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Earn The Bobcat Badge

A Tiger Cub may begin earning the Bobcat rank when he completes the Tiger Cub badge.

  1. Learn and say the Cub Scout Promise.

    "I..... (name).... promise to do my best
    To do my duty
    To God and my country,
    To help other people, and
    To obey the Law of the Pack."

    Tell what it means.
    When you say you will do something, that is a promise.
    Duty to God means that you will put God first and do what you know God wants you to do.
    Duty to your country means that you will do what you can for your country. You will be proud that you are an American.
    To help other people means that you will do things for other people that will help them.
    To obey the Law of the Pack means that you will be a good Cub Scout

  1. Say the law of the pack.

    "The Cub Scout follows Akela.
    The Cub Scout helps the pack go.
    The pack helps the Cub Scout Grow.
    The Cub Scout gives goodwill."

    Tell what it means.
    Akela (say Ah-KAY -la) means "good leader" to a Cub Scout. Akela is your mother or father. So is your Cubmaster or your den leader. At school, your teacher is Akela.
    You say you will help the pack go. That means that you will go to your Cub Scout meetings. Do what you can to help. Think of others in the pack.
    When you are at your Cub Scout meetings, you will learn new things. You will play games and work with others. This is how the Cub Scout grows.
    The last part of the Law of the Pack says that you will give goodwill. This means that you will always try to smile and be happy. Do things that make other people happy. They don't have to be big things. Little things help, too.
  1. Tell what Webelos means.

    "We'll Be Loyal Scouts"
  1. Show the Cub Scout sign.

    Tell what it means.
    Make the sign with your right hand. Hold your arm straight up.
    The raised fingers stand for two parts of the Cub Scout Promise -
    "to help other people" and "to obey the Law of the Pack"
    The two raised fingers look like the sharp ears of the wolf ready to listen to Akela.

  1. Show the Cub Scout handshake.

    Tell what it means.
    When you shake hands with another Cub Scout, Hold out your right hand just as you always do to shake hands. But then put your first two fingers along the inside of the other boy's wrist. This means that you help and that you obey the Law of the Pack.
  1. Say the Cub Scout motto.

    "Do Your Best"

    A motto is a rule for living.
    Do your best all the time.
    Do your best in school and at home.
    Do your best when you play a game and help your team
  1. Give the Cub Scout salute.

    Tell what it means.
    Salute with your right hand. Hold your first two fingers close together. Touch your fingertips to your cap. If you are not wearing a cap, touch your right eyebrow. This is the way to show respect to your den leaders. You salute the flag to show respect to our country.
  1. With your adult partner, complete the "Bobcat requirements" section in the front of the Contents pages of the Tiger Cub handbook.
No matter what age or grade a boy joins Cub Scouting, he must earn his Bobcat badge before he can be awarded a Wolf badge, Bear badge, or Webelos badge. Help your Cub through the steps of the Bobcat trail. Along each step, sign "Akela's OK." The den leader will also sign and indicate your boy's completion on the Den Advancement Report, which he or she will also give to the pack committee at the monthly pack leaders' meeting. Your Cub is then eligible to receive his Bobcat badge in a pack ceremony.