was taken out of the public domain and placed under a perpetual unconstitutional copyright with ownership vested in the Boston Church directors. Then, in January, 1972, the Church directors ordered the textbook removed from every commercial bookstore and book outlet in the world, thereby making it practically impossible for the public to obtain! What or who at the Boston Church conceived of that plan and sanctioned that action? The Christ? Or, the antichrist?

The ancient people, shortly after the flood, had a knowledge of the true God of Noah, Shem, and Abraham. But the worship of the true God soon became perverted into idolatry by the larger population when Nimrod tried to unite the whole world under a one world government. And this anti-God movement is being attempted by some modern Nimrods today! Hence, the imperative need for all Christian Scientists to accept their responsibility. Only they are responsible to God and to humanity, to dispense the true understanding of the only true God of the universe. Each Christian Scientist is where Christian Science touches the world. Is it comforting? Is it healing? Is it growing? Is it blessing? Is it glorifying God?

The natural man and his so-called mind is found short of answers complexioned of Truth. Not so generic man! Our senses are mysteries to the natural man, and natural man a mystery to our senses! The natural man's mind imparts nothing as to the nature of his sensations, his perceptions, the origin of his thoughts and ideas — but offers merely words!

The natural man tortures himself in the effort to gain an idea of himself, and wearies with the exertion. What does the natural man know of substance? The natural man doubts that it even exists. Natural law tells its prisoner that his senses make known to him only the attributes of substance; ie., extension, hardness, color, and so on, but not the thing itself that is extended, solid, black or white! We know the attributes of Mind seen complexioning Its idea, but not Mind Itself which alone knows and yet is unknown, that sees but defies being seen!

Give pause to consider heat and light. They are easy-pickin' for generic consciousness. They are so narrow in comparison with infinity, and beyond which on every side stretch out infinite space and the unimaginable darkness and intensity of inconceivable cold. Think of the Energy required to maintain warmth and light at the central point of such an infinity! To whom the darkness of midnight and the cold of the Arctic constitute nothing! And yet Mind is everywhere!

Generic consciousness bathes not in the mystery, but in the majesty and wonder Science unveils to our eyes. Think if just one law of Mind were repealed. What would happen if adhesion, cohesion, or attraction were to cease? The whole of the material world with its solid granite, its veins of gold, and its beds of coal, and our own frames, would collapse. Yet not alone! They would be joined by the collapse of the stars, suns, and worlds throughout the universe of Mind, into a thin invisible ionic vapor of minute particles, diffused equally everywhere. With them, light and heat would disappear!

They mysteries of the universe of Mind!

They beckon generic consciousness to pioneer the domain of Reality. How can the natural man, with his limited sense perceptions, expect to grasp or even begin to understand the New Frontier? Think of infinite space, stretching out from us every way, without limit! And infinite time, without beginning and without end! And we, HERE and NOW, at the meridian or center of each!

Then, as if more were required, consider the drop of water we drink and what is in it — in every morsel of food we eat, in the air, the sea, the incredible multitudes of living creatures, invisible to the natural eye, of such minuteness that it beggars belief, and yet is organized and living, in and of itself! — perhaps with conscious awareness of identity, memory and instinct! And why not? Must being be a predetermined size to reflect unfathomable and immeasurable Mind?

Such are some of the mysteries of Mind to the mind we designate natural, the earth-mind from which man tends to plan a perpetual escape. To Mind, what is the Universe? To Mind, what are Its nature, essence and wholeness? Are these as unknown to Mind as being Its own, as are the eyes that go unseen by the one doing the seeing? And yet, the natural man's mind has determined to know the laws by which Mind controls and governs the Universe!

Mind commands us to love one another, to love our neighbor as ourself, and yet we dispute and wrangle and hate and slay one another because we aren't of one understand as to what constitute the nature, essence and wholeness of Deity, yea, of ourselves! The polemics of the natural man's opinions have caused him to drench the world in blood, depopulate realms, destroy rain forests, and turn fertile lands into deserts. Until, for religious wars, persecution, and bloodshed, the Earth has for centuries, rolled around the Sun, a charnel-house steaming with human gore — the blood of brother slain by brother for opinions sake, soaking the earth and polluting her veins, making her a horror to her sisters in the Universe!

Urgencies demand the arrival of generic consciousness!

O glory of glories! The Age of Science has dawned! Man may now access the true idea of God, Man and the Universe! Science reveals that the Universe exists within Man. This understanding is the death knell to the age-old myth that man exists within the Universe! Is it any wonder why Christian Science has been targeted for destruction? Where else on earth is the truth, or scientific statement of being, the actual depiction of Reality, being made available to humanity? Christian Science is the dictionary Mind has given to Its idea, Man, wherein may be discovered Reality — the true meaning (nature) and true complexion (essence) of all that IS! The all-in-ALL (wholeness)!

"Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there, believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." Matt. 24:23.

Spiritualism, theosophy, pantheism, necromancy, materialism, secular humanism, and animal magnetism are working day and night to deceive the world and cause humanity to voluntarily adopt the New World Order as being God's solution to end all wars on earth! How can this be? Divine Mind's solution to accomplish this divine objective is already provided in Christ Jesus and Christ Science? The offspring of this Divine Pair is generic man which is commissioned to usher in the Kingdom of Mind upon Earth!


Within Mrs. Eddy's book, Pulpit and Press, is found the oftquoted statement that is misrepresented to be Mrs. Eddy prophecy. On page 22, line 9, we read:

"If the lives of Christian Scientists attest their fidelity to Truth, I predict that in the twentieth century every Christian church in our land, and a few in far-off lands, will approximate the understanding of Christian Science sufficiently to heal the sick in his name. Christ will give to Christianity his new name, and Christendom will be classified as Christian Scientists."

Mrs. Eddy's statement is exactly what she said it is — a prediction, not a prophecy. Over the decades, the agents occupying the Boston Church who have conducted their brand of Christian Science under the auspices of the Board of Education, have entirely misinterpreted Mrs. Eddy's prediction.

Emphasis has been incorrectly focused on the wrong places. Christian Scientists have been groomed, as though infused with a sense of guilt, with the thought that their lives were and are the decisive factors that will determine whether or not the prediction will become realized! Nothing but scholastic theology, holding sway both within the Boston Church and throughout the Christian Science Field, has promoted this fallacious reasoning.

The real onus of responsibility is not upon an untold number of Christian Scientists' "lives" but rather, it rests upon "every Christian church in our land, and a few in far-off lands." It requires a Christian church to approximate the understanding of Christian Science! And here lies the crux of the matter!

Do you know of a single Christian church anywhere on the face of the earth? Today, there is NOT ONE to be found! Yet, thousands of churches lay claim to being Christian, but are they? Here is the one point alone which determines whether or not a church or an entire religious denomination is actually Christian: —

If a church or denomination subscribes to and teaches the pantheistic doctrine that Jesus is God, that church or religious denomination is not Christian! It is that simple! And, if not Christian, then what? Obviously, such doctrinal teaching, if not Christian, is antichristian! Although hundreds of millions would denounce this as being the case! But it is the case! Every so-called Christian church which espouses the false doctrine that Jesus is God is an antichrist operation!

When Mary Baker Eddy commissioned the Church of Christ, Scientist, she reinitiated upon Earth the re-establishment of primitive Christianity. A massive effort is well underway at the Boston Church to elevate Christ Jesus within the Science movement, as though he does not already occupy a place unequaled in the affections, adoration and understanding of Christian Scientists which happens to be light years beyond the misconception of him commonly held by the captives of scholastic theology! However, this elevation of Christ Jesus is being simultaneously accompanied by an equally massive attempt to disacknowledge the divine ordination and life-mission of Mary Baker Eddy! The sad fact is that, until the divinity of Christ Jesus and Mary Baker Eddy is acknowledged and spiritually understood, humanity will remain disenfranchised of the capacity to self-discover, self-acknowledge, and self-understand its own divinity!

Christ Jesus' and Mary Baker Eddy's works are poised to initiate a global revolution of consciousness! They did their work so that we can do ours. As the "ideal man" and the "ideal woman" of God, See: S&H 517:8, they constitute divine catalysts — God-designed, God-constituted, and God-commissioned — to resolve the entire myth of an existence and a life apart from Him-Herself! The "ideal man" resolves the myth of the tomb! The "ideal woman" resolves the myth of the womb! As the two bookends of the Adam-dream are drawn together, the myth they once defined is squeezed into oblivion!

"For in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive." I Corinthians 15:22.

Herein lies the dire danger threatening mankind! Jesus, in addressing the Jews, said:

"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."John 8:44.

What did the Devil murder from the beginning? He attempted the murder of the Motherhood of God (essence), and thereby cloud man's perception and understanding of God's Allness. This is the only way the lie could possibly exist. First, diminish God's wholeness, then there will be room or space for the lie to occupy. In such a darkened or diminished understanding a lie can claim to exist, hide, and defy detection.

Christ Jesus and Mary Baker Eddy are God-ordained to present:

". . .the unity of male and female as no longer two wedded individuals, but as two individual natures in one, and this compounded spiritual individuality reflects God as Father-Mother, not as corporeal being. In this divinely united spiritual consciousness, there is no impediment to eternal bliss, — to the perfectibility of God's creation." S&H 577:5.

Until the clouds roll back to reveal the wholeness of Deity, God will continue to appear incomplete and His reflection will continue to appear as divided beings — males and females engaged in the endless pursuit of attempting to regain their primitive, actual, and forever wholeness. Christian Science reveals to mankind the nature, the essence, and the wholeness of Deity! Herein lies humanity's salvation! Christian Science — the Revelation of man no more in need of salvation than is God!

For two thousand years, Christianity has established the idea of God's Fatherhood. God's Motherhood, as an idea understood by man, is still in its infancy. Consequently, it is that aspect of God (essence) which Lucifer targeted to murder simply by keeping mankind in the dark and dead to that specific element of Deity! To do this, the oracle of God who delivered the Truth of God's Motherhood to humanity, is the one targeted to be murdered! The rejection of Mary Baker Eddy by Christianity at large, as well as by her own Church, is not only sad — it is serious beyond depiction!

Christian Scientists fall into the trap of the Illuminist's strategy to destroy Christian Science if they haven't a balanced spiritual understanding of Christ Jesus and Mary Baker Eddy! But this understanding is not something that can be taught. It comes to each individual as direct revelation from within the precincts of Mind — his own conscious awareness! Neither class teaching, study of the textbook, church attendance, association meetings, lectures, nor any other objective practice, policy, or procedure can guarantee the cultivation of a single shred of spiritual understanding!

Today, rulers of the darkness are determined to destroy Christian Science from within through the use of the wedge system of diversionary engagement. Simply stated, it is a case of divide and conquer! However, the wedge being employed to split the movement apart and kill it is the sharp tapering topic of Mary Baker Eddy! Any why not? Evil would use the one who birthed the movement to now bury the movement!

Today, the Cause of Christian Science is momentary split over the question, "Who is Mary Baker Eddy?" "Is she, or is she not, the fulfillment of Christ Jesus' prophecy as seen in the Woman of the Apocalypse?" The ONLY question that should be engaging the attention of every Christian Scientist is the one Mrs. Eddy identified in a Marginal heading as being, "The question of the ages." It is found in the textbook on page 223, line 14:

"The question, "What is Truth," convulses the world."

This is the question every Christian Scientist should be asking! Why? Because man is saved by the "what" not by the "who!"

This Discourse concludes with Mary Baker Eddy's precedent, which, if allowed to set the standard of thought and conduct amongst Christian Scientists, would immediately reverse the adverse conditions affecting her Church; reinstate Mary Baker Eddy as the God-ordained Leader, and end the latter-day Babylonish Captivity of the latter-day children of Israel!

Professor Wiggin was employed by Mrs. Eddy to proofread some of her written material. Although not a Christian Scientist, she hesitated not to engage his talents. On page 318, of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, she writes:

"I invited Mr. Wiggin to visit one of my classes in the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, and he consented on condition that I should not ask him any questions. I agreed not to question him just so long as he refrained from questioning me. He held himself well in check until I began my attack on agnosticism. As I proceeded, Mr. Wiggin manifested more and more agitation, until he could control himself no longer and, addressing me, burst out with:

"How do you know that there ever was such a man as Christ Jesus?"

He would have continued with a long argument framed from his ample fund of historical knowledge, but I stopped him.

"Now, Mr. Wiggin," I said, "you have broken our agreement. I do not find my authority for Christian Science in history, but in revelation. If there had never existed such a person as the Galilean Prophet, it would make no difference to me. I should still know that God's spiritual ideal is the only real man in his image and likeness."

Christian Scientists! Wake up! It is time to roll back the clouds and, "lift the shade of gloom!" Disengage immediately with this controversy over, "WHO" is Mary Baker Eddy! Our Christed Leader regarded the earthly appearance of our Master, Christ Jesus, as making no difference to her! She could not be prevented from knowing the only real man! Are we not being called upon to do the same in regard to Mary Baker Eddy? Today, are not all Christian Scientists being summoned by their Leader to attain the understanding which declares, "I. . .know that God's spiritual ideal is the only real man (and woman) in His/Her image and likeness?"

Mrs. Eddy recorded her experience with Mr. Wiggin and placed it within a sealed packet which she instructed to have published after she passed. Today, we have the most profound and penetrating example of how our Leader expects her followers to conduct themselves when confronted with the sophistry of the wedge that is designed to accomplish only one objective: DIVIDE AND CONQUER! Mary Baker Eddy is the Leader of the Cause of Christian Science! Let us then follow her by obediently implementing her example of the principle she has already proved!

All division and strife must be set aside and a recognition of the impact which the life-works of Christ Jesus and Mary Baker Eddy have had and are having on our lives must appear to displace anything and everything that would attempt to divide us and incite us to squabble and disagree with each other over our precious and forever Leader! As this devilish battle intensifies and rages on, the one question worthy of our attention, remains unaddressed, unacknowledged, and hidden from the world by the smoke rising from the battlefields of Science! We have met our enemy and it is us!

The Leader of Christian Science chartered but one course for her followers to enter upon. On page 134 of Miscellany, we read:

"To triumph in truth, to keep the faith individually and collectively, conflicting elements must be mastered."

The Bible teaches that the Devil can do EVERYTHING the Christ can do. It can heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out devils. It can still the storm and feed the multitudes. It has proved its ability to infiltrate and hold hostage the Church of Christ, Scientist and to use it for its own design. One thing only it cannot do! Lucifer cannot glorify God! And the Christian Scientist most successful in destroying mortal modes and defeating evil's plan, is the Scientist who glorifies God!

And how is this done?

Nothing glorifies God more than loving and obeying His ideal man, Christ Jesus, and His ideal woman, Mary Baker Eddy! Remember: THERE IS NO MIDDLE GROUND! This warfare is an all or nothing-at-all contest. The warfare begins, and the warfare ends, but not in a church or religious organization. Science reveals:

"Be of good cheer; the warfare with one's self is grand; it gives one plenty of employment, and the divine Principle worketh with you, — and obedience crowns persistent effort with everlasting victory." Misc. 118:24-28.

David James Nolan, Chancellor

The Christ Science University