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Roca Mia > Decorative > Decorative Trim 3

This is a top-border with a fixed length of 900 pixels. If your page is longer you'll need to either put the bgproperties="fixed" attribute in your body tag or put the page on a table to cover the tiled picture which will span the page. I put this page on a table so you could see how it tiles at the bottom. I also put a "pre" tag below the body tag with 6 spaces before the "/pre" so that the text wouldn't appear on the top border.

To save these graphics to your computer, right-click on the graphic, choose "Save picture as..." and name it.




bgcolor = F0CD6D
Font used for buttons: Park Avenue BT
Font color = 060F0E

This table has a tile background, which can be saved like the other graphics on this page.

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