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What to Know when Recruiting

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This website is for anyone who has obtained recruiting status (Berserker) or whom I have given permission to recruit. This will tell you what to look for and what to tell recruits.

In the Beginning...

First: You need at least two people. It is an FFA between all people who come in. When they come into the game, ask them if they are serious about joing the clan. If they say no, tell them to get out or boot them, whichever. Tell them to pick a race and that there is a no rush limit of 15 minutes. If they protest, tell them "Too bad. My map, my rules," Of course, you don't have to directly quote me there, it's just an example.

Second: When the game starts, become familiar with the map, unless you have already done so. There are detectors in the middle you may use to see clocked units. If you see anyone rushing or hacking, warn them. If they continue, use Charon (on the little island) and move him to the corrisponding beacon of the offending player.

Third: Just so reitterate, there is NO HACKING! And if they send out just a couple guys for scouting, that is ok.

Last: Do not tell anyone the clan channel. This can lead to a clan war. Contrary to popular belief, clan wars are NOT games. They are clans hacking and flooding other clans. It is not fun.

During the Game

You will judge the players on how fast they get set up. You will also judge them on both theyr offence and defence. When they finally start fighting, judge on how efficient their team was. During the game, do not scare the shit out of the players. I did that once... they left. If you are going to send units near/over them, warn them first.

And if the Terran DbC is going to use Nukes, please, warn the players that it is just you having fun and that the blast is no where near them. When the game ends, tell the remaining player to meet you in the clan room.

After the game

First (again): When the player comes into the room, congradulate them. We all like praise once in a while. Then tell them any faults you found in their style. This is not to point out their weaknesses, this is to show them how they can improve and become better. Do not force them to become better, just tell them.

Second: Tell them the rules, which are located here. When you are done, make sure they understand. When they say they understand, tell them to go change their name and come back. Name MUST begin with this exact prefix: DbC-
It lust look like that.

Third: When you're done with all that, tell them to put these things in their profile: That they are part of clan Death By Choice, that their rank is Warrior, who recruited them (That'd be you), and anything else they want in there. Then tell them to add me (dEATHbYcHOICE) to their f list. Be sure to tell them that they must contact me or a leader (DbC-Butcher and DbC-Flare).

Last (finally): If they have any more questions, either answer them or tell them about the website. Either way... tell them about my cool website. I'm proud of this thing. Then tell them to go up their stats and to have fun. And don't forget to welcome them to the clan. People like feeling welcomed, too.

Well that's it... I know, quite a lot, but hey, I wanna make sure no one lets on any bastards or assholes or other obscene names for people in the clan. Now go have fun.

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