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A letter found in a collection of papers caught her eye. Faded ink and crumbling pages made it hard to read, but she could make out the words written on the page. The page read:

  I am but a simple traveler who found safe passage into the world of Asuret. When I was asked to take on this honorific duty as historian of Asuret, it surprised me. In all the history I have read, no traveler, much less a normal human, has been asked to be the historian for the planet. Though I am young within human standards, this tale has taken me a while to write this story from history.
        The world of Asuret is very complex, as there are millions of different creatures that call this world home. In the City of Indifference, every race lives as if they are all equal; there are no Elders, just people who guide. The City of Mages is where every type of mages, including Shadow Mages, live in harmony with each other.
        Before we begin perhaps I should explain the life cycle of a mage. When ever a mage is born either their soul is either an old one from another mage, or it is a new one which is all their own. The only time an old mage is born instead of a new one is because the child would have been a stillborn but instead an old soul takes over the body instead. As they grow, they either discover new things about themselves and their environment, or they regain their memories of what they could do. Many live with their parents, and elders, but unfortunately, there are some like the main character in this story whose parents are dead or did not want them.
        When a mage would be considered an adult as a human they are taught the ways of their parents, such as a child of an Elder leader of a village would start learning how to run a village. The child or apprentice of a trait mage would learn that trait. But some are stubborn and start their own trait or business. Once the mages hit a certain age (the age is unknown due to the fact that the age varies from mage type to mage type) they are considered an Elder. The Elders are often looked to and given more respect than any other mage. Slowly as they age, they become like the elderly humans and lose focus and senses, and finally they die.
        Their souls are sent to the Element that they were born form, i.e. Fire Mages return to Fire. Each type of mage knows the body differently. Fire Mages burn the bodies of their dead, Ice Mages freeze theirs. Exc.
        This story takes place not to far back within the pages of history, but far enough back to be considered history. May your journey into the world of Asuret be as smooth and safe as mine.

       Hoshi Mori

        The Historian of Asuret

Perplexed she realized that there was a leather bound book lying on the bottom of the trunk that she had cleaned the papers out of it. Gingerly she opened it and it is here where our tale begins.

Chapter 1

"Please Razz, don't leave me alone! If you leave I won't have anyone left! Razz please don't leave, come back, Razz, No, don't go." It seemed hopeless, she knew her best friend and only friend was dying from the injuries she had received from the fire in the village. It was a miracle that Razz had lived for two days after the village had been burned to the ground in the middle of the night.
        She had been aroused by the smell of smoke, which was uncommon this late at night, most, no all the Earth Mages, were asleep. She had looked out the window and she discovered that a group of Fire Mages had set the village a light. The smoke was starting to affect her, she wasn't use to having smoke clog the fresh air, and she knew that she had to get out soon. She ran out of her room towards her brothers and father but they were dead, knives buried deep within their chest. Running faster she saw Razz heading toward her.
        Something about Razz wasn't right though. Razz was limping, and Razz never limped, not even when she stepped on something. But she hadn't had time to find out then. They ran as fast as they could, supporting each other along the way, until they had reached their special spot, a place far enough away from the village that it wouldn't be discovered easily.
        And there they had stayed for two days, nursing their wounds, well mostly Razz's wounds. Razz had burned by the fire as she had fought to get out of her home. Razz was older than her by a century, but it didn't matter, at the moment she was trying to save her best friend's life but it was fading fast.
        Pleading with Razz did no good, Razz was stubborn and if she had decided to die, then she would die. But even though it would do no good she did it anyway. Razz's smile was calm and she really wanted to relieve her friend's pain but she couldn't live in a body damaged so severely by fire. Her vision dimmed and then she knew no more than that she was part of the Earth with all her dead relatives, and her friend's too.
        She looked down upon the dead body of Razz and a small tear feel onto the ground beside Razz. From that tear, a beautiful black rose grew up, and she realized what she had to do. She concentrated on the ground beneath Razz and willed Razz's soul to enter the ground and become part of it again. And then she heard the Fire Mages searching for her. She stood up, and ran not even noticing that Razz's body was gone and a gold rose had joined the one that had grown from her tear.

        Kathryn Earthsong awoke with a start. It took her several moments to realize that she was safe in her room above the Phoenix Tavern. She raised her hands to her face and felt the tears that had been running down her cheeks within her dreams.

        Why have I been reliving that day? Lately I've been confused on why I've been living in a village of Fire Mages, when a group of Fire Mages killed my family. From rumors I've heard from other types of mages they were hired by a Shadow Mage to destroy her village but to bring the strongest mage in the village to him. But what does that have to do with me? I'm just a simple Earth Mage. I'm nothing special.
        The view out her window in the attic room showed the village and a magnificent sunrise going on. But not even her favorite scene of the village could detour her thoughts this day. Her thoughts wandered to irony of her current home.

        Hidoi Hakumei was in a foul mood, and that was putting it into words that could be said in the presence of children, more correctly his own. His latest attempt at finding the strongest mage in the history of mages had failed. His daughter, Tanto Karasu more commonly known as Raven, had reported that the mage had not been found yet again. His temper was going under stress, and some poor lacky or maid would be hurting later for this but at the moment he looked calm.
        "Very well Raven, try the next village, that Fire Mage village. Perhaps she is there."
        "Father why would she be in a village of Fire Mages? Her village was destroyed by Fire Mages, so why should I not search the next Earth Mage village?" That child of his would be the death of him yet.
        "Because I told you to search the Fire Mage village, Raven, Not the next Earth Mage village! So get going!"
        "Yes, father. But remember what I told you earlier."
        Hakumei watched as Raven left his presence. The desire to become immortal blinded him so much that he could not recall what she had told him earlier, but no matter, she would more than likely tell him again. Hakumei was insane, so it wasn't surprising that he had forgotten that. In fact he had forgotten his own age and birthday as well. But one little flaw remained in his plan to become immortal, the most powerful mage in the history was still alive, and that presented a big problem.