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Pages of Gold

She sat alone hiding within herself....
Like the antique book,
collecting dust on the shelf...
She sat and dreamed,
would her cowboy ever come?
Always listening
for the sound of hooves,
never hearing none...
Then one night, out of the blue...
In the midst of a storm,
the sounds she did hear...
Up rode a stranger,
who seemed so true...
He entered her home,
found the book on the shelf..
Blowing away the dust
the outer binder did hold...
And started turning the pages of gold...
She trembled inside with such a fear...
Cause she knew that inside
her he was growing near...
With a gentle and loving hand...
Each page as it was turned...
Creating a love
in their hearts that burned...
He learned of sorrows and heartaches...
She had suffered long past...
And offered her a love
that would forever last...
They sat together and
they turned the pages..
Developing a love...
to last for all ages!!

Page & Poem By Xan_1 aka kalana_S