先生との連絡:英文例 先生とのやりとりでよく使うかもしれない英文の例文です。他にも「こんな英文例ありませんか?」という場合はお知らせ下さい。05/21 updated
- 欠席して勉強をどうするかを問う場合([ ]内は欠席理由):
Dear Mr. Hanks(=先生),Hibari was absent yesterday because of [a family emergency]. Please let her know what she needs to do to make up her work. Thank you.
Mrs. Misora
- 宿題が何であるのかよくわからない場合:
Dear Mr. Ford,It seems that Yurie couldn't understand what you said about the homework for today. Could you please write it down for her? Thank you.
Hideaki Nitani
- 宿題のやり方がよくわからない場合([ ]内は宿題の内容):
Dear Mr. DeNiro,I'm having trouble helping Iemitsu figure out how to [solve word problems]. Could you please send me a few suggestions? Thanks.
Ieyasu Tokugawa
- 授業中の態度、宿題未提出を注意された後の確認:
Dear Ms. Roberts,Has Ichiro's attitude been appropriate this week? Is he turning in his work?
Yes No Comments?
- おとなしすぎることを心配された場合:
Dear Ms. Anderson,Kyoko still feels very anxious and needs a lot of courage when speaking English in front of others. She becomes even more nervous and discouraged when pressured to speak louder after she answered. She rather feels criticized by such comments. Her silence does not mean that she is oppositional but she needs more support to build her comfortableness and confidence to speak English. She is a sensitive child and usually takes for a while to feel secure to speak in class. I know that you may need patience but I would appreciate if you could give her positive support in this regard. Thank you very much.
Mika Kano
- 宿題が終わらなかった場合:
Dear Ms. Ryder,Makiko spent more than one hour on this homework and completed the first section. She needs more time to complete another section. Is it okay for her to turn in another section next week?
Kakuei Tanaka
- 子供に元気がないけれど登校させる場合([ ]内は理由):
Dear Mr. Pacino,Hikaru said she didn't feel well today, but I suspect she's not really sick. I think she may be worried about [our dog, who's about to have puppies]. I thought I'd let you know, just in case.
Thank you.Keiko Fuji
- 特別支援教育サービス関連:
手紙の例 (下方にスクロールダウンすると以下のリストが出てきます。各手紙サンプル名の意味を記しておきますので、このリンクしたページ上から必要な手紙例をクリックして下さい。)
- Requesting a copy of your child's records [問題提起、話し合いのリクエスト]
- Requesting an evaluation for special education services [特別支援教育の査定を初めてリクエストする場合]
- Requesting an independent evaluation [学校外での査定を公費でリクエストする場合]
- Requesting a meeting to review your child's Individualized Education Program [IEP(=個人教育プラン)の内容確認をするミーティングをリクエストする場合]
- Requesting a change in your child's placement [学習環境(教室)の変更を求める場合]
- Informing the school that you intend to place your child in a private school at public expense [公費で私立学校に通わせるつもりであることを知らせる場合]
- Requesting prior written notice [事前の連絡(手紙による通知)をリクエストする場合]
- Requesting mediation to resolve a conflict [学校側の判断に不服を申し立てる場合]
- Requesting a due process hearing to resolve a conflict [法的に学校側に不服を申し立てる場合]
- Filing a complaint with the State to resolve a conflict [州の教育局に訴える場合]