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Roca Mia > Decorative > Decorative Trim 2

This background is a top-border, which means that there is a fixed length to the background. If your page is too long, the background will tile with the top border extending across the page. To avoid this, you can put the bgproperties="fixed" attribute in the body tag. This means the text will scroll and the background will remain in place. I also used the "pre" tag to create a space between the top border and my text.

If you don't want your background fixed, you can make a table as wide as your page to cover the tiling top-border. I made my table a little smaller so you could see how the background tiles.





bgcolor = FCF8F2
Font used for buttons: Jimbo
Font color = 991346

This table has a tile background, which can be saved like the other graphics on this page.

If you want to use any of the colors on the top border for your text, they are as follows:
blue=5881B5/ gold=D78C0F/ red=CD2D4F/ wine=9A1044/ olive green=A7B34D/ yellow=EBC232/ gray-green=6D8C6C

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