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Talking Heart To Heart

We sit together..although miles apart..
At times not speaking...
Yet talking with the heart...
In the dark of night..
I hear You call to me...
Deep within my soul...
Reaching out to my heart from miles away...
Knowing that now our lives are whole...
When my world seems so turned upside down...
You speak to my heart..
Letting it know You are around...
You are my life, my soul...
My most prescious treasure...
And one day we will...
Join in physical pleasure...
Not knowing when..nor where..
Nor how long it will be...
But deep within my heart..
You are always with me...
Your love feeds my soul..
Without it i would cease to live...
For it's Your love that keeps my heart alive...
That You so tenderly give...
I had built a wall..High around my heart...
You climbed it with Your ladder of love..
and tore it all apart...
I close my eyes..
You enter my mind...
A scene of such passion and desire..
I feel your touch upon me..
Setting my body on fire...
I feel Your kiss upon my lips...
I feel You inhaling my soul ..
With each and every kiss...
You are within me...
My blood, my heart, my soul...
And without You there..
I would wither and die..
I am so sure of this...
When I need You..
I call to Your soul..
I talk to You heart to heart..
So see my Love we are together..
No matter how many miles apart.

Talking Heart to Heart
Poem & Page by kalana_S