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~*~my Master~*~

You are kal's heart..her mind..her body..
her soul.
Thru belonging to You..Does it make
kalana feel whole.
The bond between Sartor and kalana is strong...
With love and loyalty..It will NEVER go wrong.
Your girl loves You Master..more than any words can say..
And will always be loyal..til her dying day.
Your girl does not cheat..nor does she tell lies..
Your kolar remains upon her..even after she dies

True Love
By kalana_S

Sometimes kal wishes upon a star...
And hopes this wish comes true...
If she were granted just one wish...
she would be right there with You.

Within her heart she will always smile...
Whenever You are around...
You make her heart go crazy...
Skipping beats and leaping bounds.

You chase away her deepest fears...
All that make her fret...
With all the patience of Your loving heart...
That allows her to forget.

At times it's hard to express her feelings...
But Your loving kal makes things right...
It's as if You are inside her soul...
Allowing You an insight.

With You kal feels at peace with herself...
her life finally has a true meaning...
Never leave kal, my Master girl begs...
For on You, kal is leaning.

At times we have our little fights...
And more are certain to come...
But kal wants to be right there with You...
And conquer them one by one.

We have changed each others lives day by day..
And hopefully will be year by year...
kal hopes always, within her heart..
That You will be always with her..always be near.

For my Master..Sartor
Love Your kalana
Altered 12-25-2000

This is a NCZ,NKZ.. No Capture No Kill Zone

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