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Chapter1: Krista


Tears slipped down the little girl’s face. She turned away as the people smiled and hugged the little girl they had chosen. Once again, she hadn’t been adopted, and she was running out of time. The orphanage had said that after her 13th birthday she would be sent to a foster care system. She was 12 and her birthday was in two days. Krista Eralace Wolfe was running out of time. It wasn’t like she wasn’t pretty, because she was, with her gray-blue eyes and black hair gave her an exotic look. Her pale skin finished the look. Yet, there was something about her that made her scare people off.

When she had asked about her parents, the people who ran the orphanage had said that her parents had left her on their doorstep. She had never seen her parents but she had a feeling it had been against their will to leave her on the doorstep of an orphanage. But she was running out of time. No one would be coming within the next two days to adopt a child, of that she was certain. Holding back the screams of anger that was bursting to get out, she ran towards the room that she shared with the other girls. She watched through the window as the people and the little girl went to their car and drove away.

“It’s not fair! It SHOULD be ME who’s in that car, not HER!” her screams made the already shaky windows rattle and several panes of glass fell out and shattered at her feet. Her eyes became more cat-like, turning amber in the process, and a pair of silver/gray wolf ears poked out of her hair. It was her worst kept secret, she was a demon, half wolf and half cat demon to be truthful. That’s why she felt that her parents had been forced to give her up. It was forbidden for demons to mate outside of their own kind (or that’s what she had read anyways) and there were strict laws preventing it within some kinds.

“Calm down kitty.” She whirled angrily around to come face to face with a boy who looked to be 14 or 15. “What is a neko doing in a dump like this?” he asked looking bored.

“If you can’t tell I’m a half neko. My mother was a neko, and my father was a wolf demon. But why should I be telling you that. You’re just a human.” She shot at him glaring.

“Actually, I’m not human but I didn’t expect you to be able to tell that.” He shrugged, “anyways it doesn’t matter what you are. You aren’t going to be here for much longer anyways.” She glared at him.

“Who are you anyways? I’ve never seen you around here.

“Who I am, you will know very soon, but for now I’m must bid you farewell.” He turned and walked out the door. She ran after him but he was nowhere in sight. She frowned, turned, and returned to staring out of the window silently fuming.

Chapter 2: Away

Official Report #4065

Subject Name: 04332435 (Krista Eralace Wolfe)
Species: Neko-hanyou/ Inu-hanyou
Eye color: gray-blue
Hair color: black
Reason for Dismissal from Home: Subject refused to acknowledge the fact that she was in a house full of humans.
Suggestions: Dispose of this one immediately, for she will never accept that she is a reject of the demon world.

Foster Agent: Sarua Mehoiroa

“Krista, do you know why you were returned here?” asked Sarua Mehoiroa, the foster agent in charge of Krista’s foster histories/placements.


“Because I strayed into the moonlight, and it revealed my true form.” The voice of the 15 year-old girl was dull, without any emotion what so ever. She was being sarcastic, for moonlight didn’t show her true form, only her anger. But she had stopped showing emotions long ago.

“Krista, you know that moonlight doesn’t show your true form, only your anger. So admit that you lost your temper, and I might be able to find you another foster home. If you don’t admit it, do you know what they’re going to do with you? They’re going to give you the lethal injection, and put you down.” Exasperation and suppressed anger dripped from ever syllable that Sarua spoke.

“I did not lose my temper. I got mad because I was being stuck with an inferior race!” Krista’s silver/gray wolf ears stood straight up on her head and her eyes became that inhuman amber that revealed her emotions.

“Krista, you have to live with humans because you are an outcast in the demon world!” Sarua’s butterfly-like wings spread out displaying a multitude of shades of red, the sign that she was angry.

“WHY CAN’T YOU FIND A FAMILY WILLING TO ACCEPT ME THAT ARE DEMONS? I KNOW THERE ARE SOME FAMILIES THAT ARE MADE UP OF HALF BREEDS!” Krista howled at Sarua. Before Sarua could answer, a gentle knock came on the door. The door opened to reveal a young woman, probably no older than twenty-three or twenty-four.

“I’m sorry, am I interrupting anything? I just wanted to know if you had possibly found a half-breed that I could foster for a while,” the woman’s voice seemed to float like music on the wind. You could tell that she wasn’t human from the way she held herself gracefully and the way she talked.

“Ah, Lady Doriimu, I’m afraid I haven’t, I’ve been having to clear up the mess that this one made at her last home. I’m afraid that I won’t have time until next…” she trailed off for Lady Doriimu was looking at her calmly.

“Perhaps I could take this one for a while,” she suggested kindly. Krista looked the woman over. She was no more than 5’6” tall, and seemed to have something about her that made you give into what she asked of you. Dark brown hair with pale red/gold streaks almost hid the silver-blue eyes that seemed to hold one transfixed when looking directly into them. She was dressed in a robe of gold making her look like Kinseiten, or Venus.

“But… this one’s last chance was this human family, she has to be…” Sarua couldn’t finish her sentence because those eyes had captured her.

“I understand you give your children a certain number of chances, but if you would, I would like you to give this child one more chance. Just one. If I do not like her behavior, you can do what you please with her, but if I like her, I shall adopt her and take her off of your hands forever.” Lady Doriimu said not giving Sarua a chance to say no. “Gather your stuff dear, you will come with me when I leave today.” She turned and started to leave the room.

“If you’re going to take then you have to sign the forms.” Sarua had found her voice at last.

“Of course I will,” was the serene reply. Lady Doriimu waved her hand and a form appeared in Sarua’s hand. “There you are my dear.” She exited the room as quietly as she had come, Krista trailing after her.

“Thank you Lady Doriimu,” said Krista quietly, for it seemed that was about as loud as she could speak without seeming rude or unused to a woman of Lady Doriimu’s status.

“Don’t worry about it my dear. But please call me Sora, Lady Doriimu is only when I do business.” She smiled. “Now why don’t you tell me a little about yourself?” she asked as she held open a door on a limo.

“My name is Krista Eralace Wolfe, I am a half cat/half wolf demon. I lived in an orphanage until I turned 13. Then I was entered into the Foster program. Unfortunately, all attempts to place me with a family have failed thus far.” Krista stopped to take a breath, and Sora smiled.

“Well I’m afraid I’m the only one in my family, but I’d like to keep you if you don’t mind,” Sora said with a small laugh. Krista smiled and nodded. For the first time in a long time, she felt as if she belonged, yet in the back of her mind, she realized this woman reminded her of that boy who had visited her nearly 3 years ago.

He watched as Krista got into the limo of Lady Sora Doriimu. “Good, at least I know you are out of danger for now, but you still have a long way to go before you can be accepted into the demon races.”

Chapter 3: Shimmer

“Sir I’m sorry, I couldn’t dispose of her. I was getting ready to but that stupid woman… that stupid whatever she is, took her out of my grasp before I could,” Saura said bowing before a throne. On the throne sat a man who seemed to be angered beyond words. His raven black hair was streaked with indigo and the raven wings that graced his back spread to their full extent as she spoke the last part of her words. His midnight blue eyes held no mercy behind the bangs of raven black.

“That stupid woman is smarter than you give her credit for Saura. And she is my twin, my opposite, and my enemy. And in letting her take that child away with her, you destroyed my last chance to claim my sister’s throne! You fool! You think I am going to let you live?” He raised his staff as if to strike her.

“Please sir, I know I have failed, but your sister has promised that if she is not happy with the behavior of the girl, she will return her to the foster care system. And then I can strike,” Saura pleaded. She knew the chances were slim but she still had to try, she had to live.

“ I know my sister. She will not return that child, not if she knows how important she will be in the near future. No, I shall allow you to live, but you will not be sent out again. You will stay here with me until I deem you worthy of returning and destroying my sister and that child.” He motioned for two guards to come and gather the woman up. “Your new chambers shall be in the dungeon, and you shall be punished. Saura, I do not tolerate those that fail to follow instructions. You are special for living.” He turned away. “Take her away.” The guards dragged her away.

“Corbin, do you really think your sister will know how important this girl is?” came a female’s voice from the shadows.

“Not right away, Brenna, but she will find out… one way or another my sister will find out.” Corbin turned towards the woman. She was pale skinned, violet-eyed with hair of midnight black. Her wings were different than his only by the silver feathers at the base of them. She smiled and walked over to him and kissed him.


Sora watched Krista with interest as they approached her home. She wasn’t married, even though her brother had tried to marry her off so he could get her kingdom. She smiled at the expression on Krista’s face when she saw the size of the lawn in front of the spacious castle.

Krista’s eyes widened as she saw the castle and it’s huge lawn. She turned to Sora.

“Are you a lady to the Queen?” she asked. Sora smiled and shook her head slightly.

“I’m not a lady to the Queen… I am the Queen,” Sora said. Krista’s eyes rolled back in her head and she passed out.


He darted through the trees as though it were open field. Unknown to Krista, he had been watching her ever since she was left at the orphanage. He knew her parents personally and had even been asked by them to watch over her. He knew everything about her, and her fate, and ultimately, who she would help win. Some would call him an angel but others would call him Diablo, the devil. It made no difference to him what they called him; no one knew his real name. She was his one obsession, the reason he could not return to his own kind. To know she was safe was to know that the future would come out the way he had predicted it.

He came to a glade that seemed to be deserted but he knew better.

“Come out, before I shoot,” he yelled knowing that he didn’t have his bow and arrows or even his gun. Obviously they did to.

“Come, come little brother, when are you going to learn that I can tell when you’re lying. You may be good at predicting things and making them come true, but you cannot lie well enough to save your own skin. Show yourself, Lucersa.” Lucersa almost fell out of his tree hearing his brother’s voice.

“I won’t show myself to some unworthy prat like you Nicohera.”

“Come now Lucersa, is that any way to treat your dear older bother?” Nicohera’s voice was getting closer and closer to Lucersa. Instinctively, Lucersa leapt out of the tree he was standing in. A moment later the tree was gone, burned away by his brother.

“I told you I shall not bow to you, no matter how you insist that you are the leader of our people, Nicohera. I am not your servant.” He could see his brother now, even though his brother could not see him. His brother’s dark red hair, bronze skin, and green eyes gave him a prince like look especially compared to Lucersa’s pale green hair, pale skin, and silver eyes. It was easy to see why Nicohera claimed the leadership role, beyond the fact that Lucersa was never back in his family’s village.

“I’ve been sent to collect you Lucersa, you are not to continue on this foolish mission anymore, you are not to help the Kingdom of the Dove win this war. The Kingdom of the Raven shall win, that is what I predict!” Nicohera had moved within range, without even thinking, Lucersa pulled back his arm imitating shooting something with his bow and a bow of ice and a arrow of ice appeared in his hands and ran straight into his brother’s left arm.

“Turn back Nicohera, I can see you but you cannot see me. And you won’t see me until I am ready to return to the village.” Without making a sound, Lucersa leapt into the trees and started off again, ignoring the yells of pain and curses that were yelled after him by his older brother.


With that the older woman shut the book. “It’s time for bed my children."

“But grandma,” started one little girl with silver eyes and black hair, “what happened? Did Nicohera catch up with his brother that night?” The grandmother smiled.

“So curious just like your mother, no Atera, he did not catch up with Lucersa that night.”

“But…” started Atera.
“No more buts Atera, it is time for bed, we shall read more tomorrow.”