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Words and Deeds in American History: Selected Documents Celebrating the Manuscript Division's First 100 Years

Item 14 of 500
Sales contract between Thomas Jefferson and James Madison for an indentured servant's remaining term, 19 April 1809.
(Carter G. Woodson Collection)


Former President Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) wrote this contract on 19 April 1809 (ironically the anniversary of the Battle of Concord and Lexington which began the war for American independence) for the sale of the remainder of the term of service of an indentured servant, John Freeman, to President James Madison (1751-1836). Both Jefferson and Madison were the owners of many slaves, but neither possessed claims to many indentured servants. The servant in question was probably a free black man, with a special skill as an artisan, who would have been of particular value to Madison, because he was expanding his plantation house. Jefferson noted in a 19 April 1809 letter to Madison that the deed for John was for 76 1/2 months out of a term of 132 months at $400 for the full term.

Gerard W. Gawalt, Manuscript Division

For Additional Information
For additional information on the Carter G. Woodson Collection, you can leave this site and read a summary catalog record for the collection.

Reproduction Number:
A91 (color slide)

Related Terms:
African Americans | Contracts | Indentured servants | Jefferson, Thomas (1743-1826) | Madison, James (1751-1836) | Presidents

African-American History and Culture | African-American History and Culture Items List | The Presidency | Presidential Items List | Chronological List | Words and Deeds