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I find pleasure, joy, and fulfillment
from being submissive to another in a loving relationship.
I am not weak, or stupid.
I am a strong woman, with firm views and a clear concept
of what I want out of my life.
I do not serve out of shame or weakness,
but out of pride and strength.
I look to my loving Master
for guidance and protection, for never am I more complete
than when he is with me.
I know that he will protect my body, my mind, and my soul with his strength and wisdom.
He is everything to me, as I am everything to him.
His touch awakens me and his thoughts free me.
Only in serving him do I find complete freedom and joy.
His punishments are harsh,
but I accept them thankfully, knowing that he has my best
interests always foremost in his mind.
If he desires my body for pleasure,
I shall joyfully give it to him,
and take pleasure myself from knowing that I have brought him happiness.
However, the pleasure of the flesh
is but one facet of any relationship.
The love, the trust and sharing,
the words spoken and felt, those are all parts of this relationship.
My body is his, and if he says I am beautiful,
then I am.
No matter what I look like to others,
I am beautiful in his eyes,
and because of that I hold my head high...
for who can tell me that my Master
is wrong in seeing the beauty in me?
If he says I am his princess,
then I am that...regal and graceful.
And if I see laughter at me in the eyes of others,
I do not recognize it,
for who are they to call my Master wrong?
If he says I am his toy, his slut,
his tramp, then I am that...
as wanton and dirty as he wants me to be,
and if others do not see this,
then it is they who are blind, not my Master.
My mind is his, to expand, to explore,
to know as only he can.
I have no secrets from him...
for secrets are a thing that would keep me
from being more perfectly his.
Secrets would put a wall up between my
Master and myself...
and I do not want walls.
His lessons are not always ones
I would seek on my own, but they are lessons
he has decided I need, and so I learn from him.
My soul is his, as bare to
his touch as ever my skin could be when I kneel naked at his feet.
Never a moment goes by
when I do not feel his presence, be he miles away
or standing over me.
If I were to ever displease him,
his displeasure would be a blow to my soul,
worse punishment than any lashes could be.
The anguish of my soul
that I feel when I disappoint him is harder to bear
than the physical anguish
I feel when his belt caresses me with fire.
I spend my days knowing that
the energy and thought he puts into our
relationship is as much for my benefit as for his,
and look forward to each lovingly
crafted scene that we do together.
His part is much harder than mine,
and I know this and am grateful
that he cares enough about me to spend
his time and energy so freely on me.
I have the easier job:
to feel, to experience, to let
myself go and abandon everything to him.
I am his pleasure and his responsibility,
and he takes both seriously.
I am a submissive woman.
I am proud to call myself that.
My submission is a gift
that I do not give lightly,
and can only be given to one who can appreciate
that gift and return it tenfold.
Only to he who has that strength
will I give myself fully,
because I am strong and proud.
I am a submissive woman.

Author Unknown

Page Made By kalana_S