Home ~ Writings ~ Bowie ~ Links ~ About Me ~ Contact ~ FAQ ~ Terms While I love the time you spend wandering around my sites and crawling out of its dead ends (just kidding, there shouldn't be any), there are a few terms and conditions I'd like you to follow. Thanking you in advance because I know you're a good Internet citizen...
2. Do not alter any part of my writings, then redistribute them on your site 3. Do not redistribute any of my images on your site without my permission 4. Do not alter any part of my images, then redistribute them on your site 5. You may use quotes from my writings on your sites, but you must link my site back 6. Write for permission via e-mail or messengers to redistribute my writings and/or images on your site 7. Nothing on this site is to be sold for profit by you. As the copyright holder, I retain that right only. If you are interested in something in particular, it won’t hurt you to write for an agreement 8. Do not direct link to any images. After asking permission to use the images on your site, you need to save the image in question to your own server. Do not use the image through my server because, for example with my blog, it’ll probably disappear after a time. 9. If I find you have violated any of these terms of use, I will ask you nicely the first time to fix it to meet the terms. If I need to ask a second time, I won’t be so nice!