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Forbidden Love

Chapter 1:

Pleasures in Life: Inside jokes, Special glances, and Curling up with a good book. T.B.C.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Kathryn ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

        I stretched my black wings to their full extent as I yawned. The tropical heat of heaven was starting to affect me on the lazy day. Of all the days not to have an assignment; at least then I'd be out of the tropical climate. Sighing, I looked around. Suddenly Gabriel appeared in front of me, I really have to get him to teach me how to disappear in one place and appear in another but then again he's far older than me. Being one of the youngest angels in Heaven sucks sometimes.
        "You're presence is required by God. I think he might have an assignment for you. I will take you to him, just hold on and close your wings." Wow, Gabriel must be having a good day if he's willing to transport me without having to fly straight there. I reached out and caught his hand. He looked a little startled that I had gabbed his hand; perhaps he thought I would just grab his sleeve.
        The wind picks up around us and all of a sudden, we're standing outside of God's palace. I let go of his hand, and he leads me up the steps to God's throne room. This is not my favorite spot to be in Heaven; in fact it's rather the one place I try to avoid at all costs. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I am forever getting in trouble and have to come here for punishment. Don't get me wrong, I praise God's name, but still it's scary to be in there. I hope Gabriel doesn't leave me alone with God, or it'll be like I'm in trouble again!
        "Kathryn, I have an assignment for you," God's beautiful voice comes floating towards me. I spot Jesus sitting on a throne to the right of God. He's smiling at me, that's good.
        "Yes Lord," I manage to squeak out.
        "Kathryn, I need you to go to Earth and to watch over a boy that goes by the name of Yuki Hyou [1]. He is going astray from my other followers, I want you to bring him back to me, but remember not to fall for him. It is forbidden for angels to fall in love with humans. Please heed me this time, there will be dire punishments if you don't listen." I shivered, dire punishments, that was rather unnerving.
        "I'll do my best, Lord. But how will I reach Earth. My friends, they watch over me like hawks, especially after." I trailed off. I had almost mentioned my parents. My parents had been killed in a mission to Earth when I was only 900 years old. My friends had taken care of me after that but they watched me closely, and it nearly drove me insane.
        "I will make sure you reach Earth safely," Gabriel said quietly in my ear. I must have looked shocked because he smiled at me, a glint of pleasure in his brown eyes [2]. I took one good look at the Blonde haired, brown-eyed Messenger Angel standing in front of me. He was hot, but way out of my age range. Man, I have not luck what so ever. Gabriel and I bowed and then left the throne room quickly.
        "I will meet you at Heaven's gates in half an hour, that gives you time to go and retrieve some things that you'll most likely need on Earth. Also you will have to walk without your wings for balance. You might want to practice." I blinked as I looked over at Gabriel. He smirked. "Besides, with you on Earth, I don't have to drag you here every other week because you're in trouble again!" I glared at him and tried to tackle him but he disappeared. I really have to get him to teach me how to do that. Why do I have to be the youngest and the most untalented one?


[1] - Yuki Hyou means Snow Leopard. I thought it was cute anyway.

[2] - No one's ever really tried to give Gabriel a hair and eye color, but for the purpose of this story I had to have one, so I gave him an odd combination, blonde hair and brown eyes. Normally it's blonde hair blue eyes, or brown hair and brown eyes. I personally have brown hair and blue eyes. Strange ne?


Chapter 2:

Pleasures in Life: Trees in autumn, Reaching a goal, and Colors of spring. T.B.C.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ In Heaven *~*~*~*~*~*~*~

        Sarah was half asleep when she heard a familiar voice calling her name from outside of her window. Groaning she rolled over within her bed and opened one eye slightly. Her window that faced outside showed nothing that disturbed the peaceful world outside of the home she shared with her friends. Suddenly a face appeared at her window.
        "Abunasa, what are you doing out there? It's nearly two o'clock in the morning!" The angel thief called Abunasa shook his mane of long silvery-white hair out of his face and chuckled.
        "You know you missed me. I came to see you koibito. Is that a crime these days?" Sarah shook her head slightly wishing that he'd choose better hours to come and see her. She got out of bed, draping the sheet of the bed around her, and walked over to the glass door that led to her balcony. Unlocking it she slid it open and walked out to meet Abunasa.
        "You know what will happen if you're caught don't you?" Sarah asked as Abunasa leaned in to capture her lips with his. Abunasa just chuckled.
        "Of course I know what will happen, but I'm prepared to take that risk for you koi. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine, you just worry about yourself." He stroked her cheek [1]. Sarah turned her head slightly, so that he was touching her lips. He smiled and tried to capture them again. But Sarah moved her head so that his kiss ended up on her cheek.
        "You seem distracted, what's the matter koi?" Sarah looked thoughtful for a moment before answering.
        "I guess I'm just worried about Kathryn. She didn't return home after she was summoned to God's throne room. I'm just worried that she's been turned into a dark angel. Or even worse a fallen angel." Abunasa sighed.
        "I'll go check on it after I've visited with you for a while." Even the Thief Angel knew Sarah's protectiveness of the younger angel. His chocolate brown eyes showed sincerity, a trait that wasn't often seen within the Thief Angels, for many were merciless and cruel to the other angels, humans, and the other races that occupied Earth's surface.

        Holly rolled over onto her side trying to find sleep, but sleep evaded her. Sighing she rose from her bed and exited her room. Walking quietly down the hall, she reached a door that was closed, a note on the door proclaiming the room's occupant. She opened the door slightly. The sight of an empty room greeted her tired eyes. She couldn't sleep because her young friend wasn't home. Actually it was the fact that she had gone somewhere and not told her that bothered the elder angel.
        Kathryn rarely did anything without the elder angel's permission, knowing that the angel woman would worry over her safety until she was safely back in the woman's sight. Holly thought back to the last time Kathryn had been summoned to God's throne room (which wasn't actually that long ago).

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Flashback *~*~*~*~*~*~*~

        Kathryn was sitting in the living room reading. The act in itself wasn't that unusual, the unusual part about it was she was reading the book upside down. Holly knew instantly that she had been up to trouble again. Every other week Kathryn grew bored of the quiet life angels' led. To relieve her boredom, Kathryn would sneak out and do something that she shouldn't (like slip into the human heaven and remain there for several hours). She would then return to the home she shared with her elder friends, and attempt not to get caught. Unfortunately, she always was.
        "Kathryn, what have you done this time?" asked Holly. Kathryn looked up slightly.
        "What do you mean Hollow? I've been here all day." Holly knew this couldn't be the truth for Kathryn didn't meet her eyes.
        "Kathryn if you tell me, maybe I can help you not get in so much trouble," she tried thinking that the younger angel would confess. No such luck.
        "I told you, I haven't done anything for once it was not my fault!" The younger angel suddenly realized what she had said and clapped a hand over her mouth and refused to say more. Holly sighed and waited as Gabriel showed up and led the younger angel off to God's throne room again.

        Several hours later the young angel returned and looked like she had been crying. Holly's motherly instincts rose instantly thinking that younger one had gone to play after her "trial" with God, and someone had made a rude remark or gesture.
        "Kathryn, are you okay? What happened? Who was mean to you? I'll get God to punish them if they hurt you." Holly said in one breath, but the younger just shook her head violently from side to side. "Why not? God deserves to know if someone's been teasing you. oh it was God who made you cry?" The younger shook her head yes. Holly wrapped her arms around the smaller form of the other angel. Kathryn buried her head within Holly's chest. With a strength that very few would have thought the Vengeance Angel possessed, Holly lifted her young charge from the ground and carried her into the living room.
        'She could pass for an 1100 year-old angel, instead of a 1754 year- old,' thought Holly as she looked at the angel she held cradled in her arms.
        "Why don't you tell me what happened and maybe I can get God to change your punishment." She knew that it was poor try but maybe just maybe.
        "It was Russ's fault! He decided that life was too boring and wanted to stir up trouble. I didn't mean to get involved but he saw me when I was looking for Scarlet (her pet Pegasus), and told me I owed him a favor and was to help him. I couldn't say no, I just couldn't but I didn't realize what he wanted to do until we were standing in front of Gabriel's horn. He wanted to. to borrow. to borrow the horn and not tell Gabriel. I. I tried. I tried to stop him but. but he. he said if I told anyone, especially Gabriel, he'd. he'd. he'd get me turned. turned into. into. into." At this point Kathryn collapsed into tears. Holly waited patiently for her to continue, her heart filling with dread.
        "He said he'd get me turned into a fallen angel. But the alarm started sounding as he grabbed the horn, and grabbed it and me and ran. But the place was already surrounded by other angels, come to see what was going on. I tried to pull. pull away from him. but. but I couldn't. I wasn't strong enough. I couldn't escape his grasp. When he saw all of the angels outside he shoved the horn into my hands and dragged me outside saying that he had caught me trying to steal Gabriel's horn. I tried to tell them that I was innocent, but his older brother was in the crowd and wouldn't believe me.
        "I tried to tell God at in his throne room, but Wayne kept cutting me off, and finally convinced God that I had acted on my own will to help his brother. I couldn't deny that I hadn't for I know God sees everything but I also thought that he would understand that I didn't realize what Russ was doing. But he decided that I needed to be punished instead of Russ, the little ummm, and wouldn't let me explain!"


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