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"Indeed, a female slave is the easiest of all women to love; too, of course, she is the most natural of all women to love; these things have to do with the equations of nature, in particular with those of dominance and submission. To a man a female slave is a dream come true. A free woman, understandably, cannot even begin to compete with a female slave for a man's love." (#18 p.101)
"They all desire to be totally prisoners of love, and they will never be fully content until they become so." (#21 p.68)
"She is held in her bondage by the strongest of all bonds, that of love." (#21 p.318)
"as the love of a slave girl is the deepest and most profound love that any woman can give to a man. Love makes a woman a man's slave, and the wholeness of that love requires that she be, in truth,his slave. With nothing less can she be fully, and institutionally, content." (#25 p.31)



Special thank You to Ubar Luther
for helping me with the quotes

Page & Pictures by kalana